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Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - dave in glasgow


Driving back home last sunday I was the front car in long line traffic having just got to the front by safe overtaking before a left hand bend. Rounding the corner I acclerated to 60 mph the legal limit for the road.

A few hundred yards up on the right hand side was a police car turing right ie the direction I was going.

The police chased me and I did as was told and pulled over only to be told they had seen me overtake and cross a solid white line.

I refused the ticket point blank. told them that they were telling lie and that I hoped there would be justice and they burn in hell.

The passanger police offer then started giving rude had signals to me and the driver actualy called me a f*****ing dick.

No paperwork was given to me but I was arrested under caution

1: the police car was at an angle turning right on a slope so how both could even see me would be hard .and as I did not do it it impossible

2: there is no cmaera of this as big shock I did not do it

3: they called me a dick

what is the bet thing to do please as I am stunned they they can just do this.

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - FP

If the facts are strictly as related here, then whether or not the OP committed an offence, he failed the "attitude test".

"told them that they were telling lie and that I hoped there would be justice and they burn in hell" is not a good way to deal with the police.

I suggest the OP waits for further developments, and also tries to calm down a bit.

Edited by FP on 05/11/2017 at 10:36

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - daveyjp
I assume there is no solid white line anywhere near where this may have happened?

Maybe worth looking on streetview.
Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - Middleman

There's nothing you can do at this stage but to simply await developments.

Meanwhile you can consider how you will defend the allegation if it reaches court. A visit to the scene to establish just how much the police might have seen of you driving might help you decide whether defending the matter is worthwhile. I'm not being judgemental because it serves no purpose but to suggest the police were lying (even if they were) is never a good idea. You have to accept (reluctantly, I imagine) that in a situation like this they hold all the cards. If you accuse them of lying in court (should it get that far) you may be asked to explain why you think this might be so and why the court should accept your word against that of two serving police officers who have nothing to gain from their allegation.

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - RobJP

You're complaining about one of them calling you a dick, which happened AFTER you called them liars and told them you hoped they'd burn in hell ?

I think you're quite lucky you weren't tazered or tear-gassed on the spot instead.

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - TedCrilly

It amazes me, the way people abuse the Police then complain about their reactions and the outcome.

Quite frankly Sir, you deserve all you will inevitably receive and one hopes the penalty is substantial.

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - dave in glasgow


How angry would you be? I did not do the offence , had a passanger in the car that will verify this and yes I mad. What is the point in a justice system if police can simply make things up o get the numbers they need?

also when do 2 wrongs make a right? if they had not lied I would not have been angry! are also the polcie not meant to be above name calling? patrick evra just got done for reacting to name calling and he is a football player and not even the police!

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - Bromptonaut

The hard fact is that, assuming you did not cross a line, this is cock up rather than conspiracy. If you intend to go to court and defend it you should do so from POV of disproving the allegation. This will mean revisiting the site, from both your perspective and that of the police car, and trying to understand why, if you did not cross a solid line, it might look as though you did.

Can you link to a streetview of area so we have a better idea of circumstances.

If/when you're acquitted then, should the circumstances sustain such action you make a complaint to the Police.

Going in front of a magistrate (or sheriff as you're presumably in Scotland) and accusing the Police of lying has a very high probability of ending messily.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 05/11/2017 at 12:23

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - Engineer Andy

The hard fact is that, assuming you did not cross a line, this is cock up rather than conspiracy. If you intend to go to court and defend it you should do so from POV of disproving the allegation. This will mean revisiting the site, from both your perspective and that of the police car, and trying to understand why, if you did not cross a solid line, it might look as though you did.

Can you link to a streetview of area so we have a better idea of circumstances.

If/when you're acquitted then, should the circumstances sustain such action you make a complaint to the Police.

Going in front of a magistrate (or sheriff as you're presumably in Scotland) and accusing the Police of lying has a very high probability of ending messily.

The problem all of this is that it is the OP's word (and perhaps of his passenger) against a Police officer's. The OP obviously has no dashcam evidence, so the only course of action is to ask the Police (in court) to show video or photographic evidence of them commiting the offence and showing the road has either a solid line on the OP's side or a double solid line, or that the photo/video evidence whows them overtaking in an unsafe manner. I also agree with those saying that Street View would at least show if there are any solid white lines in the area in question, and the type of road being driven on (whether it was safe to overtake even if there wasn't any solid white lines down the centre).

In a he said-she said (even with the passenger [who can't be classed as an independent, unbiased witness] siding with the OP) case, the court will almost inevitably side with the Police, assuming for a conviction no photo/video evidence is needed.

I agree that the OP's belligerent attitude after being pulled over does not help, and won't be looked upon favourably by any court - they need to tell the truth in a calm, measured and above all, polite and respectful way. If they truly believe they have committed no (driving) offence, then they should consult a solicitor, who can advise them further. Might also be worth them going to the Law Forum website for some advice.

Saying all the above, I have my doubts as to the veracity of the OP's claims. Just a personal opinion based on the way they have put forward their version of events and reading similar posts from other people over the years on this forum.

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - concrete

No real way to verify the story here. The big issue seems to be the disrespect, it seems from both sides. Whatever happens you cannot afford to make an issue personal. It simply inflames the atmosphere and is counter productive. If push comes to shove and it is a simple case of your word against theirs, then under these circumstances you will lose hands down. Every magistrate/sheriff will back the police in such a case.

What you need to do is prepare a defence to prove your story. Re-run the route with a friend and a video camera. You can even put on a running commentary later. Also take good still photographs of the scenes which can be studied at length. If this goes to court your general attitude on the day will count for a lot. Firstly apologise to the police in court for your behaviour. Do you wish to be seen as a hot headed reactionary or as a nice normal citizen who, completely out of character, lost his rag at the sheer injustice of the police assertion?

Remember, you can't fight city hall!! All you can do is present the facts in the best light for your case and make it their task to prove you wrong. Not easy but very important to do.

Good luck

Cheers Concrete

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - FP

"...I have my doubts as to the veracity of the OP's claims."

Hm - maybe. I just wonder if we have the full story. It's amazing the difference a few omissions could make.

Edited by FP on 05/11/2017 at 14:28

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - scot22

Lots of excellent advice. E Andy thanks for highlighting two important words too many in society ignore, 'polite and respectful '.

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - TedCrilly

If you did not as you claim commit the offence you need to contest it. This is how our legal system works. I suggest you seek professional advice and help to achieve this.

The attitude you have displayed and continue to display towards the Police is not going to win you any support. Being polite, respectful and cooperative is often the difference between a telling off with no further action and a substantial penalty.and the associated stresses and inconveniences

Furthermore, without hearing the officers version of events you cannot reasonably expect anyone to make any sort of judgement.

Edited by TedCrilly on 06/11/2017 at 09:57

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - ExA35Owner

Two points:

1. You need to consider what benefit it would bring to the police to lie. They gain nothing from stopping you or by sending a report.So lying is pretty unlikely - indeed if they lie and are found out, they will face disciplinary charges.

2. You might be better served at the roadside or in court if you go down the line of the officers being mistaken.

Without further information (Google Street View would be a start) no-one can comment very usefully on your assertions. It's a bit of a concern that you haven't told us the location.

Ford Mondeo - stoped by lying police - HGV ~ P Valentine

Its Jan now so I assume there has been some progress.


I have to agree your attitude on the day is the biggest reason it might go to court, it does no good to argue with the police on the side of the road, right or wrong, thats what courts are for.


it is interesting you are unwillling even now to post the location, if it is true what you said then follow advice already given re run the route with a dashcam or similiar recording device, this will not prove you didnt go over the line just that it was there.


I went through a red light once because I followed hte van in front of me, anyway we both got pulled over, he went to the van in front first and i heard him argue to the police, they told him to wait and came to me, I replied to the office that i was sure it was a green shade of red, anyway he laughed and I had a smile, I gave him my details and he said thank you very much and let me go, then he went back to the van driver.

So there are 2 ways of dealing with the police, the aggressive & awkward way, or just nod your head and argue the case in court with evidence.