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Fiesta tdci - Will Carbon Clean treatment fix an injector issue? - Ebob

My gf's fiesta 1.4 tdci has had a rough idle when the engine is cold for a long time has 97k on it now. The other day it actually broke down started running extremely rough and went into limp mode was undriveable and had to be towed. We took it to our diagnostics place who have said that one injector is faulty and the other has a slight back leak. Total repair cost would be £600 which we not willing to spend as have had too many repair bills on this car.

Our garage offer Carbon Clean treatment (hook it up to a machine and run chemical clean through it) and whilst the guys they didn't recommend it for our car I saw and asked whether it could bring our injectors back at all.

The guy stated it might but obviously there are no guarantees and it costs £120 and if it doesn't work then that's 120 pounds wasted. He says if they are just blocked then it could work but if it's an electrical problem then obvious it won't do anything.

They recalibrated the injectors as part of the diagnostics and it runs OK pulls we'll just still has the lumpy idle.

What are the chances of this actually working or is their anything else to try, seems a shame to sell it off for parts of the injectors are simply dirty and sticking and could just be cleaned.

We did run some Wynn's Extreme 3 through it a year ago but did not help the idle. I thought about getting some bg244 for £20 but if we break down again cannot get towed for the same fault plus it might push more junk from the fuel tank through the injector.

Fiesta tdci - Will Carbon Clean treatment fix an injector issue? - elekie&a/c doctor

With nearly 100k miles behind it,I would say the injectors are worn out.So no amount of "miracle juice" is going to work.Don't waste your money.

Fiesta tdci - Will Carbon Clean treatment fix an injector issue? - Ebob

Thanks, I though as much...

Fiesta tdci - Will Carbon Clean treatment fix an injector issue? - gordonbennet

Be a lot cheaper to run a bottle of Forte through it, last time i used it i put half the bottle into the fuel filter (cos it was the type you could fill prior tore- fitting) and the rest in the less than half tank of fuel.

However i also run Millers Diesel Ecomax or whatever its called this week mixed into the fuel in the recommended dosage permanetly on my Diesels.

Some say these products are snake oil, you pays yer money etc, cleanign won;t fix wear but if crud is causing issues they might help clean it up.

I took my Landcruser in for injector and fuel system diagnostics couple of weeks ago, it has done 95k so wanted a diagnostics in case the injectors were showing any signs of wear as this is a long term keeper, they gave it a clean bill of health.

I don't offer this as an endorsement of Millers, i've run the stuff in my Diesels for years and never had a single fuelling problem, but then so have lots of other people (some with newer cars some with older) never had problems who have never used it either.

I would have linked to SeatCupra net where the photos of before and after tests with Millers were posted, tests done at Ricardo and Millbrook, howoever they''ve disappeared under photobuckets new policy for charging for hosting onto third party sites so lost possibly forever, unless someone else know where they can be seen?

edit...hah, just checked, i took screen shots of those pics a couple of years ago, (premonition?), so at least they arn't permanently lost, i'll just have to get round to putting them on a pic hosting site for them to be freely available again.

Edited by gordonbennet on 09/10/2017 at 21:49

Fiesta tdci - Will Carbon Clean treatment fix an injector issue? - sandy56

You can get re conditioned injectors for about £75 each, if that is all it is.

A good diesel mechanic can do some trouble shooting before you start replacing expensive items that might not need replacing.

I had all my injectors checked first, and found that they all needed to be repaired, but they were very OLD.

Fiesta tdci - Will Carbon Clean treatment fix an injector issue? - Ebob

We were quoted £160 + plus vat for the injectors, two needed replacing. £100 + vat for the labourand £40 plus vat for he seals. We have already paid 50 for he diagnostics. He said you can sometimes get injectors repaired but we wouldn't know until they were sent off and he said these are Siemens injectors which usually cannot be repaired unlike Bosch.

He said we might be able to find cheaper injectors but these come with a years warranty and if they go we would get them replaced free with no labour cost.

So it's £600 bill all in and this is the 3rd time the car has been towed to a garage in 2 years.

In two years and 25k miles has needed a coil spring, shock absorber, oxygen sensor, glow plug relay, slave cylinder + clutch kit, exhaust and now 2 injectors, and there's another 2 which could go in the not so distant future.

Never again will I get a diesel or a ford it's Japanese petrol all the way from now on.

Even my crappy Punto was better than this!

Fiesta tdci - Will Carbon Clean treatment fix an injector issue? - Galaxy

You had better hope they can get the injectors out of the head!

Fiesta tdci - Will Carbon Clean treatment fix an injector issue? - focussed

Or you could give Bob a call and see what he says.
