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Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

I really don't know how to handle the council at this stage.

4 months ago, I was parked in a kerb-mounted marked bay on my road. It was a Saturday night. I didn't have reason to use the car on the Sunday, so on Monday morning arrived to drive the car and discovered two council fines on the windscreen, each for the same offence - having my wheels outside the bay marking.

The thing is, the road is very tight and if I hadn't parked over the lines then no large vehicle such as an ambulance or fire truck could get access to the apartment blocks at the end of the road. So I took some pics and wrote a letter to the council to dispute the fines on that basis.

They did not reply to my letter. I heard nothing. I then used their online form. Nothing. I used it again, nothing.

I then moved out of the property, drove abroad on holiday, and due to some very annoying events had to scrap the car - the DVLA have been informed.

Then I got sent a letter which was forwarded to my new address. From the council reiterating the fines together with a photo stating that because I had not appealed I now owe the full amount and it will go up to £165 if I do not respond in a certain time period which has now passed thanks to the delay in forwarding.

I really don't know what to do. I really tried to communicate with the council and it has taken up a lot of my time, and now feel pretty discouraged from trying again. A part of me is saying to rip it up because it has been scrapped and it isn't in danger of being lifted by ANPR vultures.

Any advice?

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Palcouk

The fact that the road was narrow/tight has no baring, if you were outside any marked lines you commited an offence. Common sense is not something that is taken in to account.

Write back to the department that issued the increased penalty, stating you replied using the online form on xx date if you remember, and again on xx date. send this letter recorded delivery. Do not try to phone, keep a record of the post office receipt, stapled to a copy of your letter.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Bromptonaut

As others have already said the infringement was committed. You will need to rely on the Council's use of discretion given the mitigation you say exists.

The law provides for a specific sequence of events after the tickets were issued so that 28 days after the ticket you should be sent a 'Notice to Owner'. This gives the registered keeper the opportunity to make formal reresentations to the Council and if these are rejected there is a right of appeal to an independent tribunal. If the Council receives neither representations or payment within a further 28 days they issue a Charge Certificate. Unpaid Charge Certficates can be registered at the County Court Traffic Enforcement Centre opening the door to enforcement by Bailiffs.

Both the Notice to Owner and the Charge Certificate are formal legal documents and should be clearly headed/described as such.

The Coucil should have treated your post ticket letter as what are termed informal reresentations. Are you sure they didn't respond and that letter has gone astray in the move/redirection process?

From your description the item you have now received is the Charge Certificate so you need to act quickly. Write to the Council NOW explaining you made informal representations but heard nothing and ask them to suspend registration of the Charge Certificate, or it's issue if what you had is Notice to Owner, while they deal with that inquiry.

While I agree that anything formal needs to be in writing, and Council's generally insist on that, a phone call at earliest opportunity to ascertain where in the process your tickets are would be a good idea.

And for all this is frustrating don't get angry or abusive with the Council's officers. They have a job to do and if parking restrictions were not in place and enforced the situation would be intolerable.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

Wow, thanks a lot for the replies. I do accept the council have a job to do etc. but that's a bit like saying in my job I can shield behind policies and avoid common sense arguments - providing a service goes beyond frontline policy, and when it is law, that is still not the final say. I should also mention fire truck access was on my mind that week as it was the week of the Grenfell disaster.

I'm not sure it is worth all of this hassle now. The car has been scrapped, I've since well moved on geographically, and I don't think the DVLA have enough information to inhibit my future motoring. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Palcouk

Common sense has no baring on any legal finding. If you ignore the letter, matters will only esculate and penalties/costs will increase when balifs become involved and you will be chased wherver you are, its nothing to do with the DVLA or whether the car has been scrapped, any penalties/costs are against you as an individual.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Bromptonaut

A part of me is saying to rip it up because it has been scrapped and it isn't in danger of being lifted by ANPR vultures.

Just re-read and noted above. Ignoring is not an option. It will go to bailiffs, their fees will be added and you can quickly rack bill up to £5-600. They will then come to your home and go for your current car or other property. It will also be registered as a County Court judgement wwhich will show on your credit history.

For avoidance of any doubt I am not a Council Parking Official - my knowledge comes from working in the advice sector.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 07/10/2017 at 12:14

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - concrete

Has the situation gone too far to use the appeal procedure? That is usually the only way to get a judgement where discretion and common sense can be applied. Good luck.


Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

Maybe it has gone too far, I don't know.

The letter states I have 28 days from the date the letter was served to make representations or pay the £110; if I don't they may increase the fine by 50% to £165 (??) and may enforce payment.

They list ways to appeal, all of which I have tried. They state that a 'Notice of Rejection' will be issued once the appeal has been considered. I didn't receive any.

Maybe i'll try an email again. Why should I fork out for registered post on top of all the other time this has cost me.

I can understand why I've been fined and in future should try to find another space or block up the road and be responsible for human deaths when fire trucks can't get through; and that I was just unlucky with the second fine as the traffic officer didn't bother to check the initial fine on the windscreen to see if it was for the same offence in a short timeframe (18 hours).

I am willing to pay a fine, I don't have much money at the moment as am now unemployed, but as you say don't want a bad credit history or police record.

I think I will email over my frustrations and then go on their site and pay the £110 and hope that's the b***** last of it.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Bromptonaut

Right, the document you describe sounds like the Notice to Owner (NtO) I mentioned above. HAs the 28 days expired?

Not sure what you mean about list of ways to appeal all of which you've tried. From the perspective of 'the system' there are informal representations made after ticket and before NtO. You say you had no response to these.

Formal representations follow the NtO. From what you said earlier you'd not tried that route. Contact the Council NOW and explain the NtO reached you late and ask (a) what happened to your inital post ticket letter and (b) if they will re-set the time limit for formal representations.

If you need any help contact your local Citizens Advice - if you're unemployed get them to do a benefit check too.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

Thanks for the reply mate, the 28 days has passed. It's been about 47 days now, unless they mean working days.

I tried all this months ago. Tried emailing. Tried filling out online forms. Tried writing. Also phoned the council and they just put me through to an answering machine directing me to the online forms. What am I supposed to do now.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - galileo

Thanks for the reply mate, the 28 days has passed. It's been about 47 days now, unless they mean working days.

I tried all this months ago. Tried emailing. Tried filling out online forms. Tried writing. Also phoned the council and they just put me through to an answering machine directing me to the online forms. What am I supposed to do now.

Assuming this is your local council (the one you pay council tax to) their website should show who the councillors for your ward are, together with their contact details. Get one of them to take up your case.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

I filled out the online form again yesterday, probably wasting my time. Haven't paid anything yet. I'm wondering how long it takes them to respond to these generally? Not hopeful given they never responded to my previous ones.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

Still nothing from them, it said on the site they would contact me after two working days. I had another sift through the letter and it has a weblink address on it for formal representations which I just presumed was the same as the website page for appeals and paying the fine.

So I went on there and it now says it's too late and a 'Charge Notice' has been issued. This is unbelievably frustrating, is it legal to just ignore a citizen and then charge them maximum fines!!

Is it even worth sending a letter now by registered post ?

Has it gone past that point?

Edited by Free-man on 17/10/2017 at 17:58

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Bromptonaut


I explained in my first post in this thread how the enforcement process works. Becuase of the odd paper trail this case doesn't fit the usual template and filling in appeal forms etc now is not going to cut the mustard.

I suggest you visit your local Citizens Advice, taking the paperwork with you, and ask them to help you. Otherwise the next step will be that you have what is in effect a CCJ against you and probably bailiffs on your trail.

PS: Which Council is it?

Edited by Bromptonaut on 18/10/2017 at 16:01

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

It's Havering Council in Essex.

I sent a registered letter last week explaining the whole thing with a copy of previously unresponded to communications.

I've provided them with my email, mobile number, and a temporary address to contact me at.

I'm not in the country now so can't visit any citizen's advice clinics etc.

I'll pay the initial fines but no way i can pay increased charges, I don't have it and it's very unfair in the first place.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - concrete

Sounds like a right b*****s muddle. The Citizens Advice line is always worth it, however I think I would be inclined to arrange to meet your local ward councillor. He/she should be able to approach the right person at the council to find out what is the situation to date. You couldn't make it all up could you??? Sounds like an error compounded into confusion and is now a right mess. They surely must give you some credit for attempting to sort this out for such a long time. Your local councillor is definately your next port of call. Good luck and do let us know what happens.

Cheers Concrete

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - galileo

Sounds like a right b*****s muddle. The Citizens Advice line is always worth it, however I think I would be inclined to arrange to meet your local ward councillor. He/she should be able to approach the right person at the council to find out what is the situation to date. You couldn't make it all up could you??? Sounds like an error compounded into confusion and is now a right mess. They surely must give you some credit for attempting to sort this out for such a long time. Your local councillor is definately your next port of call. Good luck and do let us know what happens.

Cheers Concrete

Local councillor's help has already been suggested, with a pointer to the council website to find who this is, but the poster's last response states that he is "out of the country" so only possible by e-mail/letter. Too complex for a phone call, I'd think.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - concrete

Well spotted galileo. I suppose it does make things more difficult if the OP is abroad.

Cheers Concrete

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

Just to update to all who are interested and commented on this thread. I was taken into hospital with a heart attack last week and today checking my emails got an email acknowledgement from them at long long last. Stating I just need to pay the fine which I have now done. Glad the drama is over, one less stressor now. Still, thanks for your support all who commented.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - concrete

Sorry to hear of your health problems Free-man. I wish you a speedy recovery. At least this is over and as you say one less thing to occupy your mind at a difficult time.

Good luck. Cheers Concrete

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - FP

Yes - sorry to hear about your medical emergency.

I have of course no idea of your medical history or age, but it is amazing what doctors can do these days, especially with people who have heart problems.

I had a friend who had several heart attacks, by-pass surgery and eventual heart failure, and he managed to live for years afterwards, despite ignoring his consultant's advice regarding diet, exercise and alcohol. I put it down to the effectiveness of drug therapy.

If you follow your doctor's instructions I'm sure you'll be fine.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

Just an update on this and please any advice if possible.

Can you believe it. Thought this was all done and dusted. Got a call from bailiffs the other week, apparently it went to court despote me sending the registered letters and paying the requested settlement. They messed up and never addressed the second fine, so it ran on, that had been my worry. The bailiff weren't interested in my story and demanded £600 off me over the phone saying there is a warrant out for it.

Very very stressed again by this. I would imagine my credit has been destroyed by this now, and although the lady said there has not been a CCJ on it, that is the next step.

I am wondering if there is any advice, am considering going to a solicitor as this is an absolute disgrace.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Bromptonaut

The bailiff is never interested in your story. His job is to get the money and anyway he's heard it all before.

Solicitor is one option but local Citizens Advice might be a no cost 'starter for ten'.

www.nationaldebtline.org/ has factsheets etc on dealing with bailiffs.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Avant

If you have evidence that you paid both fines you should be in a strong position: you could ask to see someone at the council offices and prove to them that you've paid in full.

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - galileo

If you have evidence that you paid both fines you should be in a strong position: you could ask to see someone at the council offices and prove to them that you've paid in full.

I seem to remember that the OP was out of the country, is this still the case?

Edited by galileo on 18/03/2018 at 09:52

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Free-man

No I am back in the country. Going to try Citizen's advice tomorrow if i can get 5 minutes away from my desk without someone yelping.

Should I arrange to meet a council representative face-to-face? How would I do that? Would I need to write a letter?

Ford Fiesta - Really frustrated by Council - Bromptonaut

No I am back in the country. Going to try Citizen's advice tomorrow if i can get 5 minutes away from my desk without someone yelping.

Should I arrange to meet a council representative face-to-face? How would I do that? Would I need to write a letter?

Give CA a call first to determine how local service works. Although there's national branding etc it's a federation of local charities. Services and times they operate at each office are dependent on funding and availability of advisors - the vast majority of whom are unpaid volunteers.

Before contacting them try and piece together the history of both tickets and payments etc you've made. Get the paperwork for each of them seperately and in date order. See my post on 02/10/17 which explains the sequence of notices that are issued and their formal titles. If you've got the notices etc for each ticket in order it will make the advisors task much easier.

One thought; have you paid any additional charges over and above the basic fine? If a charge notice has issued and been registered at the Traffic Enforcement Centre the sum due will escalate significantly.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 18/03/2018 at 12:33