it is incredible ( sorry snipping again ) how little people understand.
First, there are 3 types of land
1 private where the public would not ordinarily have access.
2 Private land where the public would ordinarily have access, usually supermarkets, public not private car parks ( must be gated and secured to be classed as totally private ), ind est etc.
on the first you can do what you like providing you ahve the permission of the owner, you dont need a icense or any paperwork to operate any vehicle.
The 2nd and 3rd are exactly the same, and the usual public highway rules apply.
Now let me get rid of 1 myth for you all, you are only insured, no metter what the insurance company, no matter what the policy, and this applies to business veh insurance as well as non business vehicle insurance to drive a vehicle for licensed holders only. if you are not licensed to drive the vehicle then you are not insured to drive it on a public road or private road where the public would ordinarily have access. ( this applies if it is gated and the gate is left unlocked or not secured from access by some other means.
I am surprised you have not been arrested already. the insurance will not pay unless you lie about what happened.
Charges you face ..
Driving without insurance .. You will be banned from driving, and at the end of it you will have to reapply for your license back, you will also have to sit an extended test, and expect a heavy fine. The owner of the car that allowed you to drive uninsured will also face charges, and expect your insurance to hit the roof.
It’s illegal to drive a vehicle on a road or in a public place without at least 3rd party insurance.
Even if the vehicle itself is insured, if you’re not correctly insured to drive it you could get penalised.
Penalties for uninsured drivers:
The police could give you a fixed penalty of £300 and 6 penalty points if you’re caught driving a vehicle you’re not insured to drive.
If the case goes to court you could get:
The police also have the power to seize, and in some cases, destroy the vehicle that’s being driven uninsured."