The choices:.
1. You may be able to buy and then sell a year later for more than you paid. Possible only for those who have the time and knowledge to inspect several vehicles and negotiate a good deal.
2. Bangernomics (10+ years old, 100k or more on clock) tends only to work if you have a network of places to go to get it fixed, diy skills and luck. Not so good if you value reliability or are reliant on transoprt.
3. For a small family car (Asrtra Focus etc) - buy a one year old base model and run for the next 8-10 years. Depreciation will be about £1000pa. Minimal repairs for the first 5 years and should be lowish thereafter if it has been maintained and driven with restraint.
4. A five or six year old car for about £4000 will be worth nothing after 8-10 years assuming it does bot expire in the process. At the 5-6 year mark repairs may be £2-500 each year typically for exhausts, suspension and sterring components, battery etc etc.
So unless you have the specialist knowledge for (1) or (2) above, (3) or (4) are the options. Personally for the sake of £2-300 a year over the ownership I would go for (3), but if cost is the overriding factor then (4).