Having yet another problem with my focus. Have to say it's the worst car I've ever owned.
So 3 weeks ago it decides it's not going to start. Won't even crank, gets RAC out and yep started 1st time. Got a number of error codes
U1900, CAN Communication bus fault - receive error
U2510, CAN Invalid data for vehicle security
P0020, Intake Camshaft position actor circuit/open (bank 2)
Advised by RAC whilst it's running take straight to garage so off I went to RAC approved garage who had my car 4 days, could not find a fault and suggested might need auto electrician but could be economical write off. Now I'm not a wealthy person and I had literally made my final payment on this pos the previous month.
Took it home and playing nice except once then we've had wall to wall sunshine until Friday. That seemed to bring the problem on so in the intervening weeks I've made some observations on threads so tried one fix - slap the dashboard. Yep that clears the fault.
What actually happens is I will get engine systems fault then steering assist failure, sometimes it might show something about the brake light then reduced acceleration. This can happen at any point after starting. So Friday it played up during the heavy rain. Didn't use Saturday, Sunday not a thing wrong, Monday am fine then it rained and the fault came back. Today fine again am and played up this evening.
Slapping the dashboard clears it and it goes back to normal for varying amounts of time from a few seconds to clear completely.I'm fairly confident it's the instrument cluster and I'm booked into ford main dealer so question is what cost am I looking at? Can they repair there or will it be a replace job? Does the £99 cluster repair still stand or is it now "wear and tear"
I am so fed up with this car!