The law :
Under the Consumer Rights Act, if a fault develops within the first 30 days, you may reject the car and receive a FULL refund (note that car tax is not part of the purchase, so you will not receive full refund on that from DVLA).
You do not HAVE to reject the car, you MAY choose to accept a repair instead. But it is YOUR choice - not the choice of the selling garage.
However, do note that if the repair then fails a couple of months later, and you then chose to reject the car, you'd go into the second part of rejection under the CRA, which is ...
From month 1 to 6 months of purchase, if a fault appears, you must give the selling garage one opportunity to rectify. If the repair fails, you MAY (again, your choice) reject the car, and receive a refund. The selling garage is entitled to deduct money from the refund for 'reasonable use' that you've had of the car.
In practice, the deduction levels for 'reasonable use' will need to be established by the courts in the case of disputes.
My personal recommendation : reject it. Tomorrow. Get it back to them (your responsibility, at your cost) along with all paperwork, keys, handbooks, and a letter detailing your rejection under CRA, and explaining that you expect a refund within 7 days. No refund within 7 days, contact them, giving them another 48 hours, and then go for the throat (Trading Standards, etc)