I'm having problems with esp on my car. Recently changed front wheel bearings an had a faulty wheel speed sensor p500. Changed bearings but changed sensor at a later time. Still have a p500 ( left front).
The car's abs pump works, it brakes the wheels and unlocks them to maintain direction, abs works slowly at low speed and asr works by fully braking the the sliping wheel ( with greates shoks ) but doesen't control the car to stabilize it. Befor changing the sensor, the speed on the dash was showing haoticly droping and rising.
I know that the signal wire is not at fault and I'm lookig for a uncapatible wheel speed sensor.
My car was fitted with ATE and since the had a habbit of failng, I purchased one that is DELPHI but I'm thinking that the parts shop sent a wronk part, something for cars wnfitted with esp.
Can anyone help me identify if this is a comatible part for vehicles with ESP.
DELPHI SS20095 BARCODE: 5012759459720
The old part was a ATE 0711-5133.3
Thank you!