There is going to be no end to this for years to come, these are just the opening salvos in the coming war and make no bones about it we are at war, and the only reason we in Britain have been spared the recent attcks is due to that moat all around us, and to our security services.
Fiddling about wondering how we can make the weapon of current choice more difficult for the terrorist is just more fiddling whilst Rome burns.
There's a very good way of making lorries less easy to ambush, that is to allow the driver to protect themselves, but oh goodnees me no we can't let the innocent have guns, only criminals can carry guns machetes and knives.
We are at war ladies and gents, and sooner or later it will be our turn here, our security services have to win every time year in year out, the terrorist only has to win once, and no shortage of cannon fodder terrorists, the German Leader might as well have laid out the red carpet for them, how ironic and tragic that the destruction of free Europe might once again be the fault of German leader, you would think they'd remember what happened last time.
The western war machine is very much to blame for starting this, and our own elected eager tail wagging poodle (three times on the trot Blair) leaders doing their best to join the US and their middle eastern paymaster's bidding in re-arranging the middle east to suit themselves.
Who knows what the end game is, our very way of life in Europe is going to change beyond all recognition in the next three decades, ironically so many of our liberal snowflake generation are protesting for and welcoming their own destruction, i wonder, as they age if they will realise how they were duped.
A terror win (if you can call murder like this by some piece of filth a win) in the grand scheme of things doesn't compare with the wins the security services have every week of every year, but each atrocity closes the door that bit more on all our freedoms, so the effects on us in the west, who the people who carry out these attacks despise...not the freebies and handouts magnified ten fold each time.
A horrible tragedy for the victims and their families, but it won't change a thing, Merkel will spout a few platitudes but will still be re-elected, we'll have more Europe, more open borders, more terrorists imported, and their answer to the terrorists will be to arrest a few faceache posters who say or think the wrong thing about those who carry out these attacks and seek to censor and ultimately destroy alternative news in cahoots with like minded euro leaders, you couldn't make it up.
Until we stop pussyfooting around appeasing those who hate us, this will only get progressively worse, until we in the west surrender, and it will be we because Brexit as should be happening isn't going to, onlt time will tell if our nation has the guts to sack the gvt for utter failure in the next general election.
Putting more electronics on the lorry isn't going to make a scrap of difference.