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Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699

No problems in 11 years, one day half the power dissapears. Everything in the car works perfectly, gears, electrics engine etc. but little power.
Tested the electrics, no odd noises or anything else.

I change the oil anually, and plugs every 3 years.

One mechanic said he though the transmition waas faulty, in 'safe mode', keeping it from functioning normally, but another mechanic said this was unlikely as there was no warning light. I checked the tranny fluid, it was at the right level and quite clean.

The car drives fine, but just slowly.

Any ideas?

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - SLO76
Is it an auto?
What's the mileage?
Which engine?

Edited by SLO76 on 19/12/2016 at 01:00

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699




Everything on the car works perfectly, gears, engine, electrics etc., it just that it suddenly lost 50% power.

Many thanks

Edited by t87699 on 19/12/2016 at 09:25

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - SLO76
It's possible the torque converter is failing but It's more likely to be a blockage in the exhaust strangling the engine. Any rattles coming from the exhaust? A catalyst breaking up could cause power loss. These engines are known for stretched timing chains also which would put the timing out and again cause rough running and power loss. Any rattling from the chain? Have you had anyone check for fault codes?
Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699
Thanks for the advice There are no odd sounds or any other peculiarities I'll chase this up and see if I can find the fault. I do like my dear ol' Micra

Edited by t87699 on 19/12/2016 at 12:15

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - SLO76
They're great wee cars, far superior to the Indian built replacement that was designed for third world markets not Europe. Renault thought they'd get away with flogging a cheaply made substandard car here for similar money and rightly got a slap in the face from UK buyers.

The biggest problem I encounter with Mk II/III's is that people buy them because of Nissan's reputation for reliability then they treat it like white goods by running it until it breaks, rarely if at all servicing the thing. I see them all the time with no service history, oil like treacle but kept immaculate inside and out by owners with little or no mechanical sympathy. Usually accompanied by a rattling timing chain.
Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699

That's interesting.

It seems like the gearbox has gone.

I can just get rid of it, or sink £500 into putting a 2nd hand one in -- what do you think?

I thought I was getting a good Japanese brand that would last, I assume its the Renault parts that mean this is not built to last.

My K11 was incredible, built like a tank.

I was thinking of getting a new Micra, but from what you're saying, perhaps I'll avoid the latest models and go back to Toyota.

Edited by t87699 on 19/12/2016 at 17:57

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - Fernando P

The chain camshaft driven engine and auto torque converter gearbox are Japanese made. If you are concerned about the auto gearbox, you should first of all contact a member of www.fedauto.co.uk. who know what they are doing, in my experience. I have no connection with them btw.

Edited by Fernando P on 19/12/2016 at 19:45

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - SLO76
I'd certainly be wanting a second opinion. A faulty gearbox wouldn't cause a power loss, a failing torque converter could but there's a high likelihood it's something less complex or costly.

I've had customers and friends tell me all sorts of stories about garages trying to coin money off them for unnecessary work. One girl called me to say a local garage had told her she needed a new gearbox in her 6yr old Fiesta. A quick look and listen under the bonnet and the noise they said was a ruined gearbox (they quoted £1k to replace it!) was in fact a faulty water pump. I arranged for it to be fixed for £60.

Another was told he needed a new torque converter on his Astra after complaining about power loss. Turned out to be a catalyst that had broken up and blocked the exhaust. Fixed for a fraction of the price he'd been quoted.

Could go on but you get the picture.

As for updating for the newer model. Don't. It's utter garbage. The UK built Note is a much better bet and quite cheap thanks to its awkward styling.

The new Micra due out shortly looks great but is nothing more than a Renault Clio underneath, it's even built on the same factory.
Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699

Thanks for the info.

Yes - you are right. Looking back over the last 30 years, there are several times when a mechanic has told me I need a new, expensive gearbox, when in fact it needed a small repair or there was nothing wrong.

One guy in California almost sold me a £1000 box, it turned out the transmition fluid was low.

I once ownded a Renault, the only words I can say are 'Never again!', I'll give the new Micra a miss.

The mechanic this morning said it was unlikely to be the gear box, it just wasn't getting enough power so wasn't shifting down. Other mechanics swear the box needs replacing.

One last question:

Should I have a Nissan dealer diagnose it?

Are they better than independents to find the problem, or are they likely to exagerate to get an expensive repair?


Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - SLO76
I'd dodge the main dealer on an old car like this, a good independent is your best bet to keep an old low value motor like this viable. Ask around among friends and family for local recommendations.
Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - SLO76
Another possibility on these is the mass airflow sensor, which is inside the throttle body. Though i'd've thought it would flag up with an engine management light.
Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699

Thanks for the info

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699


It turned out to be the rear lights causing LIMP mode. Mechanics told me I definately needed a new gear box, but it was just a few light bulbs.

Why Nissan couldn't put a warning light for this I cannot imagine - probably the Renault electrics.

Very happy at not having to spend all this money or trash the car.

Thanks for your help.

Edited by t87699 on 23/12/2016 at 09:25

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - SLO76


It turned out to be the rear lights causing LIMP mode. Mechanics told me I definately needed a new gear box, but it was just a few light bulbs.

Why Nissan couldn't put a warning light for this I cannot imagine - probably the Renault electrics.

Very happy at not having to spend all this money or trash the car.

Thanks for your help.

A new one on me this... A wiring fault in tail lights causing it to go into limp home? Suppose a duff Earth can cause some strange maladies in older motors though. Glad you got it fixed cheaply, hope it runs for many years to come.
Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - nortones2

Who diagnosed the real cause of the fault? Seems quite a coup!

Edited by nortones2 on 23/12/2016 at 11:08

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699


Actually it was a suggestion on the Micra enthusiasts website. This model has a rear light/ limp mode fault. I guess you have to know the car to look for it.

There wasn't a fault, it just cut power when the rear break lights blew.

I really don't think Nissan would have designed this feature so badly, and put it down to Renault's famously bad design and bad electrics.

Still, its a great little car and I hope it will last many more years. I've been driving Micras for almost 20 years and they have been just superb.

My thanks to the good people of Sunderland who did such a marvelous job making it.

Withuot the help of the people on this and the Micra site, I would be installing a new gear box now.. instead of just 3 light bulbs.

Edited by t87699 on 24/12/2016 at 10:01

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - elekie&a/c doctor

So,how long have you been driving around with no brake lights??

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - madf

I test my brake lights when stopped in traffic - look at the car behind lit up..

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - skidpan

We had 2 K12 Micras and we did have a rear bulb fail once. But it did not put the car into limp mode.

I can only presume that this must happen when all the rear bulbs fail and if you carry out regular checks you would never get to that point.

Well done Nissan. A great safety feature to prevent owners who do not take essential checks seriously from carrying on driving with a faulty car.

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - hardway

Pretty sure corsa's have a similar system on the auto box varients.

if there's no brake light function there's no crank function so no starting.

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - focussed

Aree you going to take it back to the muppet who diagnosed the fault as a faulty gearbox and watch his face as you tell him it was a fault with the rear lights?

Nissan Micra K12 2005 - Sudden power loss - Any clues? - t87699

Well, there were quite a few muppets who said it was the gear box.

I don't really blame them, you'd have to be a Micra expert to know about this particular feature on this particular model.

The design bad and perhaps typical of awful Renault, of which I have experienced. Yes, its good to go into Limp mode when the rear lights bulbs go, but no not a good idea to do it without a fault light coming up.