Hi all.
A while back where I went into the back of another driver who was stationary in the road waiting to turn right. At the time I was observing some idiot driver in the rear view mirror, then looked round to see this car in front of me which I then hit on the left hand rear of the car.
Both of us walked away from our cars but the other driver had some blood coming Fromm his mouth and was eventually taken away in ambulance (fully conscious and mobile I might add)
At the scene, no attempt was made to establish my speed, alcohol level or weather or not I was on the phone. Not that any of the latter was an issue but just trying to paint the picture.
Any way, I've now received a court summons for careless driving with a police statement saying "the driver failed to notice the car in front and as a result coursed serious injury and damage to another vehicle.
I pleaded guilty by post within a week of the summons coming through. Based on this, would any one have an idea of the type of sentence I would most likely get?