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Peugeot 308 1.6 Hdi - Anti pollution fault - James Birch
I'm a newbie ere and would be grateful of ur advise the anti pollution light is comin on our car and it keeps cutting out its a 2008 I am aware of this warning light comin on cos of a dpf fault or lack of additive, but after checking I found that there was no dpf fitted or any elloyd (additive) tank/bag fitted I think it's called that anyway. We AV ad this car for bout 4 year now and not ad any problems like this in the past, I gave it a full engine service and the problem seemed to go away fa maybe 3 days and then today at possibly the worst place ever (big roundabout just off motorway) boom the problem was back it started juddering and cut out again and the message was back and mil light was on Managed to get home but took ages cos kept going into limp mode and juddering and cutting out then it'd clear and could get abit further. As anyone else come across this problem or no how I could cure it any suggestions would be greatly appreciated many thanks. James
Peugeot 308 1.6 Hdi - Anti pollution fault - elekie&a/c doctor

Before throwing loads of money and parts at this,I would suggest you change the fuel fillter.Get a genuine or top quality part,not one of those happy shopper products.I had the exact same problem on a 307 and a new filter fixed it.

Peugeot 308 1.6 Hdi - Anti pollution fault - Gibbo_Wirral

Search Google for "Planet owners map", it will bring up a link to Peugeot owners with the Lexia Peugeot Planet / Diagbox diagnostic gear that dealers use.

That will tell you exactly where the problem is.

Elekie is right though, a decent fuel filter is probably going to sort it, and is a common issue.

Peugeot 308 1.6 Hdi - Anti pollution fault - James Birch
Hi thanks fa replying guys i did put a decent quality filter on wen I serviced it its wasn't a genuine one tho and it drove fine for bout 3 days but my missis as bin to work in it today n she said it was fine so god knows I think il try a genuine filter on it then and hope fa best thanks again
Peugeot 308 1.6 Hdi - Anti pollution fault - Gibbo_Wirral

Also double check you haven't knocked, damaged or left unconnected an electrical connector.

When you're servicing always disconnect each one and give a blast of electrical contact cleaner, it clears out the gunk that can accumulate.

Peugeot 308 1.6 Hdi - Anti pollution fault - Paul Kiddle

I had a Peugeot 307 Hdi with the anti pollution fault I also changed the fuel filter and it didn't cure it until i look at the dip stick for the oil and my oil level was low so put some more oil in the sub and the anti pollution disappeared