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Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - argybargy

Just had my handbrake cables replaced. It was a job that I considered doing myself, but we live on a steep hill so getting underneath the car for any length of time is decidedly ropey. Time maybe to put that driveway in.

Got the car back, eventually (because the job was meant to be done yesterday but only the rear cables turned up from the supplier so it had to be rescheduled for today), took it home and found that the plastic handbrake cover was sitting loose on the console, the lugs underneath the cover having been broken clean off when it was removed by what must have been brute force. Called the garage and right enough the guy apologised and said he would get a replacement.

This comes not long after my son had his Fiesta serviced at a local Ford dealer and they managed somehow to crack the air filter box. He only found out when he noticed the change of engine note and looked under the bonnet, but somebody at the garage obviously knew they'd done it, neglecting to do the right thing and cough to the offence.

Just prompts one question. Why are some garages so cavalier with the integrity of their customers' cars? Don't they want our repeat business? Anyone else had similar problems?

Edited by argybargy on 27/09/2016 at 20:02

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Wackyracer

I normally do most of my own repairs due to this very reason. I worked in the motor industry for a couple of years and saw some very unskilled work being done by people who knew nothing about what they were trying to do. Of course they all had some kind of worthless certificate to say they were capable apparently.

A large company I worked at had it's own HGV garage, if they couldn't fix it with an oxy-acetylene torch, a big hammer or a crowbar - It wasn't repairable. You'd never had asked them to repair your car!

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - argybargy

What makes it even more galling was that the miserable person I saw yesterday lurking in the darkest recesses of the garage and whose sullen demeanour caused me to fervently hope that he wouldn't be the one working on my car didn't actually do the job. It was a pleasant, smiley chap who cheerily took the key from me, then broke my centre console, did God knows what damage to the underside of the car whilst fitting the cables and left dirty marks all over the seat (no floor or seat protectors bothered with in that establishment either).

At times like this I almost curse the day we decided to buy a house whose previous owners had converted the garage to a bedroom. I could have had a whale of a time in there doing my own repairs, and blamed nobody but myself when stuff got broken.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Wackyracer

I have almost the same, I have a 1.5 car garage ideal for doing the car repairs but, it's currently full of building materials for renovating the house so I had to repair the car on the drive the other day. That means a 30 minute job takes forever as everyone who passes stops to ask what I'm doing. Then changing a failed windscreen washer pump ended up as also re-securing the CV boot whose retaining band has come off.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - elekie&a/c doctor
I don't think you can put all the blame on garages.Car makers use very cheap and nasty plastic materials that can be very difficult to remove without marking or damage.Also don't forget as the car gets older,the plastic fittings become more brittle,making removal even more tricky.
Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Wackyracer

That can be true sometimes but, I remember slicing my hand on my friends 1 year old VW golf interior door handle after the bodgers at the maindealers had removed the door card. under the handle there is a joining gap where they had shoved prpbably a screwdriver and levered it apart leaving the plastic damaged and burred.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Falkirk Bairn

Handbrake cables & job done.

Just think a similar type handbrake issue will not be new cables & £100 labour.

It will be motors, relays, switches & maybe £1,000 bill at the end.

There may come the day when a car that goes, body OK gets scrapped

because the ecu, electric handbrake, electronic gizmos make

the cost of repair greater than the car's value.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Avant

Very true, FB. That's one of the reasons why electronic parking brakes are undesirable as well as unnecessary. Ths stupid thing is that it's very unlikely that an EPB is a major selling point of a car.

Just the opposite - my wife will never have a car with an EPB.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - gordonbennet

Sensible woman your wife Avant.

Yes i have just the same feelings about electric parking brakes, they will be the reason for scrapping cars long before their time, not as it will affect me personally because i shall never own one, but along with the other pointless electronic tat on modern cars will help cause a shortage of suitable older cars in the future.

FB's cost estimates about right, plus these things usually need programming in so DiY even less an option.

I agree with elec doc about plastics on some cars, not too bad in the summer but trying to remove trim panels in the cold is a real pita....clips? forget it they nearly all break off and why are there so many different types which prove almost impossible to find when you need them.

Thank goodness for cable ties.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Falkirk Bairn

>>Just the opposite - my wife will never have a car with an EPB.

She might have to hang on to her existing car as nearly every manufacturer is phasing the handbrake out with new models - even entry level models will have them in a few years.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - elekie&a/c doctor
A friend of mine has an X5 with epb.Came out one morning to find the Epb warning light flashing.Took it to the garage only to be told the complete Epb unit had been stolen.(not uncommon,apparently).Cost to fix it was in excess of £1k.wow.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Wackyracer

If people voted with their feet and didn't buy new cars with electronic handbrakes etc. manufacturers would soon get the message. Buying a new imported VAZ 2131 is looking more appealing by the day.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - gordonbennet

Quite Wackyracer, we'll know its all over when Toyota fit them to Hilux and Landcruiser, the way things are going should i ever venture into another new or very modern vehicle its more than likely going to be another Hilux.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - argybargy

elekie&a/c doctor...

I acknowledge the points you make, but judging by the extent of the damage this piece of trim had literally been prised off with (and by) some large tool or other, breaking off the lugs and leaving them stuck in their locating holes in the console.

Smacks to me of sheer laziness, impatience and a total lack of respect for the customer's vehicle, rather than the difficulty of getting the thing off.

Edited by argybargy on 28/09/2016 at 17:43

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Wackyracer

That is the thing Argybargy, too many ham fisted ones who don't give a monkey about customers property. Then when the customer complains they come up with all the excuses in the book.

I hope you told the garage you'll be charging them for the cost of a replacement part?

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - argybargy

They're supposed to be sourcing one from a breakers yard, Wacky.

OK, I could insist on a new part, but to be honest I can't be bothered with the hassle of persuading them to pay for one, and it would probably stick out like a sore thumb alongside my otherwise well-used console.

I've checked the online auction sites and a used handbrake trim is about 15 quid, so if they mess me about I'll suggest that I buy one from that source then they can reimburse me.

No suggestion at this moment in time that they won't stonewall in the hope that I'll go away...but I'm prepared for that eventuality.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Alan

I have not heard of a electronic parking brake being stolen before. Another reason to avoid.

I did hear of someone attending a dance at a local village hall and having the starter motor stolen. We can't avoid having a starter motor but at least it's cheaper.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Avant

"She might have to hang on to her existing car as nearly every manufacturer is phasing the handbrake out with new models - even entry level models will have them in a few years."

So far there seem good grounds to hope not as far as small cars go, although it seems to be true of bigger models. She'll be OK if she goes for another Mini, or a VW Up, or even something a bit higher up like a Renault Captur.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - argybargy

No sign of the replacement handbrake trim yet.

Last night the mechanic was meant to be picking one up on the way home, this morning he wasn't in the garage due to family business but would be in after 2, after 2 he wasn't in for the rest of the day, but would be in, with my trim, tomorrow morning.

I have a feeling I'm being stonewalled, so tomorrow I'll visit in person and if no trim has materialised I'll suggest buying one on Ebay for the princely sum of 15 nicker and getting them to reimburse.

If their plan was to barter a freebie replacement from an associate, my suggestion might prompt some action.

Ford Focus Mk 2 - Handbrake cable aftermath - Wackyracer

No sign of the replacement handbrake trim yet.

Last night the mechanic was meant to be picking one up on the way home, this morning he wasn't in the garage due to family business but would be in after 2, after 2 he wasn't in for the rest of the day, but would be in, with my trim, tomorrow morning.

I sent an invoice to a company last week for something they damaged and received nothing, not a reply or aknowledgement of my communication. So yesterday evening I sent them an email informing them that if they don't reply within 10 days I'll start legal proceedings against their company to claim back my losses and for compensation. I had an email from them this morning ;)