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2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - BeeJay71

Hi all,

I've just read an article from 2015 by the Telegraphs, Alex Robbins about running the aircon, always, occaisionally, or never. Even after reading the article I'm still in the never camp, as I feel I simply don't need it. My Laureate was bought new in 2013 & the aircon has never been on. But reading this article has put doubt in my mind.

So if I still refuse to switch it on for the purpose it is intended for, should I run it occaisionaly to, er! "keep it happy" ie seals, condensation in the trunking etc.

And for how long?

Cheers BeeJay

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - Peter D

Do you ever use the demist or de-ice function. Regards Peter

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - elekie&a/c doctor

All manufacturers suggest using the a/c for a short period every month.In my Ford Focus handbook the recommendation is 30 mins every month.This is to maintain the systems functionality.However,if you have never used it or switched it on at any time,then you won't miss it if it fails to work when (?)you ever want it.

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - Peter.N.

My present car is the first one I have had in about 20 years on which the aircon works, like you I find that it seldom gets hot enough in this country to need it, having said that I have used it on a few occaisions this year - because its there.

My main reason for not using it in the past has been fuel economy but on a 4x4 I don't think you will notice the difference.

If you want to keep it in working order you must use it periodically primaraly to keep the compressor drive seal seal in good order, if you don't you will lose the gas.

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - Railroad.

Firstly it's a very popular misconception that air conditioning is a summer only thing, and that it's all about cool. This is wrong. Air conditioning is about dry and de-humidified, and is just as beneficial in winter as it is in summer. You can use the A/C with the heater on hot just as effectively as you can on cold. The mugginess in the air will be drawn out leaving the cabin nice and fresh.

Air conditioning works by compressing, condensing and evaporating a refrigerant gas R134a. The gas boils at a very low temperature, -26 degrees Celsius. Under normal operation the compressor compresses the gas against an expansion valve (later in the system). The compressed gas becomes hot and at high pressure which then enters a condenser. Air passes through the condenser which allows some of the heat to be dissipated into the air which in turn causes the gas to condense into a high pressure liquid. The liquid the leaves the condenser and passes through a receiver dryer to allow and moisture which could damage components to be safely collected. The moisture free liquid then passes through a tiny nozzle (expansion valve), on the other side of which is a much bigger space. The liquid then becomes low pressure and subsequently the temperature falls considerably. The low pressure cold liquid passes into the evaporator which is inside the car. Heat from inside the car is drawn to the cold evaporator which then causes the low pressure liquid to evaporate into a low pressure gas, which in turn is drawn back to the compressor where the whole process starts over again.

If you don't run the system for long periods of time the gas will never turn to a liquid. The seals in the system can then dry out and deteriorate, causing the gas to be lost.

Air conditioning in my opinion is the best feature on a car and I run mine all the time. Modern cars use variable displacement compressors which are very efficient. The difference it makes to fuel consumption is barely noticeable, if at all. However, not using the A/C will almost certainly mean you'll drive with the windows open. This will increase drag, which definitely will have an effect on MPG.

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - BeeJay71

Thank you all for responding. The response from Railroad is very indepth & makes a lot of sense. It has convinced me that the system is there to be used & not just something else that can go wrong. In fact from what is being said, not using it can induce a fault.

So three years without using it, have I got away lucky or will a fault possibly show when I do now use it? Also re-gassing, do I take it that that is when there is a fault & so the system requires re-gassing, but under normal usage unless a fault develops, the system requires no maintenance?

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - Railroad.
All A/C systems will lose refrigerant over time, and so it's worth having the system re-gassed every so often. During this process the system will be vacuum tested for leaks, and will give the opportunity for a leak detection dye to be added, as well as a small amount of extra compressor oil to replace any that may be lost. Very often you'll be surprised when the refrigerant is evacuated quite how much has been lost, and when the system is recharged with the correct amount how much better the system performs.
2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - galileo
All A/C systems will lose refrigerant over time, and so it's worth having the system re-gassed every so often. During this process the system will be vacuum tested for leaks, and will give the opportunity for a leak detection dye to be added, as well as a small amount of extra compressor oil to replace any that may be lost. Very often you'll be surprised when the refrigerant is evacuated quite how much has been lost, and when the system is recharged with the correct amount how much better the system performs.

Don't wish to tempt providence, but the aircon on my 2009 i30 (used often all year) still blows ice-cold on coldest setting. Not been re-gassed yet.

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - Railroad.
All A/C systems will lose refrigerant over time, and so it's worth having the system re-gassed every so often. During this process the system will be vacuum tested for leaks, and will give the opportunity for a leak detection dye to be added, as well as a small amount of extra compressor oil to replace any that may be lost. Very often you'll be surprised when the refrigerant is evacuated quite how much has been lost, and when the system is recharged with the correct amount how much better the system performs.

Don't wish to tempt providence, but the aircon on my 2009 i30 (used often all year) still blows ice-cold on coldest setting. Not been re-gassed yet.

I recently re-gassed a Chevrolet that also worked perfectly well as a matter of cause. The system held 650g +or- 50g. To my surprise only 475g was evacuated. It was a seven year old car, and to the best of my knowledge it had never been re-gassed before.
2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - Peter D

I will ask again "Do you ever use the demist or de-ice function." Regards Peter

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - Cyd
If you,ve never used the air con, does that mean you,ve never changed the cabin air filter either?

I really can,t believe some people's miserly attitude. Ooooo, it might use an extra egg cup full of fuel. Horror of horrors, whatever next. Truth is it,s more economic to use air con than open windows in most driving circumstances. GM proved that 20 years ago with an extended test and even Mythbusters tested it and found it to be so

To me buying a car with air con and not using it is like getting a guard dog and doing the barking yourself.
2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - BeeJay71

Sorry Peter. The demister is on No. 1 all the time & adjusted when necessary. Likewise the de-ice.

@Cyd, whose rattled your cage? There's one thing that sticks in my crop & that's a smart a***e commenter. If you've only got the sense to smart a***e people, I'd prefer you don't try me. I expect you also tried to teach your grannie to suck eggs! Don't bother to come back with any more garbage, I've got my answer from members that know how to respond to genuine questions. End of.

Edited by BeeJay71 on 11/08/2016 at 22:13

2013 Dacia Duster Laureate 4WD - Aircon use - Peter D

If you use the de-mist or dei-ce function the Aircon runs to dehumidify the car. Regards Peter