I am pretty surprised and appalled at John F's post.
"Ever since they sabred their way into Jerusalem, sparking off the 'crusades', they have apparently been 'trying to take over' when and wherever they can. When they become numerous in a nation, even giving them their own countries (east and west pakistan) has been no solution."
The word "they" is here applied to the Muslims who captured Jerusalem in 1098 (I assume this is what is meant); these people were North African Arabs. The people who were given East and West Pakistan were/are an ethnically diverse group, but not North African Arabs. By the way, East Pakistan is now called Bangladesh. There are other Arabic and non-Arabic Muslim countries, of course. But there is no "one nation" here.
Or is the word "they" being used to mean Muslims? If so, this is to confuse political identity with religious identity. And I have a strong suspicion that we are dealing with the well-known prejudiced mentality of "they (in this case Muslims) are all the same".
The matter of the Scottish newsagent is interesting precisely because it illustrates the fact that not all Muslims are the same. The victim belonged to a group that had moderate and inclusive views; the murderer had extreme views.
I doubt that clerics, being scholars, have either the time or the inclination to develop weaponry, though the extreme ones would probably encourage others to do so.
I am unaware of what China has done that shows it grasps the "enormity of the problem". As for evoking Trump - why that dangerous buffoon should be regarded as speaking any kind of sense on any subject I have no idea, except that he seems to appeal to those with much prejudice and little intelligence.
I hope no-one thinks that I believe that there is no threat from extreme forms of Islam. I believe there is an inevitability that further atrocities will be committed all over the world. But to treat all Muslims as potential terrorists bent on taking over the world is to fall into the trap that the extremists have set; nothing would please them more than for non-Muslims to treat every Muslim as an enemy and produce the backlash that would result. That is the real danger.
Edited by FP on 10/08/2016 at 17:46