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Islamophobia - Kia Ora
A phobia is defined as an irrational fear or aversion to something. It is the irrationality of something that makes it a phobia.

I don't believe I am phobic about Islam or Muslims.

Edited by Kia Ora on 28/07/2016 at 20:52

Islamophobia - FP
I don't think I like this post, KO.

It seems to me to be a mealy-mouthed, roundabout way of justifying a prejudice.

What is irrational, of course, is to hate a whole group because the actions of only some of that group.
Islamophobia - RobJP
In the UK, you are as likely to die from bee, wasp or hornet stings (average 5 deaths per annum) as you are from terrorism. Drowning in your own bath accounts for 29 deaths per annum.

Data from Review of Terrorism Legislation annual report, by David Anderson QC.

Edited by RobJP on 29/07/2016 at 12:26

Islamophobia - alan1302
I don't believe I am phobic about Islam or Muslims.

Well..erm...thanks for letting us know

Islamophobia - concrete
Strange thread! I really don't care about any persons' religion, politics or sexuality. They are private and should remain so and should not be up for discussion or debate or foisted on anyone else. That way we can all muddle along quite nicely. I find it hard to see how a phobia can develop about any of these subjects, in anyone with an open and tolerant mind.
Cheers Concrete
Islamophobia - gordonbennet
The title word of the the thread is a term in current use, it was devised to have the same effect as the word racist used to have at instantly silencing dissent with government of the day policy during the Blair regime and continued in the first term of the Cameron regime, the term will come to be treated with the same derision as the racist term has in due course.

They'll always come up with buzz words the media can spin for their mates to suit whatever agenda is in force at any one time, it was ever thus.

For what its worth i don't suffer from the title word because it isn't a condition or illness that one can suffer from.

The religion aspect is an interesting one, either we ridicule all religions or we respect all without favour, and each religion either respects unbelievers (in their particular version) equally or they might find that lack of respect...or even prejudice...becomes a two way street, again without favour, the one way street of recent years is coming to a cross roads and things may never quite be the same again.

Edited by gordonbennet on 29/07/2016 at 22:36

Islamophobia - John F
A phobia is defined as an irrational fear or aversion to something.

'an extreme or irrational fear...' OED. Some people have an extreme and perfectly rational fear of spiders, some of which will bite.

It is entirely rational, if you are one of the 30% and rising number of educated people who decline to accept the existence of supernatural entities, to be scared stiff of an ideology whose unrevised instruction book states quite clearly in chapter nine that 'unbelievers' must be killed.

Islamophobia - concrete

I know little about the Koran or any other religious books. Never really taken to organised religion either. However I do respect those that do find comfort and solace there. My belief is a simple expedient of 'Fair Do's for us all'. Treat me with respect and I will reciprocate and vice versa. I have worked with many Asian people over the years and have found that, just like Europeans, 99.9% are fine, gentle and respectful people, who simply wish to get on with life and look after their families.

Going back to books, religious or otherwise, I have found that most text can be interpreted pretty much in any way that suits your purpose. Moderates see it as one thing, extremists as another. Like many involved in such philosophical debates, they could not agree an the colour of s***e.

As previously stated, if you keep an open mind you should be safe from irrational fears. By all means be aware of any concerns but don't let a few zealots turn concern into racism.

Cheers Concrete

Islamophobia - sandy56

I have lived in Muslim countries and I have worked with them and for them.

KSA is a desolate pit only suitable for the medieval peasants who live there. Saudis should not be allowed in the UK.

You need to remember that all Muslims are indoctrinated from birth and are bound by their faith. KSA (Saudia Arabia) is fundng the building of mosques throughout the UK.

In a few years they Muslims will outnumber us as they make more children. In about 20 -30 years we will be ruled by Sharia law.

Watch what happens...

Islamophobia - Vitesse6

You have evidence for your claim about sharia law?

Islamophobia - Happy Blue!


The problem the West has with Islam is that there are many facets to the religion (as with all religions). Many of us meet people holding a wide range of beliefs but sometimes will not be aware of the fact and sometimes will not understand the nuances of the differences between two strands of the same religion. I know this mostly because as a Jew there are huge similarities between the two religious, especially in the aspect of differences between strands. The disparity in beliefs can be so large as to wonder of they are indeed of the same religion.

So, general Islamophobia is probably a disguise for a form of racism. However there are many strands of Islam of which one should be very concerned. Wahabiism - as practiced by the Saudis - in a very strict form of the religion and that form is growing in power and numbers of adherents. Note that at the height of the refugee crisis last summer, we all asked " where is the help from the wealthy Arab countries?". The answer was that Saudi Arabia offered money - but only to build 120 new mosques in the UK. That kind of help we don't need. Al Queda stems from Wahabiism.

On the other hand, the Sufis and Ahamdis (like the Glasgow shop keeper murdered by another Muslim) are very much live and let live. The differences also arise from the culture of the source of the immigrant. Wearing the burka has no basis in Islam per se, but comes from a general source requiring women to be modest and is then 'gold plated' by the place the woman comes from. The burka is apparently rare in Iran but obviously very prevelant in Afghanistan.

I am concerned about growing numbers of radical Moslems in Europe and the lack of response from the governments, but to assume that all Moslems are trying to take over and/or kill us is simply over the top.

Islamophobia - John F

I am concerned about growing numbers of radical Moslems in Europe and the lack of response from the governments, but to assume that all Moslems are trying to take over and/or kill us is simply over the top.

Is it? Ever since they sabred their way into Jerusalem, sparking off the 'crusades', they have apparently been 'trying to take over' when and wherever they can. When they become numerous in a nation, even giving them their own countries (east and west pakistan) has been no solution. It seems only because their clerics have so far lacked the scientific knowledge to acquire and develop superior weaponry that they haven't managed to - yet. Europe would be a very different place if it had lost the battle of Lepanto (Trafalgar was a miniscule engagement by comparison).

See the adulation given to the assassination of that Scottish newsagent. For every one who travelled to give support at the courthouse there are thousands if not millions of like minds infected with this meme.

So far it seems only Russia and China (and possibly Mr Trump!) have grasped the enormity of the problem.

Islamophobia - FP

I am pretty surprised and appalled at John F's post.

"Ever since they sabred their way into Jerusalem, sparking off the 'crusades', they have apparently been 'trying to take over' when and wherever they can. When they become numerous in a nation, even giving them their own countries (east and west pakistan) has been no solution."

The word "they" is here applied to the Muslims who captured Jerusalem in 1098 (I assume this is what is meant); these people were North African Arabs. The people who were given East and West Pakistan were/are an ethnically diverse group, but not North African Arabs. By the way, East Pakistan is now called Bangladesh. There are other Arabic and non-Arabic Muslim countries, of course. But there is no "one nation" here.

Or is the word "they" being used to mean Muslims? If so, this is to confuse political identity with religious identity. And I have a strong suspicion that we are dealing with the well-known prejudiced mentality of "they (in this case Muslims) are all the same".

The matter of the Scottish newsagent is interesting precisely because it illustrates the fact that not all Muslims are the same. The victim belonged to a group that had moderate and inclusive views; the murderer had extreme views.

I doubt that clerics, being scholars, have either the time or the inclination to develop weaponry, though the extreme ones would probably encourage others to do so.

I am unaware of what China has done that shows it grasps the "enormity of the problem". As for evoking Trump - why that dangerous buffoon should be regarded as speaking any kind of sense on any subject I have no idea, except that he seems to appeal to those with much prejudice and little intelligence.

I hope no-one thinks that I believe that there is no threat from extreme forms of Islam. I believe there is an inevitability that further atrocities will be committed all over the world. But to treat all Muslims as potential terrorists bent on taking over the world is to fall into the trap that the extremists have set; nothing would please them more than for non-Muslims to treat every Muslim as an enemy and produce the backlash that would result. That is the real danger.

Edited by FP on 10/08/2016 at 17:46

Islamophobia - scubajohn

almost all who have posted, have no idea what so ever (my qualification) lived and worked in strict moslem countries. moslems who follow there interpretation of the koran are nice law abiding citizens, But as said the other sides interpretation are a hate minority .The minority can easily control the peaceful moslems mostly due to there tight community. i can give one example (which any one can check out) a moslem shop keeper was knifed because he put a notice in his shop window saying happy easter because that constituted glorifing christanity

Islamophobia - Gary Simpson

John F, there is further understanding you can have about the religion if you look into it. It is not a religion of hatred the way these terrorists have believed it to be. There are so many peaceful muslims in the world and we cannot paint them all with the same brush. It would be unfair. I suggest you speak to the ahmadi muslims who i have met and spent time with. THey do so much work for british charities and do alot of work to promote the peaceful element of islam, which is the only element according to them. Have a look at any of these links so you can understand how misguided the terrrorists are.


Islamophobia - John F

Have a look at any of these links so you can understand how misguided the terrrorists are.


Pleasant though your link is, one man's misguidance is another's divine purpose. Like it or not, there is an idealogy conducting an ongoing physical war against humane secular society as we know it. That ideology is Islam, its adherents are Muslims (who cherry-pick its obligations at their peril) and its stated aim is to make everyone believe there is a god/allah/jehovah and to bring the whole world under Islamic law by force. If you want to learn a bit more about it, try this link to an old article by an American academic who specialises in the subject.


That's me done on this - not keen on a fatwa.

Islamophobia - sandy56

As usual you are all missing the point completely. I am not have have not claimed that all MUSLIMS are terrorists.

They are bound by their religion even the whoring, drinking ones. They will slowly overtake us- by breeding more.

The most common name in the Amsterdam phone book- Mohammed.

Most common name now being used for new borns in the UK- Mohammed.

It wont happen tomorrow or next year but if we allow this uncontrolled immigration, we will be in a minority and living like the ARABS- in another s*** hole. I for one do not want to live in that environment. They have ruined their own countries by their ignorance, their corruption and medieval attitudes, and now they will try to ruin ours.