Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

Does anyone know when Ford withdrew their Lifetime Guarantee in the UK ?

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - RobJP

As far as I'm aware, Ford have never offered such a guarantee.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

As far as I'm aware, Ford have never offered such a guarantee.

Oh yes they did. Google' Ford Lifetime Guarantee', watch the TV Ad with Richard Briars , look at the 1983 statement by their CEO.

I was told my repair was covered by it in 2001 !

Maybe that was an untruth, I just need to know ,when did it end ?

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - RobJP

Well, googling it doesn't produce anything other than the video from the early 80s, and a few bits from Ford USA press releases from the same era too.

According to the press releases (and these were USA ones), Ford would cover parts, the dealership labour (or labor) charges. But it had to be in th same dealership.

I'd suggest getting all your old paperwork together and going into the same place you had the work done, and then wait for the laughter to start ...

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

Been there, done that , and asked Henry Ford.

Guess what , they don't know anything about it and, so far, don't know the

UK address of their own Legal Dept.


That is why I would like to know, independently of Ford , when it ended.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford did offer a lifetime warranty in the 1980s,but only only specified replacement parts that were fitted by the main dealer.Not the whole car.
Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

Correct, but I think you will find THAT 'lifetime warranty' expired after a

'lifetime' of ten years.

The ' Lifetime Guarantee' covered parts fitted by a Ford dealer with no

caveat . 'Lifetime' meant as long as you were alive and owned the car.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - RobJP

The word 'petty-minded' comes to me for some reason.

If you think you've got a guarantee, and you've got paperwork to prove it, then tell the dealership to honour it. If they won't, take them to court.

You're talking about work that was done when most dealerships were still on paperwork or floppy discs. If you don't have complete records, then you can be certain nobody from Ford or the dealership will have.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

All the paperwork I have on the parts is ,'Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty',

it was the 'word' of the Repair Shop Manager who said " it was covered by

Ford's Lifetime Guarantee".

He will be well retired by now, like me !

Someone out there must know exactly when that 'FLG' ended.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - elekie&a/c doctor

So which part of your Mazda has gone wrong under the terms of the warranty?

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

The 'usual', ignitor and coil inside the distributor.

Parts alone were £88 in 2001, included in the £250 total bill.

Now, parts alone are £350+VAT !

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - KB.

Presumably this topic will run it's course quite soon.

A twenty something year old car with an owner keen to pursue a (rather unusually obscure) warranty claim which the manufacturers have investigated and refuted.

Like others, in my ignorance, I wasn't aware of the rather short lived and specific 'Lifetime Warranty' that Ford evidently offered for a while all that time ago.

The OP has demonstrated, in several replies, that he knows more about the affair than anyone here but remains hopeful that someone will appear with evidence to substantiate his claim....good luck with that - I'm afraid I can't help myself...the only "Lifetime Warranty" I was aware of was the one offered by Vauxhall a couple of years ago. That one was withdrawn after a year or two (a bit of a shame as I might have looked more closely at a Vauxhall had it remained in place....but clearly they either lost money and/or decided they didn't have that much confidence in their products to keep it in place).

Certainly an unusual thread but one that I can't see having a lot of mileage...but I'll keep an eye on it to see if it bears fruit.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - NARU

I see the brochures are available on ebay

Edited by Marlot on 02/06/2016 at 15:26

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

Thank you Marlot , that is exactly the evidence showing the existence of FLG I was looking for.

Incontrovertible. Well done.

Now to find when Ford 'pulled the plug ' on it !

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - RT

If you read the text, it's most replacement parts (therefore not all) and only at participating dealers (therefore not all).

Not quite incontrovertible.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

My repairs were carried out by a Ford main dealer.

Ford's first response was to deny the existence of any such FLG.

The e-bay documents ( bought/copied) prove it did, thanks again Merlot.

Giants fall slowly.

I distinctly remember the Service Manager telling me it was covered by the


It still, all depends on when Ford ended it. Someone must know.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - RobJP

You may 'distinctly remember' being told that it was covered for life.

But unless you've got something ON PAPER that says that YOUR repair was covered for life (not some repairs, that someone else may have had done, or that Ford offered a service where some repairs were covered for life), then you haven't got any proof. As such, you haven't got a guarantee / warranty.

Put it this way : Imagine you owned a shop, and someone who you sold something to 15 years ago comes back to you today, claiming that this item was covered 'for life', and that the shop manager 'told them so' at the time, back in 2001. Therefore they'd like a free repair please. No, they haven't got any proof that they've got a warranty for life, just their perfect, infallible memory.

You'd laugh them out of the door. And rightly so.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

This is not some amateur company selling nick-nacks,this is Ford Motor

Company. They have records of everything, from Model T onwards.

They know when their FLG ended, they just won't tell me, yet.

If it was after August 2001 , game over.

Anyone know ?

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - KB.

Can I ask the OP, WD401, if you have a bit of a track record of getting on the wrong side of people? It rather strikes me that there's a distinct tone or edge to the way you come across here. You're coming over as having all the answers - except the one you seek...and which, regrettably, no-one has been able to help you with.

I think we know that it's a Ford you're asking about so you don't need to make condescending remarks such as... "This is not some amateur company selling nick-nacks,this is Ford MotorCompany".

I hope you solve your conundrum but I don't think you're making too many friends in the process.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - WD401

How did it all end ?

Before a judge, who threw the claim out, on the grounds that the Ford dealership

who did the work , were ' Not a Legal Entity'

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - dan86

Holy thread revival Batman

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - Brit_in_Germany

No, just the OP coming back to report how the matter ended. The fact that it was not a positive outcome makes it even more praiseworthy.

Ford Probe - Ford Lifetime Guarantee - thunderbird

How did it all end ?

Before a judge, who threw the claim out, on the grounds that the Ford dealership

who did the work , were ' Not a Legal Entity'

Holy thread revival Batman

Thread revival or not i think what we should be told is how much did it cost the OP to find out what every poster had previously told him i.e. there was no such warranty on Ford cars only some replacement parts.

Court cases are not free and the Ford Garage will not be paying since they did not loose.