Ford Focus C Max - Scraping noise when braking - dublinlane


My car is making a God awful noise when braking. It sounds like a barrel being dragged along under the car and its really loud. It also sounds like a monster belching (only way to describe it).

Apart from that it runs fine.

Thank you, any advice is appreciated.

Ford Focus C Max - Scraping noise when braking - craig-pd130

Look at the front brake discs carefully, using a torch. Are there any bright circular score marks on either disc? If so, that's the problem -- the brake pads are likely worn to the metal, and you need new discs and pads immediately, i.e. you shouldn't drive the car anywhere other than to the garage that is going to fix it.

If there are no score marks, check the rear brakes (these might be drum brakes and will need a garage to inspect them properly. The linings of the drum brake shoes may be worn out, or might be peeling away.

Ford Focus C Max - Scraping noise when braking - FP

My thoughts exactly. Sounds like metal-on-metal somewhere. My money's on the front brakes.

There's a very slight possibility a small stone has somehow got between the pad and disc, or is lodged on one of the pads.

Ford Focus C Max - Scraping noise when braking - gordonbennet

Dare i ask how long this obviously so so wrong noise has been going on.

Thats the only comment i have because my mind is boggling.