Buying nearly new - what to check? - BobsyourUncle

I have my eye on a 2015 car with 3.5k miles. I've bought used before, but nothing with any warranty left and not from a main dealer!

I'm versed in the usual things to look at and questions to ask, but this is rather different to buying a 5-year-old motor. Obviously I'll be looking around the vehicle for any obvious stuff, under the bonnet and testing it out first... but no with service history yet, no MOT needed for a couple of years... what things do I need to look for/ask/be wary of? My mind has gone blank thinking about it!


Buying nearly new - what to check? - gordonbennet

The obvious one is damage, including glass, then look for clues as to its use, tyres correct same all four wearing smoothly in line with mileage or ripped edges, interior all good check for scratches and stains and any repaired tears on seats plastics or carpets and roof lining.

As well as normal inspection kneel down and look down the sides of the body using it as a mirror, you'll be able to spot any large panel distortion that way (don't forget roof), check front and rear skirts and sills underneath for kerbing or other damage, lift bonnet and boot have a good poke nose about, is the oil clean and up to the mark, no nasty stains or other signs of something not right.

Wheels undamaged, visible brake discs should be perfect at this mileage as should exhaust.

Does it have a spare wheel and tools, is it the right one, locking wheel nut key present, handbook incl service book stamped with any pre del required, load cover in place incl any extras such as dog guard, any other items it should come with such as satnav disc or remote anything, all keys present including the master (possibly non plipper) if it should have one, all plippers work.

Starts instantly, all lights come on and go out as they should.

Test drive your chosen route, not theirs, go through all the gears including reverse, brakes smooth, clutch and gears or auto gearbox doing what you want it to at junctions/manoeuvering, steering straight no wheel wobbles, check all electrics work, radio work, does it pair with your phone, does any auxilliary input on the audio work, CD player working.

Check price carefully, could you have bought this car new from a broker for not much more, especially by the time the sales bod has tried to talk you into diamondbrite, finance and various insurance products.

Check previous ownership, if so called leasing/company car was it a renter (nothing wrong as such and the mileage is a bit too low to be one anway), or was it a so called management car such as employees can renta vehicle cheaply for 6 months rinse and repeat, again nothing worng but handy to know what the previous ownership was, one owner only?

Thats all i can think of at the moment.

Edited by gordonbennet on 18/04/2016 at 02:35

Buying nearly new - what to check? - madf

I bought a 6 month Jazz with 300 miles.

I checked ALL the documents: - especailly the paid for service plan - or rather got the vendors (a Honda dealer) - to check them inm front of me..Checked only one owner and it was HPI clear..(the deale again).

I checked only one prior owner on V5.

As for teh rest, a very careful inspection.(it was as new)

Buying nearly new - what to check? - slkfanboy

I bought a 6 month Jazz with 300 miles.

I checked ALL the documents: - especailly the paid for service plan - or rather got the vendors (a Honda dealer) - to check them inm front of me..Checked only one owner and it was HPI clear..(the deale again).

I checked only one prior owner on V5.

As for teh rest, a very careful inspection.(it was as new)

Purchase though a main dealer and the above should all be as stated. Look for a 3 year old car that has full service history and the car looks well maintained.

If the inside looks like its been abused, for sure it indicates the car in general has been.

Buying nearly new - what to check? - Falkirk Bairn

A neighbour bought a face lifted brand new BMW 320d m sport - the payments per month are £400 - with next to no deposit £400!

However other BMW dealers offered 6 month old, old model under 5000 miles and the payments were £440!

The key was the new car came with £6K deposit contribution and very low interest rate, The price of the nearly new cars was about £1,000 less BUT the interest rate was higher.

Buying nearly new - what to check? - FoxyJukebox

This is a good question. Many years ago I bought a brand new Mini, which had endless minor mechanical troubles in the three months I had it.The larger ones were -

*A choke that wouldn't retract ..

*A high pitched while at all times from the alternator

*Fuel pump failure

I gave up and traded it in after 3000 miles. A month so later i saw the car with it's new owner in a car park--and engaged polite conversation asking "How is it?" .The new owner replied he was told by the dealer that there was nothing wrong with it, but a day after he took delivery the "choke stuck out". He also said there was now a funny whine coming from the engine bay.

Buying nearly new - what to check? - slkfanboy

That must have been going back some, *A choke that wouldn't retract ..

I seam to remember that this was a feature for old ladies to hang there hand bag on while driving?
Buying nearly new - what to check? - FoxyJukebox

The knob in the cabin would push back ok--but the valve --placed if i recall just under the carbureter- jammed open!

Buying nearly new - what to check? - John Boy

Check that key and radio codes (if required) are listed in the documentation.

Buying nearly new - what to check? - BobsyourUncle

Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm now the proud owner of a 65 reg Mazda 6.

Spent way above my intended budget, but my word - what a gorgeous car!