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Honda CR-V - Rare shock leak - Praveen


I requested for a full service and MOT along with fixing couple of other things with Newton Honda at Croydon.

It appears they were least bothered with what I requested, did a basic service and on MOT reported as O/S/R Shock leaking. The service advisor, I guess Philip, gave a call back stating its replaced and told it costs around £350 for the shock.

Later on, I told, have this extended warranty and was not charged.

I have read online that its no good replacing one shock and wonder if you can advice as what should I do?

Also, I did indicate that mileage on vehicle is bad currently doing ~34.5mpg and was getting ~38mpg before my last service and MOT with Newton Honda.

Can't trust these guys anymore and looking for an advice.

Best Regards


Honda CR-V - Rare shock leak - Cyd

£350 to replace one rear shock absorber is a rip off, but as you got it under warranty no worries.

On a new car up to 30k is fine to replace one for a leak. Above that replace both as a matter of course. That policy has been extensively tested by several of the OE shock manufacturers and is current policy at several OEMs (and has been for over a decade).

Also edit the name of the dealer out of your post before the moderators obliterate it completely!!!!!!

Honda CR-V - Rare shock leak - slkfanboy

@Cyd totally agree

Honda CR-V - Rare shock leak - focussed

On a CRV it's an assembled suspension unit complete, spring, bushes top and bottom not just a shock absorber, for £357 complete.

If you buy the shock absober on it's own it cheaper £179, guess which they did?

Honda CR-V - Rare shock leak - Praveen

Hi Focussed,

I will reconfirm today if its the suspension unit or just the shock absorber.

On receipt, its states replace o/s/r shock absorber only.



Honda CR-V - Rare shock leak - Praveen

Thanks for the details Cyd. Unfortunately, I am unable edit my own post. Can't find an edit option and apologies for my naivity, would that mean the service engineer should have installed shocks to both the rear within extended warranty?

Best Regards

Honda CR-V - Rare shock leak - Cyd

would that mean the service engineer should have installed shocks to both the rear within extended warranty?

Don't know - can't say because you haven't told us how old or how many miles your car is. Neither do I know specifically what Honda's policy is in this area, or what your warranty t's & c's are.

I can only tell you that the above has been deemed "good engineering practice" by my employer, saving having to replace perfectly good parts in warranty whilst maintaining the integrity of the car.

Legally though, you have had the defective part replaced and that is probably the limit of the warranty companies liability.

be worth asking the dealer what Honda's policy is and comparing it to the action taken.