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Fiat 500 - Fiat 500 Squealing Brakes? - Phobie's Dad

Our 2010 Fiat 500 1.2 Lounge has developed an intermittent high pitched squeal whch seems to come from the front wheels (difficult to tell but seems to be RHS). Sounds like disc and pad rubbing as the squeal disappears when touching the brake. Also disappears with right steering input and can appear with left steering input. Difficult to demonstrate to a mechanic as is so intermittent. Any ideas as to the cause and cure?

Fiat 500 - Fiat 500 Squealing Brakes? - phil_z70

When was the last time the brakes were serviced or pads / discs changed ?

Fiat 500 - Fiat 500 Squealing Brakes? - Cyd

Sticking caliper / pad(s)

Strip, clean, lube, rebuild BOTH sides (if DIYing)

If paying a garage for the pleasure, then have discs and pads replaced if significantly more then half worn (or scored or pitted or corroded) since you're already paying the labour and the parts are cheap(er) by comparison. Have the brakes bled too if it's not been done before.

Your pad(s) could be overheating which could decrease your braking efficiency which could make an emergency stop longer which could be the difference between an accident and a near miss, so have it done at your earliest convenience. In the meantime, drive more defensively.

Fiat 500 - Fiat 500 Squealing Brakes? - daveyjp

Some vehicles emit a high pitched squeal when its time for pads to be changed.

At 5 years old this car is probably ready if it hasn't been done recently.

Fiat 500 - Fiat 500 Squealing Brakes? - Cyd

Some vehicles emit a high pitched squeal when its time for pads to be changed.

They do, but the 'tang' would make contact with the disc and screech when the brakes are used! The noise the OP complains of goes away when the brakes are used.

Fiat 500 - Fiat 500 Squealing Brakes? - Phobie's Dad

Thanks Cyd - Will get the car booked in. Also appreciate your comments about possible overheating :)