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Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - Billy Mac
Hello Chaps,
I have just acquired a mint 8kmiles 58 plate Bonne. Absolutely delighted with it except that the engine seems relatively noisy to me - particularly at tickover. Is this a feature of this engine - its certainy rattles more than my previous bike ( a Harley 883 with a similar mileage).
Should I be worried - or just put up with it as it is normal for this powerpack?
I would appreciate any informed comments.
Billy Mac.
Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - craig-pd130

Hard to say without actually hearing the bike running. Does the bike have fresh oil, and the right oil level? Have valve clearances been adjusted recently? Does the noise disappear if you pull the clutch in, in neutral?

Don't forget the Triumph has a L O N G camchain to get all the way to the top of those tall cylinders.

As the bike has an auto camchain tensioner, they can sometimes sound a little noisy if the tensioner is 'between clicks.' You may find that after a good long run when the engine gets thoroughly warmed up, the rattle will disappear as the tensioner's spring mechanism will have taken up all the slack.

I have a Suzuki SV (another bike with long camchains), and this is a common question from new owners of those. The answer as far as the SV goes is, they all do that, sir.

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - Billy Mac
Thank you.
Yes levels all ok, no change when clutch disengaged. Not coming from the top end. On reflection it does sound like camchain rattle. No change after long run so perhaps cam chain adjustment required. Appreciate your suggestions.
Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - likeweld

Did you find out what was wrong in the end buddy??

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - Billy Mac
I have now compared it to other Bonne's and it does seem to be a characteristic of them all. So I have stopped worrying about it.
It will probably self destruct now I have written this !!
Thanks for the interest friend.
Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - Billy Mac
Hello Chaps,
Just an update on my “noisy” Bonnie. I have covered a further 4K miles since I posted my original concerns. There has been no change to the noise levels - or any mechanical failure.
Clearly, an inherent characteristic of this engine.
Still very apply with the bike .............. and unlike my 3TA, 5TA and 6T back in the 60’s, no oil leaks or vibrations.
Happy (and safe) 2018 biking to you all.
Billy Mac.
Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - craig-pd130

That's good news. It wouldn't be a proper Triumph if it didn't make a little bit of mechanical noise :¬D

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - Billy Mac
Hello All,
Just to update you, I traded-in the Bonne last week ( now with 12k miles) and can report that the mechanical noise had not changed. Clearly it was a characteristic of the configuration. In mint condition I achieved a decent price against the 1200cc Thruxton now in my posession.
Very happy with the replacement !!
Stay safe,
Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - craig-pd130

I'm on the hunt for a new bike now, too, having written off my SV on a patch of diesel.a couple of weeks back :-(

I'm relatively OK, just a broken finger and a couple of scuffs. Bike unfortunately hit a kerb, denting the frame and trashing the tank and plastics. C'est la vie.

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - Billy Mac
Glad you are still breathing Craig.
There are several roundabouts near Newcastle where HGV’s with overfilled fuel tanks deposit diesel all over the road when going round. Bad enough in a car......lethal to bikers.
Btw definitely recommend the Thrux 1200.....mine has the Cafe Racer kit. I have reverted back to my biking mindset back in the 60’s.
Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - craig-pd130
Glad you are still breathing Craig. There are several roundabouts near Newcastle where HGV’s with overfilled fuel tanks deposit diesel all over the road when going round. Bad enough in a car......lethal to bikers. ?? Btw definitely recommend the Thrux 1200.....mine has the Cafe Racer kit. I have reverted back to my biking mindset back in the 60’s.

Thanks :)

Picking up my new SV650 tomorrow. I just love that little V-twin. This one has ABS, which may have saved me if I'd had it on my previous SV (I was braking in a straight line when I hit the patch of diesel, bike slammed down like it had been hit by a wrecking ball).

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - lila20

my original concerns. There has been no change to the noise levels - or any mechanical failure.

LInk deleted.

Edited by Avant on 02/06/2019 at 16:06

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - focussed

Don't click on this link it's something to do with canned spiced ham and indian railways.

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - smiffyuk

and I thought the item was getting interesting and I was going to tell you about hitting a house brick on my bonny in 1964

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - SteveLee

Picking up my new SV650 tomorrow. I just love that little V-twin. This one has ABS, which may have saved me if I'd had it on my previous SV (I was braking in a straight line when I hit the patch of diesel, bike slammed down like it had been hit by a wrecking ball).

Glad to hear you're in one piece and you've got a new bike - sadly nothing will stop the accident you describe - if you hit diesel, 9/10 times you go down like you described - ABS or not. The SV is a cracking little bike - good value too and very, very reliable.

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - glossy133

Nice blog, the article you have shared is good.This article is very useful. My friend suggest me to use this blog.

link deleted

Edited by Xileno on 08/07/2021 at 19:47

Triumph Bonne T100 865cc - Mechanical engine noise - Engineer Andy

Speak better Ingleesh, my good spammer.