Driving has evolved, better roads, more traffic calming also more powerful cars in an environment of more traffic, improved training and lower speed limits (eg 20mph zones) so it's difficult to compare, but what is certain is that without the rigid enforcement that does exist traffic speeds would be faster ... which takes us back in a loop to the original question, are we safer now? Probably
Depends how you define 'safer'. Fatalities and serious injury rates may be lower, but this is probably mostly due to seatbelts, airbags, crumple zones etc.
The incidence of collisions, however, is probably higher; the general standard of driving is really very poor. On a daily basis one sees tailgating, phone use, inconsiderate and illegal parking, traffic light jumping (even when there are cameras!).
Improved training? Only today I saw a car stopped on double yellow lines for a good ten minutes, (there were also yellow 'no loading' lines on the pavement), a young-ish lad sitting in the driving seat waiting for someone, obviously thought as he'd put hazard flashers on this was perfectly OK.
Theory test can be swotted up and once passed it is often forgotten (like O level Latin
When I started driving, cars were less crashworthy, we knew it was likely to hurt if you ran into something, today many seem to feel invulnerable (especially drivers of 4x4s) so are less careful.