A quickie--that I am happy to pass on to ALL ENERGY USING readers of this site. It goes like this.
If coming to the end of an energy tarriff period--it is best to wait until advised by your energy provider that this period has ended. Anticipating the end date yourself , seeking/negotiating a new tariff agreement will administratively knock their system flying and cause billing chaos . Their computer will say "whoops" , then "no".
Also--never ever change a tariff using an energy provider's chat line. This is unreliable. Do a self meter read, then ring an on line advisor once you have been advised ( in writing) of options at the end of your tariff period.I pass this advice on having had a great deal of my time wasted by talking to my provider(one of the big ones!) as my current tariff was about to end having not had any closing information options. This company , now has it's card marked-big time. YOU ARE WARNED