Regrettably, the H-J website is becoming too irritating to read. This is caused by the overload of advertisements, many with ever-changing graphics, plus the overload of graphics even in actual website topic sections.
The effect is that the website, when loaded in all the browsers I regularly use, jumps about erratically as various parts of the page load and reload their content - often not actually visible. The web page is very unresponsive for many seconds and unpredictable about where the text I am trying to read will be when it does refresh.
You will be losing page hits at a rapid rate if this problem is not attended to. Something I would say would most likely exceed the loss of advertisement revenue that might come from having less advert-intensive pages all the time.
Not only is the H-J website affected, the overall load on my browser is such as to make the whole browser unresponsive, so I can't even read something else in another tab whilst waiting for H-J to settle down !!!
It is in your hands. Fix it or lose me, and probably thousands like me. I would be regretful if that happened.
David Hall
Edited by gbhall on 17/11/2015 at 12:45