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West Yorkshire Police

Recording an above car crime rate of 175 offences per 10,000 registered vehicles, West Yorkshire Police covers a number of large populations, including Bradford, Leeds and Wakefield.

The worst area for car crime is central Bradford, with a whopping 2137 incidents of car crime recorded for every 10,000 cars. Theft from a motor vehicle and criminal damage represents the mainstay of incidents, with just 12 per cent of cars being stolen. Crime hotspots include areas surrounding Bradford’s train station, cathedral and shopping centre.

Leeds City centre recorded 1738 incidents per 10,000 cars, with areas surrounding the university and housing estates show a substantial amount in car crime activity.

The safest area in the whole of West Yorkshire was the small market town of Todmorden. The town, which is home to 15,000 people, recorded 55 offences of car crime per 10,000 cars between 2011-2012.  

A lack of detailed data means we are unable to display the crime rates by manufacturer for the West Yorkshire Police area.

See also: Top 10 Cars Stolen to order / Top 10 Most Stolen Cars / Crime homepage

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Crime map
Crimes by type
Offence type Offences per 10,000
registered vehicles
Theft from 84
Criminal Damage 61
Theft of 21
Interfering with 9
Total 175
Crimes by postcode
Postcode District Offences per 10,000
registered vehicles
BD1 2137
LS2 1738
LS3 1245
LS1 950
BD3 711
LS9 597
LS11 520
BD5 512
LS4 507
LS6 447
BD14 435
BD8 421
BD7 407
HX1 376
LS5 368
BD9 351
LS7 343
BD12 342
BD2 337
HD1 299
LS12 293
BD4 289
BD18 288
LS8 284
WF13 284
BD6 266
BD21 263
BD15 258
BD10 247
WF16 243
LS13 227
WF10 223
LS14 222
WF17 221
LS27 208
BD13 208
LS26 204
WF11 203
HX3 193
HX2 192
BD22 175
WF6 174
BD19 174
HX5 169
HX6 167
BD17 162
WF8 161
WF15 158
HD5 158
BD11 157
BD16 156
HD3 153
WF1 148
HD2 148
LS23 146
HD4 143
LS16 139
LS20 132
WF9 131
WF12 129
BD20 127
WF14 124
WF5 123
HD9 119
LS15 119
HD6 119
HD7 117
WF2 111
HX7 110
HX4 107
LS10 105
WF3 104
LS18 103
LS19 97
WF7 94
LS21 91
LS25 83
LS17 82
WF4 82
LS29 78
HD8 71
LS28 69
LS22 64
OL14 55