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Despite being a desirable brand Porsche does well, with a low crime rate. Its luxury and performance cars are most likely bought by owners who take especially good care of them and keep them secure and off the road. That said, the worst performing model is relatively recent and so should have better security than older models. It still has a below average crime rate, regardless.

Logos 2 Car Crime Census

For a breakdown by make and model click here.

See also: Top 10 Cars Stolen to order / Top 10 Most Stolen Cars

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Crimes involving Porsche by type
Offence type Offences per 10,000
registered vehicles
Criminal Damage 45
Theft from 29
Theft of 12
Other 1
Interfering with 1
Total 86

50.3% better than the national average.

Crimes involving Porsche by range
Range Criminal Damage Interfering with Other Theft from Theft of All offences
All figures are offences per 10,000 registered vehicles
928 16 0 0 0 0 23
Panamera 31 0 0 8 0 37
924 18 0 6 6 12 45
944 10 0 0 30 5 47
911 27 0 0 13 9 47
Cayman 19 2 4 19 4 48
Boxster 33 0 0 13 7 52
Cayenne 38 2 2 45 10 92