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The worst car in Mazda’s table is the 121, a rare vehicle that in its most common form is actually a badge engineered Fiesta. Its crime rate is substantially higher per 10,000 vehicles than any other Mazda, which is a pretty good sign for Mazda owners. The MX-3 is the only other car in the Mazda list with an above average crime rate and it’s both old and rare. 

Logos 2 Car Crime Census

For a breakdown by make and model click here.

See also: Top 10 Cars Stolen to order / Top 10 Most Stolen Cars

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Crimes involving Mazda by type
Offence type Offences per 10,000
registered vehicles
Criminal Damage 47
Theft from 36
Theft of 11
Interfering with 2
Other 1
Total 96

44.1% better than the national average.

Crimes involving Mazda by range
Range Criminal Damage Interfering with Other Theft from Theft of All offences
All figures are offences per 10,000 registered vehicles
CX-7 22 0 0 11 0 31
BT-50 0 0 0 49 0 46
2 28 1 1 17 4 50
3 32 0 2 19 3 55
5 22 0 1 29 5 56
Tribute 31 0 0 23 0 57
MX-5 35 2 1 25 4 66
Premacy 37 0 0 34 2 70
Demio 30 4 0 26 11 72
6 39 0 1 31 7 78
B2500 12 0 6 58 12 84
E2200 0 8 0 63 32 96
626 40 3 0 33 17 96
RX-7 28 0 0 57 19 97
323 52 4 0 39 20 114
RX-8 57 0 2 29 30 115
MX-3 34 0 0 61 54 165
121 118 0 0 59 76 259