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None of Chysler’s models sell very well in the UK. The Sebring is very rare, which probably explains the lack of crime related to it, and it’s the same story for more or less everything in the list. The Neon is an older model that lacks the best security gear, so it’s fairly vulnerable to opportunists. It’s possible some of the crime related to Grand Voyager models was recorded in databases against the regular Voyager, which might slightly inflate the relative crime rate of the Voyager versus the Grand Voyager – but they’re pretty close together in the table regardless. 

Logos 2 Car Crime Census

For a breakdown by make and model click here.

See also: Top 10 Cars Stolen to order / Top 10 Most Stolen Cars

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Crimes involving Chrysler by type
Offence type Offences per 10,000
registered vehicles
Criminal Damage 69
Theft from 50
Theft of 16
Interfering with 3
Other 0
Total 135

21.7% better than the national average.

Crimes involving Chrysler by range
Range Criminal Damage Interfering with Other Theft from Theft of All offences
All figures are offences per 10,000 registered vehicles
Sebring 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ypsilon 15 0 0 0 0 14
PT Cruiser 16 0 0 20 1 35
300C 20 2 2 15 5 41
Crossfire 26 4 0 15 11 52
Grand Voyager 23 4 0 23 7 54
Neon 69 0 0 27 24 117
Voyager 105 1 0 79 20 200