Most recently answered fuel duty questions

It is about time that you gave us your breakdown again, of how we have crude at very low prices yet unleaded petrol at chronically high prices. The VAT must be discounted since it is dependent of the underlying...

Can you explain why the concept of supply and demand in terms of diesel and petrol prices is turned on its head in continental Europe, where the price of petrol exceeds that of diesel? The situation seems...

The government has deceived us, again. The recent public relations coup of helping hard-pressed families etc by postponing the fuel duty rise is really disingenuous. It's all about saving money and it...

When the last government reduced the rate of vat to 15% the duty on fuel was increased by 2.5% but when VAT returned to 17.5% the extra 2.5% tax was not removed. Is this just another way of ripping the...
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