TV Show?
I fully agree with Jim Walkden. I also read your askhj daily. Thanks for providing this great source of 'real world' information and advice for motorists. Why is it that motoring is so much part of our daily lives that there is no dedicated TV programme covering everyday motoring (I exclude the likes of Top Gear) when subjects like property, food etc., get covered to excess. Good work! How about TV?
Asked on 25 September 2016 by Roger Hadfield

Basically, because it's too boring for normal folk and would not get the necessary viewing figures. Has been tried dozens of times. Not even the satellite channels go in for this. And anyway, you get videos of specific DIY jobs on You Tube. We simply fill a 'real world' gap left by the more 'entertaining' motoring shows, motoring magazines and online content, but it isn't going to make us millionaires. I actually own the URL: I renewed it a couple of days ago.
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