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Diesel or petrol?

My commute to work is four miles there and the same four miles back. I do this twice a day. I'm looking at buying an 09-ish Kia Soul but can't decide between petrol or diesel. Since this model I believe did not have a DPF (pre 2010) which one - petrol or diesel - would use the most fuel for this rather short journey?

Asked on 27 July 2015 by tmmitzzie

Answered by Honest John
I'm not sure that a 2009 didn't have a DPF. Test and video of exactly that car here: www.honestjohn.co.uk/road-tests/kia/kia-soul-2009-.../? Every diesel had to have a DPF from January 2011. Old models tended to get thme by around mid 2010. But new models introduced in 2008 could have had them from the start, in anticipation of the new legislation. No reports of DPF problems. Actually, no problems reported at all other than recalls: www.honestjohn.co.uk/carbycar/kia/soul-2008/?secti...d
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