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Built-in Sat-Navs
I find it incredulous the price manufactures want to update a car's built-in sat-nav. My 2008 Mercedes-Benz C-Class cost £211 for the a recent update, way more than a brand new, top-range Tom-Tom, Garmin, etc. Also it takes 180 minutes to download!
Asked on 28 July 2014 by Chris B

Very common criticism. Some models such as Renaults and Mazda have built in TomToms the SD card of which can be updated online. Others have a dashboard shoe for a TomTom or Garmin that works much better than suckering the thing to the screen. And the latest simply connect with smartphones, transferring all the smartphone functions to a touch screen in the car, including the satnav app on the phone. The only problem with that is if you lose signal you lose the satnav.
sat nav
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