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Is there anything you can do to stop road signs being obscured by foliage?

The very interesting cover story in a recent Daily Telegraph Motoring about the design and clarity of UK road signage, prompts me to observe, that, with the exception of motorways, road signs of all varieties are increasingly being obscured by trees and bushes throughout the country; and not just by this years growth. Added to which, the effectiveness of a good many is compromised by the filth of traffic grime, moss and algae. No doubt these conditions have been allowed to occur due to cuts in the Highway Authorities budget. But I believe the maintenance of all road signage is an important aspect of road safely and the matter needs to be addressed urgently. Is this something you, via Daily Telegraph Motoring, could pursue in the form of a campaign?

Asked on 21 December 2013 by GK, via email

Answered by Honest John
I did cover this before last year. Drivers can avoid speeding convictions if they can prove that the limits were not properly posted because the signs were obscured (see photo). The fun way to do a feature would be to invite readers to send photos of obscured signs. But unfortunately this sort of thing takes a lot of time, which I don't have.
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