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How will the new laws regarding undertaking be enforced on the motorway?

So we now have specific offences listed that were already covered by the likes of 'due care and attention' or 'careless driving' but overtaking on the left apparently is listed now. Imagine in the, rare event of a police patrol seeing someone tailgating a middle/outer lane hogger who isn't overtaking someone and a third who comes along in lane one to breeze past both - which does the officer book? Personally I think it should be the CLOG as his driving is a contributory cause of the other. I've had the pleasure of using 30 miles of motorway twice a day recently for a few weeks and took advantage of the good weather to use my motorcycle, and this gave me the opportunity to observe people 'in their natural habitat'.

Asked on 16 November 2013 by PM, Stockport

Answered by Honest John
I agree. But how this is going to work is that errant drivers will be filmed on video from police cars and plain clothes police cars. Only those arrogant and stupid enough to hog the centre lanes mile after mile, or those who obviously switch lanes to pass on the nearside will be booked. I've just completed three weeks driving on average four hours a day in Bangkok traffic without a scrape. There, undertaking, overtaking, even overtaking on U turns is normal. Urban roads can be 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 lanes wide. The speed limit is 80kmh (50mph) and many of the 30,000,000 motorcycles on Thai roads weaving in and out of the traffic are an additional hazard only if you see them as such. It's very refreshing. Video here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=THksLID3DcI
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