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Why do we have to negotiate with the AA to get a reasonable renewal quote?
I am sending this to you purely for information as I am not telling you anything you do not know and as you have told us so many times as a warning about companies like the AA. Last year our AA "subscription" was £123. The renewal just received was a demand for £252. My wife phoned and said this was not acceptable. They offered £181 and, after further discussion, said "the computer has agreed £131". Of course, like insurance, we need breakdown cover and it is rank dishonesty for any supplier to quote double knowing that this will be reduced after a little pushing.
Asked on 9 November 2013 by DM, Sutton Coldfield

It's standard for any company owned by Private Equity Funding. Same for most insurers too. Comes from living in a world owned and run by the money men.
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