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Why aren't winter tyres encouraged in Britain?

West Dorset is a rural and hilly area with three ways out of our village: two steeply upwards and one steeply down. During the recent snowy weather cars were skidding all over the place. I have winter tyres and had been out without a problem.

My daughter lives in Germany where it is less snowy than when we lived in the Chilterns, but a simple rule applies. Winter tyres are advised, Nov-March. They are not obligatory but if a car is so fitted and has to be rescued, all the usual services are free. But if it has summer tyres then it is deemed that the motorist was inadequately prepared and must take full responsibility for rescue and any other costs. I feel it's high time motorists took more responsibility and stopped blaming somebody else for all our Winter transport problems.

Asked on 23 March 2013 by EL, via email

Answered by Honest John
Many thanks. But actually you are repeating advice and information that I have given hundreds of times. Our winter section here: www.honestjohn.co.uk/winter-tyres/

These are the latest winter tyre recommendations from tyre reviews: www.tyrereviews.co.uk/Article/2012-Winter-Tyre-Buy...m
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