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Why are governments imposing climate change controls when volcanoes are far bigger culprits?
Lat year’s volcanic eruption in Iceland, since its first spewing of volcanic ash, in just four days, negated every effort mankind has made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud any one time every day. I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it discharged more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than the entire human race has emitted in its entire existence on earth. Mt Pinatubo was active for over one year.
Of course I shouldn't spoil this touchy-feely, tree-hugging moment by mentioning the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognised 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keeps on taking place, despite mankind's completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change. Another fact is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate all efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year. Government just tried to impose a whopping carbon tax on us on the basis of the bogus ''human-caused'' climate change scenario. Isn't it interesting how they don't mention ''Global Warming'' any more, but just ''Climate Change''? Do you know why? It's because the planet has cooled by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming scaremongers got caught with their pants down. Just keep in mind that we might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme (that whopping new tax) imposed on us, that will achieve absolutely nothing except make us poorer. It won't stop any volcanoes from erupting, that's for sure.
Of course I shouldn't spoil this touchy-feely, tree-hugging moment by mentioning the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognised 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keeps on taking place, despite mankind's completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change. Another fact is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate all efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year. Government just tried to impose a whopping carbon tax on us on the basis of the bogus ''human-caused'' climate change scenario. Isn't it interesting how they don't mention ''Global Warming'' any more, but just ''Climate Change''? Do you know why? It's because the planet has cooled by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming scaremongers got caught with their pants down. Just keep in mind that we might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme (that whopping new tax) imposed on us, that will achieve absolutely nothing except make us poorer. It won't stop any volcanoes from erupting, that's for sure.
Asked on 4 July 2011 by SP, Narborough

So now, apparently, the automobile is responsible for a different type of climate change: global cooling. We're heading for another ice age. Time to stop listening to all this environmentalist claptrap that is only supported by governments because of its revenue earning potential. However, it does make sense to be a bit more frugal with what remains a diminishing resource, whatever fresh deposits of it are found.
co2 emissions
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