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Can I claim from the local council for damage caused to my car by a pothole?

Three days ago I suffered a blowout of my nearside rear tyre that resulted in a replacement at a cost of £96.60. This was caused by a 6-inch pothole adjacent to a drainage grid that I have photographed together with the damaged tyre. I wish to claim from the Wiltshire council and believe you have published the procedure?

Asked on 12 June 2011 by CH, via email

Answered by Honest John
The procedure is to first check with www.fixmystreet.co.uk and with www.potholes.co.uk . They both have pothole reporting systems that become a matter of record so if the pothole has not been filled within a reasonable period it amounts to malfeasance by the relevant council and you have a legitimate claim. If it has not been reported, unfortunately not much you can do except enter it on the two sites to be reported to the council and perhaps save someone else's wheel and tyre.
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