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How can I campaign against the ban of non-EU4 diesel engines in London, which will affect camper van drivers like myself?
On reading your page on 1 May, I was shocked to read the item headed "Mourning campers" because I was totally unaware of the forthcoming ban on non-EU4 diesel engines within the LEZ, which drastically affects me. I feel so strongly about this that I have written to the Mayor of London and have also sent a copy to the Editor of the Camping and Caravanning Club, of which I am a member. I wonder whether you have any other feedback, and perhaps a group of those affected could get together (perhaps with a petition). I am very happy for you to pass on a copy of my letter to any interested party with my e-mail address of rbowen22@hotmail.com and telephone 01895673306.
Asked on 12 May 2011 by RB, via email

This was announced about three years ago during Ken Livingstone's tenure. It's very late to start campaigning. The information is here: www.tfl.gov.uk/roadusers/lez/17678.aspx
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