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Can you recommend a hatchback sports car with usable rear seats, cruise control and room for golf clubs?
Am looking to change my car and treat myself to a sports car, probably two or three years old. I really like the Audi TT, but unfortunately the rear seats are all but useless. I do 17,000 to 18,000 miles per year and new car would need cruise control, capacity for golf clubs and be a hatchback. I'm not a big fan of the Scirocco or Golf.
Asked on 13 November 2010 by AW, Cardiff

RenaultSport Megane 250. That has cruise control with speed limiter, but also happens to be the finest steering and finest handling front drive hatchback you can buy at any price. For your mileage, better the softer non-Cup model on 18-inch rather than 19-inch wheels.
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