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Missing MOT advisory

Hi, just collected approved used 2004 Jazz from the main dealer.

They 'forgot' to include the MOT advisory, or to return my call when I queried it, so I checked it online at the VOSA website.

The car will need new rear pads shortly it seems. This seems cheeky at best, and so very shortsighted.

Clearly pads are a wear item and not covered by the one year 'happiness' warranty, so would they really jeopardise my lifetime customer value for a quick £80?

It was the first time I've ever walked onto a Honda forecourt, let alone bought one! Or is it reasonable to expect an approved used vehicle from a main dealer to have an MOT advisory on brake pads?

Asked on 12 May 2011 by gingabeard

Answered by Honest John
They should have disclosed this to you.It is now illegal to fail to disclose details by omission and you have a good case to prove they deliberately concealed the fact that the rear pads needed replacing. I'd demand that they rectify the situation.
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