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Do hybrids lose more money than petrol cars?

Would an eight year old hybrid depreciate quicker than an equivalent petrol only car? And would it be worth keeping a hybrid car close to the end of it's eight year battery warranty?

Asked on 8 January 2024 by phil melrose

Answered by David Ross
Depreciation is caused by a wide number of factors, so although hybrids have the potential to depreciate at a greater rate when they are towards the end of their battery life or guarantee period this does not necessarily mean it will be worse than a petrol car. An eight-year-old car has already been through the most significant period of depreciation, so it is less of an issue at this age.

On the matter of keeping or selling an eight-year-old hybrid, mileage and condition are still crucial factors. If well maintained there is no reason why a hybrid cannot continue to perform for many more years.
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