Highway Code changes - who has priority at roundabouts?

Following introduction of new pedestrian priority at junctions, does this rule also apply when leaving or joining a roundabout?

Asked on 23 February 2022 by Pete

Answered by Sarah Tooze
Yes, the rule change to give priority to pedestrians waiting to cross the road applies at junctions and when crossing side roads so does include roundabouts.

Individual circumstances will determine if it is safe to give way to pedestrians waiting to cross and drivers and riders are expected to use their own judgment to ensure the safety of themselves and other road users.

Such factors as the presence of following traffic, the speed on approach, the visibility and actions of the person waiting to cross, and whether it was clear the person intended to cross will all need to be considered.

The actions of the driver or rider should not place a pedestrian at risk if they fail to give way to someone who is already crossing the road.

Drivers and riders should also obey the signals, road marking and signs at junctions.

Failure to do so in some circumstances is committing an offence.
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