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Have you heard that fast charging fries EV batteries after 40 charges?
I've done a lot of reading by various car writers on the subject of EV range and how it differs a lot from the makers' figures. The thing I'm more interested in is, on average, how much does using air con or heating impact the range? I wonder what percentage drop an EV would lose from factors other than driving habits. The other small thing is the study in America where they found that fast charging tends to fry your batteries after about 40 charges. Not very reassuring, especially for the second-hand market. Imagine having to buy a new engine for your next car, I don't think so. Have you heard about this and what do you think?
Asked on 11 December 2020 by robert battley

Regular rapid charging certainly isn't ideal for the longevity of batteries but I'd be surprised if batteries are fried after 40 charges. Most car manufacturers provide an eight-year warranty for their EV batteries and, in our experience, they usually outlast this (the earliest Nissan Leafs have been around for nine years and most are on their original batteries). It's also worth bearing in mind that a considerable amount of EV drivers mainly charge at home and rarely need to use public rapid chargers.
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