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A very dear friend of mine has to appear in court later this month charged with failing to provide a specimen of breath. If found guilty, she will receive a driving ban. In this event, I have offered to have the vehicle on my property, which is a considerable distance from her, for the duration of her ban. This has several advantages, the two main ones being that she will not be tempted to drive, and also that the vehicle can be used occasionally in order to avoid deterioration of everything which would occur if the vehicle was to be left parked for 12 months. In order for me to be able to use the vehicle during this time, will we need to do anything about the vehicle documentation? I am a named driver on her insurance policy. Would this have to be cancelled from the point that the ban commences? If so, can I drive this vehicle and renew the excise tax disc under my own insurance which entitles me to drive a vehicle which does not belong to me or is not hired to me under a hire purchase or leasing agreement of at least 12 months duration? As I see it, the only other alternative would be for me to become the registered keeper of the vehicle for the duration, which I do not want to do because I assume that I will have to insure it myself too. Do you have any advice on this please?

Asked on 16 May 2009 by

Answered by Honest John
Yes, the insurer has to be told of the ban as a standard disclosure and the new location where the car will be kept and may either cancel cover, or quadruple the premium. If the insurer is not told and you drive the car and have a crash or get pulled by an ANPR check you may find your ‘other cars’ concession does not apply and that you have committed an offence. I think best to transfer keepership to you and for you to insure the car separately. Your own ‘other cars’ insurance does not anyway cover it for the purpose of taxing it.
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