Where is your coolant header tank on this car? Sounds just like the noise when a defective VW coolant filler cap vents for a second...or when excess pressure from a failing head gasket causes it vent a little.
The rapid resonance of the pressure cap seat lifting is akin to a "gruff sigh".
Like Bazza I might go for tyre noise?
I know it's not your road but if anyone tries the M25 anticlockwise about two miles before the M1 the recently resurfaced road (outside lane only) has this effect for best part of a mile - quite loud and disconcerting at first.
However, it is more like the Clangers than the Teletubbies i.e. more of a woooo-oooo than an eh-oh .
I think you may have got it.
The coolant header tank is at the extreme passenger side rear of the engine compartment. In other words, about where the noise might be coming from.
So, thinking aloud (or rather typing as I think) if the filler cap is defective can I test it? Though I expect that even at VW parts prices they can't charge a fortune for a plastic lid? If that solved the problem it would be a few quid well spent.
If the head gasket is failing, what would I see? Oil in coolant (none); water in oil (no sign); loss of coolant (I added nearly a pint last weekend to top up to max when cold, never used any before or since); pressure in cooling system (venting cap???)
Is there any reason why this sound would appear only the first time in a journey from cold that I reach 54mph (measured carefully home yesterday and out today). This morning I held my speed back for a few miles from home, then accellerated on level road to 55, the usual noise. Slowed to 40, accellerated again. Nothing! Down motorway sliproad, nothing.
Thanks for all the pointers so far, especially MM. I know you are really busy, but if you have chance to help me out further I will be extremely grateful
I've heard a similar sound so may times from a venting cap that it was my first thought, heard a Citroen the other day that sounded like a clarinet...couldn't get the exact tune. Might be a mile off though.
>>The coolant header tank is at the extreme passenger side rear of the engine compartment....where the noise might be coming from. Sounds promising
...if the filler cap is defective can I test it? You really need a cooling system pressure tester that will pressurise the system and see when the cap vents
...they can't charge a fortune for a plastic lid...it would be a few quid well spent. Yes perhaps the easiest way
If the head gasket is failing, what would I see? Sometimes first signs are just the cooling system going over pressure, the fact that you had to add coolant the other day is a pointer something is up. Bear in mind a sticking thermostat will give very similar symptoms sometimes.
...why this sound would appear only the first time in a journey from cold that I reach 54mph etc etc This bit worries me that I'm possibly wrong if it is really speed related. But I am used to folks reporting faults that only happen as they pass the Spar shop on a wet Tuesday, get used to looking beyond those explanations for the likely causes!
Mate had a Rover 216 that used to "Moo" ocasionally. Turned out to be the vent valve for the fuel tank.
"Mate had a Rover 216 that used to "Moo" ocasionally"
Maybe it needed servicing...
Huge apologies to AndyS, and I hope you suss this out as soon as possible! However in the meantime please forgive me for continuing to gain some perverse pleasure from
this bizarre story!
Hey, that's fine. Your tales have entertained me plenty in the past.
I'm amazed no-one has yet suggested a fault with the dipsy-stick.
Seems many on here have an unhealthy familiarity with the TT's, as Mark suggested to Andy S in the first place.
How many can blame it on kids, and how many 'just happen to catch 5 minutes of it from time to time'? ;)
Unhealthy? What do you mean unhealthy HF?
Seriously, when they started you couldn't avoid them on the news and everywhere. I've never seen a TT program. Honest. Not even a couple of minutes. Honest.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it :o)
The header tank is on the near side bulk head and could as previuos suggested be venting except it appears to be speed related. Hope that is not the head gasket leaking, check got over pressurisation i.e. the water level drops aftera high speed drive due to excess pressure inflating the pipes and when you carefully, very carfully undo the header tank the water level rises considerably. Note do not undo the cap completely just a tuen oe so and joggle the cap and it will let out the air slowly.
Assumming it is not that then the flaps at the sides of the radiator, look carefully, have deteriated or cracked and there is your resonating humm. Last one I fixed didn't sound like a kids TV program but it was musical.
And of course, believe you, Terry. Honest.
I can't believe I am adding to this silliness........
"Sobre las colinas y lejos lejos, Teletubbies viene jugar".
It gets too much for all of us eventually Mark :o)
Babel Fish makes a wonderful translation "On hills and far far, Teletubbies comes to play ".
\"over\" Terry, \"Over\". and \"Far away\" not far, far.
I dunno, learn the language and ignore the automated translations.....
\"over\" Terry, \"Over\". and \"Far away\" not far, far. I dunno, learn the language and ignore the automated translations.....
But M, since Terry has never, honestly, in all his life, watched the thing, how could he possibly know the 'over the hills and far away, teletubbies come to play' expression.
Is his lack of knowledge on this subject for real, or is he just protesting a little too much now?
Eh oh. Time for Telly bye byes. Time for Telly bye byes.
Night night all :o)
I will put you down, until I know otherwise, as one who has kids, Dynamic - except, to be pedantic, isn't it 'time for tubby bye byes'? Or is my memory failing me now?
good night for now ;)
PS cannot believe we actually have a thread running along these lines ;)
isn't it 'time for tubby bye byes'?
HF, yes I think you're right. No kids btw. Still a big kid myself. We'll have to exchange email addresses sometime to give the others a break.
Now I'm really off to bed before Mark turns me into a pink fluffy mouse.
HF, yes I think you're right. No kids btw. Still a big kid myself. We'll have to exchange email addresses sometime to give the others a break.
Oh god I just said good night on the other thread. This really is it for tonight though. And yeah exchanging email addresses sometime - definitely. (am I becoming that much of a pain that the others are needing a break, though? - tell me honestly, and I'll curtail my postings!)
Now I'm really off to bed before Mark turns me into a pink fluffy mouse.
See ya tomorrow sometime, hopefully.
Mark (Nuts)
Después de tanto tiempo, hacen falta los teletubbies para que empieces a hablar sucio de nuevo.
El Stu.