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Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
Hello all:
This is the most bizzarre car glitch I have ever had. I hope you don't all think I'm mad!

There is a sound, which seems to come from the passenger side front of the car. It is tuneful - musical notes rather than a noise - and sounds not unlike the aforementioned strange TV-beings' "eh-oh". As in the "eh-oh" there are two distinct pitches following each other, the higher one of the pair always first, for a second or two, a short burst of the lower tone, then nothing.

The sound first appeared one morning on my journey to work, about 400 yds from home, when I first reached about 50 mph, going down a hill. At first the sounds occurred at the same time and place intermittently, then every time. The second time I hit 50 mph in the journey I would hear nothing and didn't hear the noise again until the following morning.

Now I might get the sounds the first twice I hit 50 mph(ish). And I'm starting to hear the sounds on my return as well.

I don't understand!

Has anyone got any ideas before I call an exorcist?

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Mark (RLBS)
Got kids ? (I assume so, or you have *very* strange viewing habits).

Toy left under seat ?
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
errr... no I don't have kids, but I do know some people who do and I've seen the odd 5 minutes there. Honestly!

No toys under seat

Car is 100k miles 1997 Polo diesel - I forgot to mention earlier

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Dynamic Dave

Sorry Andy, can't help, but if it's any consolation, you nearly made me choke on a cheese sandwich with laughing so much.
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - HF
This has got to be the first contender for the 'Best Thread of 2003' competition!
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - No Do$h
I've heard of squeaking suspension being put down to "space monkeys in your tyres" but this is a new one one me.

Are you sure it wasn't one of the tweenies moonlighting?
No Dosh - but then who has?
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - smokie
Just about the funniest problem description I've read in a while.

Tried asking this one on a medical forum too, just in case your hearing is at fault???

More seriously, are you saying it's speed related, or related to particular sections of road?
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - frostbite
Trying to be serious and stop laughing :-

Did/does it occur only in very cold weather? Might be a bit of frozen moisture crept into the suspension.
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Maz
Don't worry Andy. I'm sure you're not going La-la.

My Po-lo used to squeak whenever I hit potholes or dipsy in the road.

One day it just stopped as soon as it had started, and my car sounded just like Noo (noo).

Tinky ;-)
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
I'm fairly confindent that all is well with my hearing.

Almost certain that its speed related, not particularly related th one section of road. It seems to happen only early in my journey.

Not only in very cold weather, it's been doing it for too long and this car is garaged overnight.
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
regards any potholes or similar ideas, I don't think so, because the sounds are too long - a second or more - not just a quick squeak.

I am almost releived that everyone else seems a bit mystified as well. I hadn't posted earlier becuse I expected the problem would go away or get worse. It seems to be getting worse, but only slowly. Or maybe it's JUST GETTING TO ME!!
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - bazza
Sounds like some sort of resonance - I had something similar last year at exactly 55 mph on the motorway, at a certain place, damp conditions and windy. It was so loud I thought a hub or bearing had packed in, then it just vanished and never came back.
I am only guessing but it's probably a combination of road surface, tyres, temperature, speed etc. Try swapping tyres round for a start.
Also had a Metro once and among its many faults was a screech from the front hub, cured by a weekly spray of the CV joint and driveshaft area with WD 40. What a B***** awful car that was!

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
I had a Metro once too. You have my sympathy, but mine was OK really - good gokart handling. Rusty though!
New tyres last week - no difference.
Not really a screechy, rattly or graunchy mechanical sort of noise at all. Although the car has 100k miles, it is not at all worn out. It's a VW (;-) and mostly motorway mileage.
I wouldn't althogether dismiss a mechanical cause if someone recognised my description and pointed me in one direction.

thank you all for taking the time to consider my problem!

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - BrianW
Could it be the slipstream blowing over a vent, like making a note by blowing over a bottle?
Still learning (I hope)
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
It might be something like that. The sound is somewhat similar to blowing over a bottle. I've not changed anything though. No fancy spoiler or body additions. I'll have a search for anything that might be whistling. Perhaps it could be a wheelarch liner?
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Phil I
If it was a zizzing noise followed by a metallic clunk everytime you hit the brakes - providing you were driving a Mini I could tell you immediately.

Small dinky toy in bottom of n/s door pocket.

Had me really worried at the time.

Happy Motoring Phil I
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - M.M
Where is your coolant header tank on this car? Sounds just like the noise when a defective VW coolant filler cap vents for a second...or when excess pressure from a failing head gasket causes it vent a little.

The rapid resonance of the pressure cap seat lifting is akin to a "gruff sigh".

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - PST
Like Bazza I might go for tyre noise?

I know it's not your road but if anyone tries the M25 anticlockwise about two miles before the M1 the recently resurfaced road (outside lane only) has this effect for best part of a mile - quite loud and disconcerting at first.

However, it is more like the Clangers than the Teletubbies i.e. more of a woooo-oooo than an eh-oh .
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
I think you may have got it.

The coolant header tank is at the extreme passenger side rear of the engine compartment. In other words, about where the noise might be coming from.

So, thinking aloud (or rather typing as I think) if the filler cap is defective can I test it? Though I expect that even at VW parts prices they can't charge a fortune for a plastic lid? If that solved the problem it would be a few quid well spent.

If the head gasket is failing, what would I see? Oil in coolant (none); water in oil (no sign); loss of coolant (I added nearly a pint last weekend to top up to max when cold, never used any before or since); pressure in cooling system (venting cap???)

Is there any reason why this sound would appear only the first time in a journey from cold that I reach 54mph (measured carefully home yesterday and out today). This morning I held my speed back for a few miles from home, then accellerated on level road to 55, the usual noise. Slowed to 40, accellerated again. Nothing! Down motorway sliproad, nothing.

Thanks for all the pointers so far, especially MM. I know you are really busy, but if you have chance to help me out further I will be extremely grateful


Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - M.M

I've heard a similar sound so may times from a venting cap that it was my first thought, heard a Citroen the other day that sounded like a clarinet...couldn't get the exact tune. Might be a mile off though.

>>The coolant header tank is at the extreme passenger side rear of the engine compartment....where the noise might be coming from. Sounds promising

...if the filler cap is defective can I test it? You really need a cooling system pressure tester that will pressurise the system and see when the cap vents

...they can't charge a fortune for a plastic lid...it would be a few quid well spent. Yes perhaps the easiest way

If the head gasket is failing, what would I see? Sometimes first signs are just the cooling system going over pressure, the fact that you had to add coolant the other day is a pointer something is up. Bear in mind a sticking thermostat will give very similar symptoms sometimes.

...why this sound would appear only the first time in a journey from cold that I reach 54mph etc etc This bit worries me that I'm possibly wrong if it is really speed related. But I am used to folks reporting faults that only happen as they pass the Spar shop on a wet Tuesday, get used to looking beyond those explanations for the likely causes!

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Dynamic Dave
Mate had a Rover 216 that used to "Moo" ocasionally. Turned out to be the vent valve for the fuel tank.
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - smokie
"Mate had a Rover 216 that used to "Moo" ocasionally"

Maybe it needed servicing...
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - HF
Huge apologies to AndyS, and I hope you suss this out as soon as possible! However in the meantime please forgive me for continuing to gain some perverse pleasure from
this bizarre story!
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
Hey, that's fine. Your tales have entertained me plenty in the past.

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - HF
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - terryb
I'm amazed no-one has yet suggested a fault with the dipsy-stick.


Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - HF
Seems many on here have an unhealthy familiarity with the TT's, as Mark suggested to Andy S in the first place.

How many can blame it on kids, and how many 'just happen to catch 5 minutes of it from time to time'? ;)
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - terryb
Unhealthy? What do you mean unhealthy HF?

Seriously, when they started you couldn't avoid them on the news and everywhere. I've never seen a TT program. Honest. Not even a couple of minutes. Honest.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it :o)

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Peter D
The header tank is on the near side bulk head and could as previuos suggested be venting except it appears to be speed related. Hope that is not the head gasket leaking, check got over pressurisation i.e. the water level drops aftera high speed drive due to excess pressure inflating the pipes and when you carefully, very carfully undo the header tank the water level rises considerably. Note do not undo the cap completely just a tuen oe so and joggle the cap and it will let out the air slowly.

Assumming it is not that then the flaps at the sides of the radiator, look carefully, have deteriated or cracked and there is your resonating humm. Last one I fixed didn't sound like a kids TV program but it was musical.


Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - HF
And of course, believe you, Terry. Honest.
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Mark (RLBS)
I can't believe I am adding to this silliness........

"Sobre las colinas y lejos lejos, Teletubbies viene jugar".

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - terryb
It gets too much for all of us eventually Mark :o)

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - terryb
Babel Fish makes a wonderful translation "On hills and far far, Teletubbies comes to play ".
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Mark (RLBS)
\"over\" Terry, \"Over\". and \"Far away\" not far, far.

I dunno, learn the language and ignore the automated translations.....
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - HF
\"over\" Terry, \"Over\". and \"Far away\" not far, far.
I dunno, learn the language and ignore the automated translations.....


But M, since Terry has never, honestly, in all his life, watched the thing, how could he possibly know the 'over the hills and far away, teletubbies come to play' expression.
Is his lack of knowledge on this subject for real, or is he just protesting a little too much now?
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Dynamic Dave
Eh oh. Time for Telly bye byes. Time for Telly bye byes.

Night night all :o)
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - HF
I will put you down, until I know otherwise, as one who has kids, Dynamic - except, to be pedantic, isn't it 'time for tubby bye byes'? Or is my memory failing me now?
good night for now ;)
PS cannot believe we actually have a thread running along these lines ;)
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Dynamic Dave
isn't it 'time for tubby bye byes'?

HF, yes I think you're right. No kids btw. Still a big kid myself. We'll have to exchange email addresses sometime to give the others a break.

Now I'm really off to bed before Mark turns me into a pink fluffy mouse.
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - HF
HF, yes I think you're right. No kids btw. Still a
big kid myself. We'll have to exchange email addresses sometime to
give the others a break.

Oh god I just said good night on the other thread. This really is it for tonight though. And yeah exchanging email addresses sometime - definitely. (am I becoming that much of a pain that the others are needing a break, though? - tell me honestly, and I'll curtail my postings!)
Now I'm really off to bed before Mark turns me into
a pink fluffy mouse.

See ya tomorrow sometime, hopefully.

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Brill {P}
Mark (Nuts)

Después de tanto tiempo, hacen falta los teletubbies para que empieces a hablar sucio de nuevo.

El Stu.
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank

On the advice of the sagely Middleman, I have bought a replacement expansion tank cap from the lovely people at Volkswagen for less than £10 (just).

I almost don't want to tempt fate, because I have only driven the car once since I've changed the cap, but there were no noises remeniscent of TinkyWinky, Dipsy, Lala or Po.

I think the problem may be over and the niggling worry about head gasket failure is banished from my mind.

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - M.M
Well fingers crossed for that cheap repair Andy, but....have you tested it through the critical 50mph threshold yet?


Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - blank
Yes, had to go into work this morning, so the usual route. 70 miles there and back and no problems to report. Looking good!
Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Shigg
How come you can name the tellytubbies?

Tellytubbie in my wheelarch? - Dynamic Dave
How come you can name the tellytubbies?

Ah, but which is sadder, him naming them, or you knowing he's got the name's correct? ;o)
Oh no, it's back - blank
Ah, but which is sadder, him naming them, or you knowing
he's got the name's correct? ;o)

DD - Not a lot in it I would say!

It seems I spoke too soon, the noise is back, precicely as before, so it seems that the tenner to VW was not the solution, merely a diagnostic expense.

Responding to folk's ideas:
I checked for anything that could be causing a wind whistle (thanks BrianW) and couldn't see anything. Wheelarch liners in place as is the plastic undertray. This, coupled with the fact that the replacement cap briefly got rid of the noise makes me think that the cooling system pressurisation idea is probably correct.
Peter D suggested that the level in the expansion tank might fall after a fast run. I checked last night and after a long run the level was actually slightly high, and there was some pressure in the system, normal I think.

So, back to MM's ideas!
I have not had to top up the coolant again. It has stayed stubbornly 2mm above max for 2 weeks now.

Do I progress to an exhaust-gas-in-header-tank test now? Can most garages do this?
Sorry to be dense, but I don't understand the faulty thermostat suggestion.

Thanks for helping me!
Oh no, it's back - M.M

Oh no indeed, hope you're not in the tubbycustard now.

Are you happy that the noise is the cap venting?

If it were me, and I wanted to prove it, I'd attach/tee in a temp small bore hose to the cooling system and run it to a pressure gauge in the car. Watching that as you drive may well tell you what is going on.

Failing that you need to get a garage to test this system out, you don't want to risk overheating trouble on an expensive diesel engine.

If you think it might be something else completely different making the noise then over to a better tubby expert methinks.

Oh no, it's back - blank
>>Oh no indeed, hope you're not in the tubbycustard now.
Tubbycustard?? this is a new one to me!!
Are you happy that the noise is the cap venting?

Well ... changing the cap got rid of the noise, albeit very temporarily, so that makes me think that it is. I also did a very short run without the cap and heard nothing. But then I got worried that I might cause problems and put it back on. Is there any harm in running without the cap as a test?
If it were me, and I wanted to prove it, I'd
attach/tee in a temp small bore hose to the cooling system
and run it to a pressure gauge in the car. Watching
that as you drive may well tell you what is going

Sounds like it might be helpful. I'll lok at the possibilities, but I don't want to risk airlocking.
Failing that you need to get a garage to test this
system out, you don't want to risk overheating trouble on an
expensive diesel engine.

Indeed not!!
If you think it might be something else completely different making
the noise then over to a better tubby expert methinks.

Any more ideas folks??!!

thanks again