It would be nice to keep it going and wouldn't be quite so daunting for the newbies to know where they should be posting that first question or obsevation.
It might lighten things up a little too, as was my intention with the fluffy dice thread for 2010:)
Thanks as well to PU, who does seem to have been around all Christmas and has a nice, pleasant way of moderating!
I just hope Pug has a better new year, I thought what has happened to me lately is bad but its nothing compared to what Pug must have gone through last year.
Now all we need from HJ is free heating.
And to follow on the "New years day" thing, just got back from West Wittering.
the drive down over the Surrey Hills and Downs was interesting in parts (around midhurst and goodwood it was icy). It was a glorious day, the type you only find in the British isles on the coast, the very soft light, clear feint duck egg blue sky, and cold, oh so earburning cold. The dog got wet and the BBQd burgers and Bratwurst were hot.
Many classics out on the road today, prize going to a superb example of an XJS, in a lovely pure white.
cracking day out.
I came up from those parts today too. Some icy bits under trees in woodland there, and a very pretty day. Not much traffic and only a few trains of mimsers, but abysmal ones making me nervous, the carphounds.
My unusual sighting was a red fifties/early sixties Ferrari sports racer, the real thing, which I followed and undertook up the hill from Robin Hood roundabout at the end of the Kingston bypass to the housing estate at the top where I turn left for West London. Made a great noise, four cylinders though rather than 12, spat and backfired a bit too.
'Is that what you call a lovely noise?' my wife asked politely, in a spirit of inquiry, when I closed the window.
My grandmother of 89 passed away this morning she lives in the other side of the country so I can see lots of great fun trying to get accross the penines by rail.
Her death is no surprise she spent 2009 constantly in and out of hospitals and in some ways its a blessing as she had no quality of live. She died of internal bleeding following years of heart problems.
It is my grandpa I feel sorry for, he is 90 and has lots of health problems but for his age he copes well.
My dad hasn't shown any emotion yet and he says he is sort of glad but I think long term this is going to effect him more than he will realise yet. I am sort of the same when my grandad died suddenly a few years ago following a bodged operation it hit me really hard and still does to this day, when my uncle died again it hit me really hard. This time I don't feel much but then I have been prepared for her death for months as I knew it was just round the corner, with the others it was sudden and a shock.
To top all that of one my older cats who is 17 lost his balanced this morning and I am worried it may have been a stroke. He seems ok for the moment though.
Thats a bad start to the year Rattie, sorry for the loss of your Gran.
It's awful for your Grandad, though they've both had a good innings...death is something you think about as you get older, not through fear but worrying about leaving your most loved alone and broken hearted.
In that way, your Grandad may well despite his own personal grief be glad that his wife died first, thereby sparing her the pain of his loss...if that makes any sense at all.
I too wish to outlast my lovely wife for that reason.
I've been where your Dad is now, and yes there's personal loss, but being a dad he is the head of the family and has responsibilities to those left.
He may be feeling quite relieved that his Mum's pain is over and she is at rest finally.
He will be feeling his own pain i assure you, trouble is being that Dad he has to put that on the back burner for a while.
There will be every emotion imaginable to cope with for all of you for a long time, stick together, family means everything.
All the very best old chap.
My Mother in law died on Jan 2nd 2007, lovely lady of 99. Many backroomers, (and others), will be thinking of you and your family. Sorry to hear of your loss, take care Rattle
Thanks, I am fine well I am just carrying on as normal but I am not ok. It is a feeling I can't describe really, I am upset and pleased for her at the same time. It just this on top of everything else I just keep thinking what next. Well I know whats coming next but thats for another time.
The last few times I saw her she was just asleep and not really aware of what was going on around her, she was like that for the past year. I only really saw her about twice a year but it was a shock each time I saw her. The last time I saw her about 6 months ago there was nothing left other than frail skin and bones, I knew then that this day would come.
I am upset and pleased for her at the same time.
That set of contradictory feelings is something you may get used to over time Rattolo. Not too soon I hope.
Stay cool. Support your father and, to the extent possible, your grandfather. They will value it even if they seem not to.
Anybody know what this decade is going to be called? The teens?
"I was born in the teens..."
>>> Anybody know what this decade is going to be called? <<<
The Teenies.
Anybody know what this decade is going to be called? The teens? "I was born in the teens..."
Yes, 18 something or other.
My thoughts are with you and your family too, Ratboy.
She may well have been ready to go, many old people just want to get out. I know my MIL did in May.
We often found her crying in her chair, no doubt full of memories of better times.
Thay's now what you have to keep in your heart, memories are all we have in the end.
Take care out there, matey........your car looked very sad this morning !
Your description of your gran mirrors that of my mother on her last year of life in her 91st year. She was glad to go, she had just had enough of life, made all the worse because she had always enjoyed good health for the rest of it.
My feelings were the same too, sad to lose her but pleased for her at the same time.
My thoughts are with you Rattle re loss of your Gran. I really hope you get some better luck this year too.
All the best
This song seems quite appropriate for the start of a new year, so for any other aging Hippies out there in the ether, this for you -