Goodnnes me your brave in a caravan in winter! -5 in leeds but us yorkshire folk are made of the right stuff......................
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 20/12/2009 at 02:56
eeee I remember when it was so cold that sea froze in Bridlington and we had to eat coal off t'beach
...your brave in a caravan in winter!...
Static, with central heating and double glazing, so it can be made to be quite comfortable.
Wouldn't pretend it's as warm as a house.
The thickness of the walls - about three inches - tell you that.
Living in a box, or in this case, living in a tin box.
Pre-Fab Sprout fan as well ifi ?
It's 21 degrees Fahrenheit here in the Fen and that's much golder than minus this and that!
We have about 4'' of snow as well this morning.
Is there 2 esses in Festive then - ya learn somefink new everyday here!
Zero, Zilch, Nada degreez when I took the munchkin out in Truro @ 6.30am, heavy frost on cars but none on roads or pavements which suprised me - must be down to the level of moisture in the air i.e. Zero, Zilch etc., etc., etc.
I had a nice Carnaby Hacienda car a van in Sunny Sussex once upon a thyme, when I visted it one Febuary on a sorte from Tenerife, the bog was frozen solid - - - yeah, I know I should have emptied it before flying South, but I forgot diddle I.
... the bog was frozen solid - - - yeah, I know I should have emptied it before flying South...
Emptied the toilet? No, no, no.
You must leave fluid in the U-bend to discourage vermin, but more importantly to prevent sewer smells getting into the caravan.
Car washer bottle anti-freeze is the answer.
Car radiator anti-freeze would do, but we shouldn't be flushing that down the toilet, should we?
>>> You must leave fluid in the U-bend to discourage vermin <<<
Yes, that make sense to my Vulcan logic iffi - we were new to private caravan sites back then so I would have been 'guided' by the longtermers!!!
......... us yorkshire folk are made of the right stuff......................
The best thing to come out of Yorkshire is the M62 eastbound!
......... us yorkshire folk are made of the right stuff ......................
You don't even respect, or are proud enough of, the county to start the name with a capital Y.
Edited by L'escargot on 19/12/2009 at 11:12
Lol, Yes but it was a very cold start here first thing at work when you was still in your gym jams under the duvet with your teady......................
>>is the M62 eastbound!<<
if it`s comin out of the White Rose in to the Red Rose county, surely it`s WESTbound??
Love this weather, we're going sledging today (bonkers) after i've tried and lagged the outside tap which i had forgotten...oops, hope i'm not going to spend the rest of the day fixing my oversight.
Had calls from swmbo yesterday, the 2 trees i festoon with bird feeders and the covered bird table were teeming with all varieties of the hungry things yesterday, she described it as a scene from a Walt Disney film, enchanting, the vivid colours quite wonderful against the snowy backdrop.
Spare a thought for our songbirds and chuck some food about regularly for them this weather...look after them or lose them.
Dash said -3 when I did the shopping at Asda Lower Earley (Reading) earlier this morning. Our little road is an ice rink - 1st gear only - but bigger roads ok. Asda car park also icy, and I watched an Astra-sized white van deliberately hang the tail out as he crossed it (park otherwise empty).
I was in Hereford last weekend visiting a mad auntie. There was a bird feeder in the gardens of her care home, and yes the number of birds was amazing, a large number of the more rarer type I dont see that often (if you think I can name them - dream on)
On the way back we stopped at a pub in cricklade, the Red Lion. Sign on the door saying "roaring log fire - muddy boots and muddy paws welcome" So in we troop with fifi.
It was, quite simply, the best pub I have ever been in. 9 Local guest ales including a wonderful localy (cotswold brewing company) brewed lager. Friendly staff, friendly locals (got chatting with several of them), and had a superb sunday roast (all hand made - no aunty betty in sight)
Make a note of it - Red Lion, Cricklade,
Already noted in the Good Pub Guide tho' not as a main recommendation but good report incl. as you noted "generous Sunday carvery".
Spending my 50th in true esoteric fashion on the Isle of Lewis. Thursday and yesterday were sunshine and showers. This morning we've had 2hours of horizontal snow, not really settled though, except on the fence post uprights!!
Cleared in last 20mins to blue sky and mixed layers of cloud - like a coll pottery design. Temp currently 1celcius with wind Northerly at 26knots.
Musc more snow at home in Northants!!
gave the birds fresh unfrozen water again this morning as well as food (seed and homemade bread)
ive been adopted by a robin too
So what do you all do when you are not working, driving or messing about on computers ?
For me, I go swimming most nights later on. bit of excercise but also it is one of the few times when phones can't reach you ! At weekends we like to trail ride in local forests on our bikes. How about you ? What "floats your boat" ?
used to walk till we dropped,cant do that now as wifes foot wont allow it after she broke it 2 years ago
i bought her a bike but as she never had one as a kid(unbelievable but apparently true) she tried riding it in our garden and crashed into the wall so she wont try again,ive offered to get her a 3 wheeler but she refuses to go on one
to be honest when i get home from work these days lately i just want to put my feet up
Messing around in the caravan in leafy North Yorkshire.
There's always something to do, and it's all so very interesting, but I think I may have mentioned that.
After work it's not much more than feet up and watch the telly.
Humph obviously has a much healthier programme, but a bit too gung-ho for me.
Speaking of health, Humph, how's the quit the gaspers initiative going?
How come it's leafy then ?
...How come it's leafy then ?...
Well, it just is, lots of trees and shrubbery.
Not so leafy this time of year, but a lot more leafy than, say, the North Yorkshire moors, or any town you care to mention.
What's the job you're after?
I'm sure a lot of us would like to know.
Edited by ifithelps on 19/12/2009 at 11:42
Speaking of health Humph how's the quit the gaspers initiative going?'see.......ah.....glad you mentioned's um.....
i bought her a bike but as she never had one as a kid(unbelievable but apparently true) she tried riding it in our garden and crashed into the wall so she wont try again
There is a move to get adults cycling confidently starting with proper absolute beginner lessons in many areas. I know, I've just become a cycling instructor as of last Friday. As far as cycling lessons are concerned maybe a spouse is just too close to home ?
How about you ? What "floats your boat" ?
Cycling for me too, but on the road with skinny tyres and a bike that weighs less than my dinner.
Fair enough RR, I can't do that, anything involving me wearing Lycra would almost certainly put other people off their dinner !
Everything - hoover etc. Got a job interview on Monday, hope I pass muster.
For me I go swimming most nights ....
Make it a Happy Christmas swim. Try a pool near me ? 365 days of outdoor swimming
Deep snow and -9C here last night - now up to -3C and more snow forecast.
It was so cold the words were coming out of our mouths as lumps of ice - we had to drop 'em into a pan of boiling water to hear what we were saying...
Don't know how cold it is outside, its chilly feels about -1c.
Just had another fell of snow, probably about half an inch this time.
As for what else do I do well if I am not fixing computers, posting on forums while waiting for scans, physical going to jobs, driving I like to go down the boozer and dance the night away with my favourite clubs.
I also like to eat out when I can.
Fesstive you two SS' - seen now that Smokie corrected my typo - sticky keys on me Apppppple !
Edited by Pugugly on 19/12/2009 at 13:53
Too cold for my delicate constitution. Put the flashing lights up yesterday on the bay window gutter. Loads not working. My hands were soooo cold, I think my thumbs were black !
Aluminium ladders don't help. Bought another string, blue this time, and put them up in the snow today....tweed trilby on, so head at least warm.
Wanted to start the bike yesterday but was's a new battery too. Charged all night and OK today, ran her up to temperature and left the charger on with a timer to give 15 mins a day.
SWMBO erected the tree and I had to stand there, like a posing peewag, feeding her the lights. Went to Costcutters and bought some lager, cider and ordinary bitter for the lads.....they don't really appreciate the bottled that's mine !
Going to a solstice party next door but one on Monday eve. Two lovely ladies of a certain guaranteed, had to be carried home last time ! Must have had a bad pint !
Edited by 1400ted on 19/12/2009 at 14:55
Sounds like you've got a good fun Christmas in store :)
I've been watching out of my window at my neighbours trying to get their 55 reg Audi TT started it just won't start. So much for modern technology! My guess is they have cooked the ECU while trying to jump start it.
Gardening, following MotoGP racing, and working voluntarily for a lorry drivers charity seems to take up most of my spare time.
Steve Parrish has just agreed to become our Patron, what a nice guy too!
We leave the pumps on in the pond all year to stop it freezing over and the birds have had all the feeders refilled this afternoon and are now queueing up for a bath in the waterfall:)
Many of you, no doubt, have heard or seen the short 2 minute poem "The Night Mail" by W H Auden.
How many of you have seen the full 20 minute film produced by the GPO film unit in 1936.
Night Mail
part 1 of 3
part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
Edited by Pugugly on 19/12/2009 at 16:31
It's a lovely little film AE. Well remembered.
Auden was Professor of Poetry at Oxford when I was a scapegrace student. He used to hold court in the Cadena cafe several afternoons a week. I went there once but ended up desperate for a drink long before it was polite to leave. Others however went repeatedly to sit at the master's feet.
I felt more comfortable, and a whole lot more entertained, with the American poet Allen Ginsberg, who passed through at about the same time. When I told my tutor that, he was appalled and quite angry, which confirmed my view that I was right of course.
It's -10C and snowing heavily here in Munich and we're just off to a Christmas Market to drink some Gluehwein and buy the family some tat for Christmas. Visiting family in Manchester and Liverpool for Christmas Day then we're off to Moscow to visit the outlaws. The temperature in Moscow was -22C yesterday and colder weather is forecast, so I'll have to remember to pack the thermal undies. First week in January we're off skiing in Austria.
Many of you no doubt have heard or seen the short 2 minute poem "The Night Mail" by W H Auden. How many of you have seen the full 20 minute film produced by the GPO film unit in 1936.
I have it on video and enjoy it now and again. Good to see the Patriot class 4-6-0, Sir Frank Ree, backing on to it's train at Crewe. They are building one at Llangollen at the moment, named ' The Unknown Warrior ' it will be the national War Memorial engine.
Another piece of good verse by Auden is ' The Sheild of Achilles ' about an execution in the Spanish Civil War......very moving......I think you can find it on-line.
I was gricing some train fillums on Youtube and came across one by the BTC showing men digging trains out of the snow on Blea Moor and similar places. Search something like ' Trains and snow '
I was gricing some train fillums on Youtube and came across one by the BTC showing men digging trains out of the snow on Blea Moor and similar places. Search something like ' Trains and snow '
Think i posted this before. The sound of Britannia working her little LNER green socks off as she hauls up the inclines brings a fair tear to my eye.
pity about some of the shabby rolling stock being hauled behind.
I once did a triathlon, which, contrary to usual practice, finished with the swim in Hampton Pool. I have never been so shattered in my life!
That looks fun Henry. Bit of a long way for a swim and a mince pie for me though.
Sorry guys re-named the thread sounded to PC in it's original form. It is Christmas let's celebrate it.
As previously mentioned to the person who asked for this to happen, there was a behind the scenes discussion between the Mods* on starting a general thread to talk about anything (apart from politics) - if this works it may become permanent feature subject to approval from on high of course.
The conclusion was that it was far to needy from a moderation point of view - so prove us wrong !
That would be a good idea providing it is well moderated which knowing this site it will be :).
Creep :-) Just moved your cider question to IHAQ !
I had noticed before I made that comment :)
I wasn't going to say anything !
'As an atheist, I am deeply offended to find...' Oh, never mind.
Having just received the 2010 Good Pub Guide I thought I'd have a nosey - not officially inspected, but it gets a good review by regulars.
I've never been in a Good Pub Guide Pub and had cause for complaint.
Whats that then over priced beer and food? A stict door policy and tiny portitions?
Portition ? Is that a cross between a portion and a partition ?
Hiccups setting in a bit early tonight Rattolo? Try standing on your head and drinking a glass of water.
As longs as I avoid Carslberg or Strongbow I am usualy ok for the hicups. Always the problem with my local irish club they only sold Carlsberg on draft. (I am not Irish it was just the only place you could get in late in my area until the laws changed). Kind of it miss it though getting drunk to Johnny Cash or the Pogues.
Yep usualy with 92 year old woman by my side! We were about 21 at the time and the landlords all loved us, it was quite comical and it was also comical that we were allowed in but most younger people were not. They have actually put some good band nights on too, the Kiesier Cheifs and Block Party once played there.
We did get chucked out though when we tried to start a ring of fire on the floor.
Hiccups setting in a bit early tonight Rattolo? Try standing on your head and drinking a glass of water.
Water ???......He's thirsty, not dirty !
I like the idea of him drinking his portion of potion behind a partition !
If the door's stict don't you just kick it? ;-)
When the kids were younger i used to take em sledging on to near by riverbank and would use large baking tins as the sledges.
Yes your right GB think about our birds. Just topped me feeders up for the millionth time this winter. I get up to 30 goldfinches in one go and they clear out the nijer seed in no time.
-19c here
Nipped out to put the car the garage in shorts and t-shirt (mostly to give the nosey neighbours something to talk about, partly because I was too drunk to find my pants)
Where do you get shorts and a t shirt to fit the car ? :-)
Well it beats opening the door in his pyjamas !
You two are soooooo not on my christmas card last!
I made a cup of tea in my dressing gown once.............I was in casualty for several hours !
Humph, I've got you pegged as somewhere in the Knutsford area, Ted are you maybe Levenshume, or off the A6 somewhere?
Just had my last fag of the year, I'm down to one a week.
Couldn't get away with a Mondy in Knutsford Dave, even here in Nantwich it's still a bit infra dig....
"here in Nantwich"
I see. A bit of a pauper...
Just had my last fag of the year, I'm down to one a week.
>>>>>> :-o
I've bought myself some of those imitation cigs. They call them "inhalators" or something. The end just melts when you try to light 'em though.....
Hmmmm, 2 postal districts out there...BBD....not as rural as Nantwich, either.
Edited by 1400ted on 19/12/2009 at 23:56
Time for my next last fag of the year...
Hmmmm Time for my next last fag of the year...
you got no chance of giving up BBD. You are a weak wimpy character
Spare a thought for our songbirds and chuck some food about regularly for them this weather
With the current low temperatures, birdlife struggles to find water to drink. If you are putting food out, try and put some fresh water out too. I fill the birdbath with hot water every morning, and leave a couple of large pebbles in it to retain the heat
Edited by borasport20 on 20/12/2009 at 14:36