I Have a Question - Volume 318 [Read Only] - Dynamic Dave

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 16/10/2009 at 11:25

confused viewing of threads - the swiss tony
>>I find the threaded view shows the placing of replies clearly enough, and I can see that the flat view can be confusing, and it is bound to so in a flat view.
Some boards do allow a "nested" view to be obvious in the manner that I think Nsar and others are asking for

I have just changed my default view to 'threaded view' and will see how I get on.
can I suggest that other posters who get confused try it as well?
maybe if the majority find it easier to understand, it could be made the default view?

(to change it click on 'my settings' the the 'forum options' tab, and then 'view posts' dropdown box.)
confused viewing of threads - Dynamic Dave
Ok, enough discussion on this now please.

The last volume was taken up with something like a third of the posts discussing this.

No offence to anybody, but it's clear enough why your post has ended up where it has if you temporarily change the view from flat to threaded. I simply cannot understand why some of you are unable to grasp it.

Anyway, we're just going over old ground again.

As I said right at the start, enough now please.

Further discussion on this will be deleted.

confused viewing of threads - Stuartli
Just to save forum members a little time, it's fair to point out that you can switch quickly from Threaded to Flat view at the top of each thread (View Flat/View Thread), which makes it easier to see how each works.
confused viewing of threads - maz64
I have just changed my default view to 'threaded view' and will see how I
get on.

The problem I have with threaded view is that you don't actually get to see the contents of the replies without clicking - you only ever see one post at a time.

I can imagine a layout which is a mixture of the 2 ie. reply text visible as well as hierarchy; is that an option that Mr Khoo has considered?
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
I was wondering what WIFI capable phones were like for internet (this site as an example) and email.

It took a while to adapt to the Eec Pc but now the laptop is discarded. Can I go smaller and use a phone?

Don`t make many calls - so pay as you go - but I would want it to use almost exclusively on free WIFI hotspots, such as in hotels in Europe and the Far East.

Have looked at the Nokia E63 - £139.99p on `3`.

Connectivity wouldn`t bother me too much - the carrot is being able to operated from free hotspots with a pocketable device - with a qwerty keyboard.

Naturally, being me I want the cheapest possible - iphone discounted for this reason.

Any thoughts?


Edited by oilrag on 10/10/2009 at 17:11

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - Nsar
Slight leftfield suggestion Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. Full qwerty.
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - Altea Ego
Apple I phone. I love mine.
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
I`m too tight to buy one though, Altea. I like free hotspots because its free... like finding that spanner at the side of the road ;-)

I`m too shy to pull the Eee Pc out too in these Hot Spot places - but a WIFI phone would be much less conspicuous - and I would feel less self conscious about it.

Also would want to consider it disposable and be able to fit a new battery.

Edited by oilrag on 10/10/2009 at 17:43

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - ifithelps
...I`m too shy to pull the Eee Pc out too in these Hot Spot places...

I can understand that, even though it's a year or two old, my Eee PC still draws the odd comment when a normal laptop would be ignored.

Depends if you want to meet new people. :)

On a technical note, I've not had a 100 per cent success rate in picking up free wi-fi on the Eee PC.

Once again, I think the Linux operating system is to blame - everything in computers being designed to work to Microsoft standards.

Doesn't bother me too much as I use my Vodafone dongle, even if there's free wi-fi available.

By the way, I think you can now get one of those for a one-off payment of about £40, which is something of a bargain, in my view.

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - Pugugly
The original Blackberry E-mail machine for me these days. I have the Bold version which costs 35 quid a month with 02 you get 1000 texts 600 mins of calls and unlimited internet access. It links seamlessly into my home network via WiFi. Wish I could say it was as reliable as my old work Blackberry (24 months no trouble) but I've had problems with mine and on my third !

HJ is easy enough to surf on it - E-mail management is brilliant, the machine being able to manage as many e-mail accounts as you want into one interface or you can manage them as separate entities.

O2 is very good as well with back-up.
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
What`s the WIFI range like, Guys - on your respective devices/phones?

A contract is no good for me as I don`t really make many calls.

Edited by oilrag on 10/10/2009 at 18:36

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - Pugugly
You can get Blackberry on PAYG or whynot try and get one that's unlocked ?

Wi Fi range - I don't know - works all around the house - depends on the transmitter I suppose.
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
Also didn`t want to go down the path of carrying two phones, like some of my friends - who have top end devices and are scared to take them out of their pocket in the rough end of town.

PU, It seemed to me, the Nokia E63 at £139.99p on `3` (pay as you go) might not attract too much attention and if I was mugged in the street, relatively disposable.

I`m carrying a £100 G600 at the moment and that`s been pulled out in places and no one has tried anything. I think If I tried that with an Iphone in Manila...... or the top Blackberry.

Edited by oilrag on 10/10/2009 at 18:49

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - rtj70
iPod Touch for the browsing on the hotspots and keep the existing phone. Also a very good music player and runs most iPhone applications. The user interface is miles better than on a normal phone.

I can use my Nokia e51 on hotspots and it does work but the iPod touch with Safari offers a better exerience.

I know the question was which phone and I'm suggesting an MP3 player so a bit left field :-)
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
Never heard of it though - read a review just now and it seems they actually soldered the battery in so the user can`t replace it themselves.

I can`t live with the concept of that approach given my DIY expectations (where possible). Thanks though RTJ.

Edited by oilrag on 10/10/2009 at 20:12

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - rtj70
I've had an iPod touch since they came out. Battery still doing fine, holding it's charge etc. And lasts quite well.
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
I`m sure they are fine RTJ. But I like to be able to flick the gizzards out ;-)
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - Nsar
When i was in Maplin the other day, I noticed they do DIY batery replacement kits for I-pods with all the special tools
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - rtj70
I've replaced a battery in a 3G iPod but I think Oilrag is correct in saying the battery in the iPod touch are soldered in place. Although I'm sure they can be replaced.
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - SpamCan61 {P}
On a technical note I've not had a 100 per cent success rate in picking
up free wi-fi on the Eee PC.
Once again I think the Linux operating system is to blame - everything in computers
being designed to work to Microsoft standards.

My Acer netbook has been much much easier to connect to WiFi APs and Windows shares since I dumped Linpus Lite and stuck easypeasy on it. Eveveything worked on install, no faffing looking for drivers etc.
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
I want something to go in my pocket though.... anyone else using WIFI on a phone

I`m starting to like the look of the stainless steel Nokia E71....
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - rtj70
Nokia E75?


Edited by rtj70 on 10/10/2009 at 20:35

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
Going up in price.... i might lay down and try to forget about it... ;-)

(at the moment some of my friends have also got the T Mobile sims 8p a minute. all calls between us are under one minute ;)

They used to be under 5 seconds while we were all on Vodafone...

Edited by oilrag on 10/10/2009 at 20:51

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - rtj70
Going up in price.... i might lay down and try to forget about it... ;-)

It was you that mentioned a Nokia e71. The e75 from expansys is cheaper than the e71 from then - just. Both totally unlocked.

They also do the e63 totally unlocked for £174 and any SIM can be used:

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
Thanks for the info, rtj.
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
Bought a Nokia E63 for £140 from `3`.

Also bought SMBO an INQ Mini 3G (to meet twittering needs & as sweetener to E63`s arrival)

So far - connected via own WIFI to this site. Can see several unlocked routers nearby (not that I would connect to them)

It seems you get 3,000 minutes over three months on 3 to 3 calls, for £10 - pay as you go.

E63 can be unlocked, I am told, how?

Because I might take it to the Far East and insert a local (Globe) sim, for calls, while surfing the web via hotel free WIFI.

Thanks for the advice ;-)
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
This is the first post using the phone. It seems that i'm used to small format screens already, due to using the Eee Pc..

However, if an ant crawled across the screen, it would cover two words ;-}

Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - Altea Ego
This is the first post using the phone. It seems that i'm used to small
format screens already due to using the Eee Pc..
However if an ant crawled across the screen it would cover two words ;-}

Now you see, had you taken your uncle AE's advice, and not tried to be a tight wad, you would now be using the delightful and clear and bright Iphone screen with its "pinch and expand feature" and auto landscape feature.

Also the Iphone is sealed so doesent allow ants in the screen
Mobile (WIFI) phones for internet/email - oilrag
Too fancy for my basic tastes, AE ;-}
Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - pmh3
The online check in system is in all sorts of trouble (so is the booking system). It allowed me to enter details to check in,but was slow, then crashed (reset link) but will now NOT allow me to recheckin or print Boarding card!

£1 per minute to call priority Help Line!

So my advice is if anyone wishes to check in this pm - avoid it it for the time being and I hope it self heals!

I will post outcome.

Edited by pmh3 on 11/10/2009 at 14:47

Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - Manatee
I find Ryanair fascinating.

A bit like the pub landlord who insults all his customers who lap it up. I became a big fan of Ryanair when I was doing more intra-Europe work. They were cheap, usually punctual, and travelling on my own I didn't mind sitting anywhere; the trips were short enough that creature comforts didn't matter. The 'extras' were optional and online check in was included in the ticket price.

They have since tuned their operations even more for "straight through processing" with charges perhaps designed for customers to avoid, rather than pay, so they stay on the conveyor belt and don't create any extra cost, especially fixed cost, for the airline.

I also find MOL's PR approach very entertaining. RYR has a tradition of publishing correspondence with its detractors, like this latest exchange with Panorama.


If the website's playing up, MOL will be spitting feathers until it's fixed, so I'm guessing that will be quite soon ;-)
Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - pmh3
I have now suceeded to print Boarding Cards but the system is still VERY slow and has generated various error messages. My advice still stands - avoid using booking system until the current promotion (and consequent customer activity) dies down a bit!

Looking forward to Panorama tomorrow!
Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - Stuartli
BBC1's Panorama is featuring Ryanair tomorrw (Monday) at 8.30pm:

Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - Mapmaker
I have just returned from a return flight on Ryanair to Jerez.

I am one of their utterly satisfied customers. We were crammed in tightly, we carried our luggage to avoid hold luggage charges. The staff were polite, the in-flight catering expensive and the plane arrived on time. Equally I didn't lose my own bag.

Very happy indeed - exactly as expected. And at £150 for two return flights, cheap as the prawn sandwiches they were selling.

Long haul, however, I would not fancy.
Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - Altea Ego
I have done 3.5 hours on a certain airline's plane. With no reclining seat, and a ludicrously short seat pitch, it was about an hour and a half too long.

The scrum for boarding places is deeply unedifying and the gate staff rude.

"Dont bring that carrrier bag on board or I will charge you for extra hand baggage"
I will stand here, and block the entry for two minutes while I undo my other bag and place it inside if you like?"
"Huff Oh all right"

deeply satisfying when your carrier bag produces cheap sandwiches, pringles, fruit, cans of drink etc on board the plane. Share them with the fellow passengers, the cabin crew find it deeply annoying!

Edited by Webmaster on 13/10/2009 at 02:01

Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - Armitage Shanks {p}
I too am a regular and satisfied Ryanair customer. Tip for regulars follows - I have twice had my on line check in document rejected at the security scanner. It costs buttons to print so do 2 or 3 and hope that one will work! I am flying to Germany on Monday and will report back on how well it works!
Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - daveyjp
Ryanair are like Tesco - provide a service that millions use, but then get slated for it.

I didn't enjoy my last Ryanair experience which was about 8 years ago. Easily solved by not using them again. I don't lose sleep over it.

My only concern is other airlines are now starting to follow the Ryanair example - Jet2 aren't far behind now.

Edited by daveyjp on 13/10/2009 at 09:23

Ryanair Booking System warning 13.46 11/10/09 - Armitage Shanks {p}
I can't be bothered with paying for priority booking. You are checked in, they don't overbook so there will be a seat for you somewhere on the aircraft, does it matter where? I tend to go fo the front so that I can be among the first off and thus first into the car hire queue. This carrier is a clear case of good value for money, assuming you have blagged one of their cheap fares. I am going Germany on Monday for £10 and coming back for £20 with a checked in case. There is no way I could achieve this journey, at this price, by any other transport. I admit that I am on flights of less than an hour so almost any seating is tolerable and I see what AE is saying re 3 1/2 hours. However, where did he go and what did it cost him and what would it have cost with any other airline, if they even operate to his destination?
Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - rtj70

Your question got me wondering... and knowing the Kindle is coming to the UK in about a week (so presumably the iPhone/iPod touch app too) I started thinking and testing.

Stuck two eReaders on the iPod and tried some free ebooks and thought.... this might just be okay on a small screen. Saves quite a bit on the reader. So then decide to get a real book to try reading when on vacation next week.

Ended up finding one I'd like and knowing Stanza (now owned by Amazon though) should handle Adobe ePub books buy one. Then download it and Stanza on the Mac won't load it.... turns out Stanza does not like DRM which Adobe ePub based eBooks have. Wasted money if I have to sit in front of a computer to read it! Doh....

... So I persevere and find you can transfer non-DRM ePub files to the iPod using Stanza desktop (easily). So now the problem of DRM. So I find a way of removing DRM from the files (well I bought it so not really illegal if I don't share and the files could be used on upto 6 devices anyway).... and now can transfer to book to the iPod touch.

So will see how I get on next week reading the book(s). Read the first chapter and I think the iPod touch screen will be fine.

My view so far... Kindle might make this a lot lot easier on the end user for sure. But the book I was really looking for isn't on Kindle. And neither is the one I downloaded - a Wilbur Smith book (not too expensive and I've read nearly everything he's written).

Ask me how I get on when back.

The downside using the iPod is battery life. The Kindle and other readers use so called e-ink screens which require no power when you're reading a page.

Edited by rtj70 on 12/10/2009 at 23:12

Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - rtj70
One advantage I think for the iPhone/iPod - you can read in the dark. e-ink does not have a backlight (I think).
Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - David Horn
I bought a Sony PRS-505 when in Phoenix (£1 = $2 at the time), and it's easily the best gadget purchase I've spent. LCD screens are uncomfortable on the eyes for prolonged viewing, and impossible to read in direct sunlight. Suggest you drop by a Waterstones and play with one of the display models, you'll be astonished at the electronic ink screen.

I strongly recommend the Sony - books from the US store are about £3, and the encryption can easily be broken if you want to save a copy. I've got over 50 books on mine, the battery lasts weeks and it always remembers the page.


1) You can't use it in the bath.
2) You can't just leave it on the beach or by the pool like you would with a book.
3) If you choose to buy in the UK, expect to pay full hardback RRP prices for books from Waterstones. They're morons. I've tried telling them this in politer terms in a letter, but never got a reply. No doubt they'll blame piracy or similar when reporting their dismal eBook sales.
Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - Pugugly
Thanks David,,

Are the UK ones tied to Waterstones ?

I'm off to the US in April is it worth keeping my powder dry until then ? Is it easy to buy the US books on line in the UK ?

Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - rtj70
The simplicity of the Kindle does appeal to me when it's out in a few weeks. Order a book anywhere in the UK and download it via the 3G network. And I think you can add other eBooks via USB - you'd need to because not all are on Amazon. I know two I have downloaded are not available so I had to remove the DRM to get them on Stanza on the iPod.

When I have more spare money I might take a look - expensive month this one. Lots of driving (over £170 on diesel), purchase of a HIP for the house, cat's been ill... the list goes on.
Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - Nsar
@ David Horn.
David I have one of these and am rather underwhelmed by it but I think it might be me. I find that it is fiddly and unreliable to switch off, ie you think you have and you haven't and the battery runs down so fast ie a few hours. WHy you can't just switch off using the slider switch on the top defeats me.

It's also mad that you can't charge it from the mains only from a dc supply eg laptop via USB.

I also find that you can't delete bookmarks and my son in his eagerness to show me how it works about 3 nanaoseconds after I bought it has book marked the front page of war and peace about 10 times.

Interested in the unlocking malarkey, is there a forum you might point me to?

Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - Old Navy
It's also mad that you can't charge it from the mains only from a dc
supply eg laptop via USB.

Try one of these Nsar,

Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - rtj70
Tesco have a phone/USB charger with lots of adapters for less than £3. Was originally close to £20. It comes with a car 12v to USB adapter and a mains to twin USB socket plug. You can plug a normal USB cable into this and charge. I have an iPod charger and the supplied cable (retractable) plus the adapter does my phone. Also has a mini USB adapter but you could plug a USB to mini USB adapter straight in.
Kindle or Sony electronic book readers (cont) - Nsar
Thanks rtj70 and Old Navy, I have a mains > usb adapter from the blackberry but the reader will only take a charge when I charge off the PC.
Begining to think mine is seriously duff.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
We have gas central heating (normal open flu boiler) with cold water feed tank in attic along with the expansion tank for heating. Both have overflow pipes that go to the rear of the roof space before exiting.

The expansion tank has been running lately and I've been up to inspect. The water was high and I lowered it and I can see there is a drip so that needs fixing. But when the heatings been on for a while the level rises - but it is an expansion tank after all. So how much might water in the expansion tank rise normally? Took quite a bit out (6+ litres) and there is still a drip.

Earlier it was running so switched off the heating. Just been up and the level is a few inches below the overflow pipe... so I assume it fell when the heating was off. I'm wondering what is causing the levels to rise so much - or do I just need to get more water out and of course stop the drip.

The other thing that has be perplexed is there are two other overflow type pipes on the side of the house (Edwardian semi built 1910) and one of these drips a bit now. I have no idea what these are for. I know where the overflow for the two tanks in the attic go but these two pipes appear to come out at a level that is below ceiling height in the house - i.e. there are no pipes visible in the attic. It's as if they come out of the walls....

I wonder if any backroomer can shed some light on either of these. Before I call the plumber out.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - pmh3
I would guess that you have air trapped in the system. Have you bled all the rads?

(Air expands when hot , causing level in ex tank to rise).
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
We do get air in the system. And I did try to bleed them yesterday. Two end up with water bubbling out a bit instead of running out so probably is air. One other had air and that came out as expected. But how to get the air out of those two rads.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
Also a few days ago when I thought maybe if I lower the level (the drip over time must have let the level rise quite a bit) then I'd be okay. When the heating was turned on when I was up there... a pipe over the expansion tank let water run in. Maybe half a cup full.

Wish I knew more about how this is all plumbed in.

Edited by rtj70 on 14/10/2009 at 20:09

Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - Old Navy
Could the "other two" overflow pipes be from toilet cisterns?
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - Dipstick
Not sure I have this completely clear, but if you are saying that your header tank is overflowing whenever the heating is running, then this happened to us last year.

Took me ages to suss that what was happening in our case was that when hot, the water was coming out of the little pipe that overhangs the tank (ie through the expansion system) and was playing directly onto the header tank overflow pipe, so was mostly going straight down that instead of into the tank. Not a leak at all, just the pipe had shifted to the wrong place. Wedged it across a bit and the problem went away.

Just a thought.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - Altea Ego
I had the exact same symptoms. I chekced the ball valve - it seemed ok, so I was looking at air in system, failure of coil in hot water cylinder, all sorts of things.

Plumber mate said "stop mucking about and change the ball valve"

He was right It was the ball valve.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - Alby Back
I was going to say ballcock. Same problem cured at my mother's house by replacing hers.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
Thanks all so far.

My gut feeling is the water level has gone up due to the drip and I do need to get it sorted. But I am also wondering if/how additional water apart from expansion might end up there. And the mystery of the other two pipes - which are around ceiling height for upstairs. Toilet overflows are lower down where you'd expect them. And all six houses have these (only six like this on the street).

I have a theory that something like plastic from replaced water mains or similar is stuck in the ball valve. The cold feed tank is dripping too and I replaced that ball valve about 2 years ago so know it's fine. And one of the upstairs toilets too. Last time this happened we had new water pipes in the street.

But the header tank (Drip aside) is perplexing me.

How would I work out if a coil in the water tank for example - although that was replaced around 5 years ago and the boiler a year later (old oil boiler converted to gas).
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - crunch_time
Could be caused by 'overpumping'?

Is there a facility on your pump to slow it down? Have you had a new pump installed?

Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
Had a new pump years ago - before the boiler I think. Nothing changed - although something did fall against the pump at the weekend.... hmm. Tidying up the cellar as the house is for sale and moved some suitcases into the large "cupboard" where the boiler is.

I wonder.... having said that it was dripping the other week too I think....
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - RobertyBob
I had a similar problem a few years ago. It turned out that the coil in the hot water cylinder had perforated. The cold water tank in the loft was at a higher level than the expansion tank; this allowed the water from the cold water storage tank to mix with the central heating water.

Result: overflow from the expansion tank when the radiators heated up.

The cure was a new hot water cylinder.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
I had googled before posting here... hot water tank is not that old so was hoping it wasn't that. Probably no more than 5 or 6 years old. Judging by what car I had when the other one sprang a leak.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - Altea Ego
Dont forget that the water in your expansion pipe that sticks over the expansion tank is at the same level as the water in the expansion tank. If its high in your tak its high in your pipe, and when the pump kicks in there might be a small surge out of the pipe.

Bear in mind there is only two places extra water can get into an expansion tank. Through the ball valve or through the coil in the hot water tank.

Change the ball valve, its a 30 minute job and costs less than a tenner.,

Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
I am still also puzzled by the other two overflow pipes which are below attic level... and not due to expansion tank or cold water tank. And boiler and hot water tanks are in the cellar. And all the houses have one.

Wouldn't mind if it wasn't dripping....
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - Altea Ego
Ok what you do is this.

You climb a ladder and you blow raspberry noises into the unidentified pipes. Somewhere in the house your rude noise will be heard and the source of the pipe located.

It may sound daft but it works. (and it provides the neighbours with gossip and amusment)
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
Not got a ladder that gets that high unfortunately. That's the problem with large period properties.

I am guessing it has to be heating related but there's only two tanks in the attic. And I cannot see pipes that exit that space into the house side wall...

Unless they are old overflow pipes for previous water tanks but then why is it dripping water if no longer used?
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - Old Navy
Have you asked your five neighbours with similar houses what he mystery pipes are? Please let us know when you solve the problem.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - perro
>>>I am guessing it has to be heating related but there's only two tanks in the attic<<<

Why not go a'knocking on the other 5 houses like yours and see if they have had any close encounters with sed pipes.
Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - rtj70
Why not go a'knocking on the other 5 houses like yours

I probably will. And ring the ex-neighbour who was practical around the house. Those pipes at the side are a mystery. Also dripping when the heating is off (I think) but the drip is every few minutes at most.

And FT - the air in the system is plausible.... and maybe it's hydrogen instead of air. Always wondered how "air" got in but no suspect a radiator must be rusting and creating iron oxide and hydrogen.

Central Heating Overflow Question(s) - FotheringtonThomas
It shouldn't overflow.
It shouldn't pump over.
If your header tank is filling it's from:

o - the ball valve, which you can easily take apart and examine (bits of stuff in it, the "cone" (damaged/aged/fissured), the "washer" damaged...) or replace (new ones are dirt cheap, & looking at them compared to an "old" one you can see why).
o - the cylinder, as earlier described.
o - build up of gas in the radiators due to corrosion (see whether the gas burns).

Re the "overflows", are you sure that they're coming from your house? When they're dripping, do they stop if you flush a lavatory, or draw off some water?

If it's pumping over, turn the pump down - drain some water and add inhibitor (or inject it at the radiator).
powerpoint slideshow. - perro
Greetings Comrades ... I have a powerpoint slideshow containing 41 slides all with a motoring theme, is there any way I can upload it onto photobucket & post the url on HJ.
I have had a go but photobucket don't wanna know.
powerpoint slideshow. - cheddar
Do you have Powerpoint 2007? If so you can save it as a PDF, you might then be able to upload that.
powerpoint slideshow. - perro
No chedder, I have the 2003 viewer.
powerpoint slideshow. - perro
I have saved the powerpoint to my documents, opened it from there and all is fine but when I go to photobucket and try to save it from my documents, its not showing up on the list, in fact it seems very selective because very little of my docs are showing up on the photobucket list at all for some reason.
powerpoint slideshow. - rtj70
Email it to me Perro as rob_moderator and I'll see what I can do for you. I'm sure I can sort something out that works in the way you want.
powerpoint slideshow. - perro
OK Rob, tis on its way.
powerpoint slideshow. - rtj70
A PDF version on it's way back.... an Quicktime .MOV file is around 4-5MB and an MP4 file a lot bigger again. Still trying to see if I can do a small/quality MP4 file but maybe not possible.
powerpoint slideshow. - Dynamic Dave
Are there no free powerpoint hosting websites out there that it could be uploaded to?
powerpoint slideshow. - perro
Ah! ... you guys must be night owls whereas I'm an early byrd :)
Thanks for that Rob, I saved it to documents & pictures but it still won't upload to photobucket, I'm using the free version and its ok for upto 5mb, I've deleted all previous images. I'll get back to it later, mayhap I'll try flickr.com
powerpoint slideshow. - rtj70
I don't use that service - maybe it only allows photos to be uploaded. Each slide could be uploaded separately. I could send a zipped up set of the photos from the Powerpoint.
powerpoint slideshow. - perro
>>>maybe it only allows photos to be uploaded<<<

Photobucket says "Upload all your photos, videos, and images for free" so perhaps I'll ask their advice as to pps and your Quicktime movie ... to upload 41 slides sounds a pain Rob but I'll get there in the end - as its worth seeing.
powerpoint slideshow. - maz64
www.slideshare.net/ ?

Others apparently -
powerpoint slideshow. - perro
Cheers Focus ... I've managed to upload it from Rob's Quicktime onto Flickr so I'll post it shortly - Enjoy!
Yellowed plastic ware. - Pugugly
Had the house re-decorated - a rather startling shade of white (!) - Smoke alarms and Burglar Alarm snesors are amongst the bits that look a bit cruddy now - is there a way to clean them or am I destined to swap them out ? Its not nicotine by the way.
Yellowed plastic ware. - cheddar
I would think that anything that might clean the plastic could also damage the sensors in both. Reckon they will stop satnding out as you get used to the new decor, on the otherhand neither are very expensive - though the alarm sensors might need a pro to integrate them.
Yellowed plastic ware. - Altea Ego
It entirley depends if its dirt or plastic ageing. If a damp cloth with your favourite cilit product (bang and the dirt is gone as barry says) wont freshen it up, then the plastic has aged and needs to be ditched.
Yellowed plastic ware. - daveyjp
Try some sugar soap solution, but I suspect it's the plastic which has aged. I replaced all my light switches after redecorating for the same reason.
Yellowed plastic ware. - Mapmaker
Paint the plastic casings. (New burglar alarm sensors would no doubt be rather expensive.)
Yellowed plastic ware. - Altea Ego
You sound like my Grandfather who would paint anything that didnt move (or didnt move fast enough) in what ever colour "fell awf the back of a lorree dahn the markit"

(actually, being East London it was what ever was being unloaded down the docks that day)

Edited by Altea Ego on 15/10/2009 at 15:25

Yellowed plastic ware. - Stuartli
The independent joiner/double glazing fitter (did a superb job) who installed our double glazed windows and doors around 2002 used Jif (now Cif) to finally clean the white plastic doors and frames after fitting.

Said it was the best and safest method and we've found it to be so ever since.
Yellowed plastic ware. - Pugugly
Yep - found a tub of Cif under the sink. Will give it a try - its not dirt purely yellowed plastic.
Yellowed plastic ware. - Stuartli
>>..purely yellowed plastic.>>

That's an entirely different scenario.
Yellowed plastic ware. - enfield freddy
NILGLASS , is what the pubs/hotels etc use , cleans white plastic (computer monitors) etc brilliantly , usually a trade thing , ask someone who goes to a cash n carry
Yellowed plastic ware. - Stuartli
>>NILGLASS , is what the pubs/hotels etc use>>

I used to use NilGlass over many years, particularly for cleaning my car's windscreen and glass areas; bought it in a large spray bottle at Makro.

However, it seems to have disappeared in recent times from supermarkets and other outlets - a pity, as it is as effective as AutoGlym's original glass cleaner, now replaced by another type.

Re computer equipment. I've used Cif to clean computer monitors and cases (to get rid of nicotine) and it is excellent for the purpose. However, not so sure about whether it will be as good on yellowed double glazed framework.
Yellowed plastic ware. - Pugugly
Nilglass available from Amazon !
Dumb electrical question - Robin Reliant
I have a bathroom fan which is sited in the loft and it has exhibited the symptoms of Monty Python's parrot. It is powered through the wiring for the lighting circuit, which is 5 amp. I have got a replacement whose instructions state must be wired from a 3 amp spur. I have a fused socket with a 3 amp fuse, would it be ok to connect this to the cable just before the fan and run it from that?

Can't see why not, but as I don't want a neighbour knocking to tell me my roof is ablaze I thought I'd better check first.
Dumb electrical question - crunch_time
Sounds fine to me.

Dumb electrical question - FotheringtonThomas
That in itself won't cause a problem. However, there are potential difficulties, e.g. should someone plug something else in.
Dumb electrical question - Robin Reliant
However there are potential difficulties e.g. should someone
plug something else in.

Not a problem, there is only me and SWMBO in residence. Just in case I could always glue a blanking plate over the socket.
Dumb electrical question - Mapmaker
Better off with a fused switch.


Remember, though, you are replacing an electrical item in a bathroom, and you will be breaking the law if you DIY. Part P of the building regulations applies. (I like to be warned before breaking the law...)
Dumb electrical question - Robin Reliant
Remember, though, you are replacing an electrical item in a bathroom, and you will be breaking the law if you DIY. Part P of the building regulations applies. (I like to be warned before breaking the law...)"

OK, I have sourced a fused switch from a box of spares in the shed.

I thought it was only wiring that now had to be done by a qualified electrician? In any case, the switch will be in the loft, not the bathroom itself. Surely that is ok, it's no more of a job than wiring a plug after all.

Edited by Pugugly on 16/10/2009 at 11:52