I Have a Question - Volume 317 [Read Only] - Dynamic Dave

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Any of the above will be deleted. If the thread becomes difficult to maintain it will simply be removed.

However, as has been said a couple of times, there is a wealth of knowledge in here, much of which is not motoring related, but most of which is useful.

This is Volume 317 Previous Volumes will not be deleted,

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 10/10/2009 at 15:44

Great PAYG Mobile deal - BobbyG
Not really a question, came across this and thought it may be useful to other backroomers.
My kids are on O2 PAYG, usually top-up £10 per month and get 300 free texts in that (The £10 isn't used up with the texts so remains on credit for phone calls)

O2 have got a special offer, if you switch to this new special PAYG offer before end of Oct, you get free unlimited texts for the same £10pm and , as before, the £10 is not used up. For an extra £5pm you can get unlimited web browsing.

Full details at freesim.o2.co.uk/rr3b7fqg

Personally I think this is a great offer if you, or your kids, like mine, do lots of texting!
Great PAYG Mobile deal - rtj70
A little bit of a jump in costs per month, but Virgin Mobile do 700 minutes and unlimited texts (3000 really?) per month for £18. Okay a bit more than £10pm.

Tesco do unlimited calls and texts for £30. We try to stay impartial as mods ;-)

There used to be an offer for Virgin Media customers of 300 minutes/300 texts for £10 per month on PAYG but that deal has ended.... we had it for my step-son but he used up the £10+ I had on it and now the deal is no more for us too!!! A little annoyed at that considering the deal.

Edited by rtj70 on 08/10/2009 at 01:25

Self Employed - pda
I've been on PAYE all of my life and am now past retirement age for women anyway!
I have just finished working for my last employer and have registered as self employed to undertake a new venture as a Sole Trader.
I expect the income from this Training venture to be very small in the first couple of years but speculating it should improve vastly in years 3,4 and 5.

I have tried Business Link ( what a complicated site to navigate) and HMRC but not had a lot of success with a number of questions.

As self employed can anyone confirm my suspicions that I don't need to be NI contributions as a female at 60 something?:)
What can I actually set against my income tax and what receipts do I need to be keeping?
If my income in year 1 is negligable, can I set the expenses from Year 1 against year 2?
( Training costs/equipment expenses etc)
With self assessment are the srvices of an accountant really necessary in Years 1 and possibly 2?
And lastly my income from my state pension is £140 per week, so bearing that in mind, what would be a safe percentage of any income to put away for HMRC?

I really am lost with all this and have found all the information given is for people under 60!

Many thanks and I'm sure I'll think of some more as the day goes on.

Self Employed - Optimist
As self employed can anyone confirm my suspicions that I don't need to be NI contributions as a female at 60 something?:) >>

Far as I can tell there's no liability for either Class 2 or Class 4 NI.
What can I actually set against my income tax and what receipts do I need to be keeping?>>

Anything you spend in your self-employment is tax deductible including a proportion of, say, car expenses when you use that for the business. Simplest to use a per mile rate, sometimes, as approved by HMRC.
If my income in year 1 is negligable, can I set the expenses from Year 1 against year 2?

( Training costs/equipment expenses etc) >>

If you make a loss you, can carry it forward against later years profits or you may be able to set it off against other income of the year. You claim a capital allowance for equipment.
With self assessment are the srvices of an accountant really necessary in Years 1 and possibly 2?>>

I'd say probably not. If you need help you can go to your local HMRC office and ask for it.
And lastly my income from my state pension is £140 per week, so bearing that in mind, what would be a safe percentage of any income to put away for HMRC? >>

You'll only pay tax on your profit - your income less your expenses - so about 20% of any profit you make should be ok.

Edited by Optimist on 08/10/2009 at 18:19

Self Employed - pda
Thanks optimist, that's a great help and has put my mind at rest:)

Self Employed - AlastairW
I would urge caution if asking HMRC for help with completion of Returns. While many of their staff are very able I have seen some shocking errors in Returns completed with their assistance. Remember once you have signed the Return the contents are your responsibility.
Self Employed - andyp
As accountancy costs are 100% recoverable against tax, i would always recommend that anyone who is self employed uses an accountant to help complete their tax return and deal with any questions etc that HMRC may throw at them.
Self Employed - drbe
As accountancy costs are 100% recoverable against tax


Yes, but,

Let us suppose you pay the accountant £1,000.00 to handle your tax affairs. 100% of that £1,000.00 is allowable against tax.

You as a small self-employed trade will be paying tax at 22%, say, your tax bill will be reduced by £220.00,

But, you will be £780.00 worse off.

Do the tax return yourself, if you are bright enough to run a business - which is what being self-employed means - then you are bright enough to keep records and fill in a tax return.
Self Employed - crunch_time
But not the accountant I employed once for my first year accounts of a business. He decided I'd made a profit, on which I had to pay tax.

I had a visit from a taxman a few months later and he agreed with my calculations that I had made a loss, and arranged a refund forthwith. Never did get the accountant's fee refunded.

Self Employed - pda
Well, that's interesting, thanks.
Now, for my next question:)

I need a cheap, basic projector just for running PowerPoint presentations, and a screen that has to be portable.
It really does need to be uncomplicated because I'm not technical with gadgets at all.

What specs should I be looking for and what sort of price please.:)

Self Employed - NorfolkDriver

What size audience/room will you be presenting in?

Have you thought of using a TV as your display monitor?

If you have the TV, all you need is a cable to link laptop to TV. Cost is about a tenner.

Self Employed - pda
Maximum 15 people but the room size will vary.
It needs to be very portable to use in other firms premises and meeting rooms as well.
No Sky Reception - drbe
I normally watch TV via a built-in Freeview tuner on mt TV set. I also have a Sky box and dish. My TV uses the Sky dish as its aerial (I think).

I have recently tried to use my Sky box, but it doesn't appear to be working. The telephone line had become disconnected, but has now been reconnected. I get the EPG, but no programmes. The maessage on the screen is:-

For your information 30
There is a technical fault with this channel. please try later.

This message is the same regardless of the channel chosen.

Any advice please?
No Sky Reception - Falkirk Bairn
You need some sort Sky Card coded to your receiver = Sky Freeesat card offers free viewing of certain channels - undoubtedly Sky will charge for the card.
No Sky Reception - drbe
Fingers crossed - I think I may have cracked it.

I consulted Google and received this advice.:-

With the Sky box on standby, unplug from the mains, wait one minute; then with the 'back up' button on the box (not the remote) held down, turn the mains supply on. Continue to hold the back up button for a further minute, release the button and turn the box on. It should all work and it did!
No Sky Reception - PhilDS
As you hadn't used your box for some time, the software had become out of date. The process you followed basically tells the box to pull down the latest software version hence why it worked.
Do you have a Sky card in it and do you get Channel 5? You can use a box without a card but channel choice will be limited. You can request a Freesat card from Sky (not the same as Freesat from Freeview). When I got mine it was just a one off fee of £20.

No Sky Reception - Stuartli
>>My TV uses the Sky dish as its aerial (I think).>>

Your integrated (Freeview) TV can't use the Sky dish as an aerial - Freeview is Digital Terrestial Broadcasting (i.e. through a TV aerial) and Sky is satellite.

However, you could buy a £50 or so Freesat set top box (or somewhat more for the High Definition equivalent) as a one-off payment to receive free to air Freesat satellite transmissions from the BBC/ITV service using the Sky dish (Freesat uses the same satellite). A Humax STB of either type, or even one of its PVRs, is the ideal product.



for full information on Freesat.

Humax products:


and its offers outlet, including Manager's Specials:


Sky free to air channels:


More info:


Edited by Stuartli on 08/10/2009 at 10:53

No Sky Reception - Stuartli
General idea of Freesat products and prices:

No Sky Reception - drbe
Thank you Stuartli for your customary detailed response.

I am considering going down the Freesat HD route, so may well be doing that sometime in the future.
Rain Keeps Falling From My Sky?? - Robbie
Following on from 316, your dish is probably out of alignment.

Do you live in the north of England or Scotland? If either is the case you probably need the bigger Sky dish.

Heavy rain, snow, or rain clouds will attenuate the satellite signal. The answer is to properly align your satellite dish or get a larger dish.
CCJ against dead relative - David Horn
Hi all,

My grandmother received a letter from a solicitor yesterday informing of a CCJ taken out against her late husband by Tiscali. This is the first indication we had of a debt with them.

While she did have internet at her old house, it was through Pipex and in her name.

My grandad has been dead for over two years now and Probate has been complete for over a year.

My intention is to write back to the solicitor with a copy of the death certificate and ask them to stop harassing us. Any other suggestions?


CCJ against dead relative - maz64
If this is the first you've heard from them, is it worth just ringing them first? Perhaps they aren't aware of the situation.
CCJ against dead relative - Falkirk Bairn
I'd write, enclose a copy of the death certificate and tell them the matter is closed. Send by recorded delivery.

In the event of any further phone/mail etc contact you would consider this as harassment and would seek legal advice.

Many companies, phone cos, mail order etc, with old debt have sold it off to "debt collectors" @ discounts of 90%+ on the face value. Hence "reputed debts" going back years surface from time to time and the new owner of the debt often has little paperwork to back up the demands.

CCJ against dead relative - cheddar
Ring first, could be mistaken identity.
CCJ against dead relative - Chas{P}
Pipex was bought by Tiscali in Sept 2007.

CCJ against dead relative - Stuartli
>>Pipex was bought by Tiscali in Sept 2007.>>

Both are now under the Carphone Warehouse umbrella.
CCJ against dead relative - Bromptonaut
You might also want to find out which court and enquire of the staff about getting the judgment set aside.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 08/10/2009 at 23:40

What phone should I choose? - Happy Blue!
My wife and I are both due upgrades to our different mobile phones. However we are happy with our existing phones, so intend to upgrade to identical phones, get them unlocked (from T-Mobile) and take them to our overseas flat to replace our overseas PAYG phones which are getting old.

So the question is simple. We want relatively basic phones which are hardwearing and do the following - call, text, bluetooth and preferably with a charger socket which is 'standard' (I wonder if a mini USB as used by Blackberry would be available?).

I have looked at the T-M website, but there do not appear to be basic phones anymore. Any suggestions?

I could of course buy two phones, but that defeats the purposes as the upgrades will be free....

What phone should I choose? - Pugugly
Motorola Razers had the mini-USB - I was always impressed by mine. Unlike most other brands (including N series Nokias) they don't fall to bits after 12 months.
What phone should I choose? - Happy Blue!
That's useful to know. Are all Motorola's miniUSB charged?
What phone should I choose? - Pugugly
Not sure - mine was - welcome to have it if you want. It needs a new battery.
What phone should I choose? - rtj70
Newer phones are moving to mini USB for charging - in fact they have to soon due to an EU directive I think.
What phone should I choose? - SpamCan61 {P}
Newer phones are moving to mini USB for charging - in fact they have to
soon due to an EU directive I think.

I'm not sure it;s actually a directive but to all intents and purposes that's the case, although it's micro not mini that's being 'standardised' :-

What phone should I choose? - Dynamic Dave
Unlike most other brands (including N series Nokias) they don't fall to bits after 12 months.

My N70 is approx 3½ years old now. The only thing not original is the battery as it was part of the so called batch that could catch fire, so Nokia kindly sent me a free replacement, and a month later they sent me another one as well.
What phone should I choose? - Pugugly
Maybe now I've retired I can stop chucking my phone about - Three Blackberries since February - not encouraging.
What phone should I choose? - Alby Back
BBs do seem fragile. My old one "lost" the letter T from its keyboard. Kept it for a while but it became difficult to confirm the daes, imes and locaions of appoinmens and oher meeings.

New one seems OK so far.

Edited by Humph Backbridge on 08/10/2009 at 20:20

What phone should I choose? - cheddar
He he!
What phone should I choose? - Pugugly
Funnily enough Humph it was the letter T that broke on my Bold a week after I had it and inbetween Mrs P dying and the funeral which made it a nightmare, I had to revert to my N73...
What phone should I choose? - Alby Back
Hmmm. They swore I had got it wet and that's why it wasn't working. I knew I hadn't but......

Wonder if the "T" problem is known?
What phone should I choose? - SpamCan61 {P}
Hmmm. They swore I had got it wet and that's why it wasn't working. I
knew I hadn't but......

If you check inside most phones ( under or near the battery for example) you'll see one or more little sticky white labels on the PCB - about 3mm by 2 mm - if these have turned red then they've been immersed in water. That's the usual check a shop will use.

Edited by SpamCan61 {P} on 09/10/2009 at 09:33

What phone should I choose? - cheddar
PU, sorry to hear you have suffered a bereavement, perhaps I missed that in my absence from the site ... ... just searched and found your post, I am so sorry ... ... ...
What phone should I choose? - Nsar
This threading business is getting beyond a joke now. I posted a humourous reply to a posting above and it has appeared (here) under a posting which, had I left it, would have made it seem crass, so I have edited it completely.

I've not known this happen on IHAQ threads which normally have been immune to the random threading gremlin.

Sort it out chaps.

Edited by Nsar on 09/10/2009 at 00:01

What phone should I choose? - rtj70
It is working as it always has. How the tree structure of the forum gets collapsed into a flat representation depends on what has been posted, when etc. Nothing to fix.

It probably does not happen so much in IHAQ because most replies are to the last post. It's when a newer reply is made to an older post higher in the thread that this happens. And when there are multiple replies to one post with lots of follow up ones to one of them.

This is how the forum works and always has done.

Edited by rtj70 on 09/10/2009 at 00:19

What phone should I choose? - jbif
This is how the forum works and always has done. >>

in reply to rtj:

I agree entirely. I find it baffling that so many backroomers who are quite obviously of a high intellect yet find the threaded/flat tree structure of the forum difficult to follow.

One solution is obviously to quote part of the post you are replying to, and further to avoid doubt as to who you are replying to, preface it as recommended by the Webmaster (or is it by HJ himself ?):
"Replying to posts and quoting posts
Sometimes it is helpful to give an indication of who you are replying to. However, this doesn?t mean you need to copy and paste the entire post into yours. Simply write "in response to xxxx's post" or take a couple of seconds to snip and summarise the post in which you're replying to; leaving only the relevant text.

As we're on the subject of quoting replies, there are one or two people who quote the original message AFTER their reply, rather than BEFORE their reply - (which is called "top posting" in cyberland). Books aren't meant to be read back to front, so please don't make readers of this forum read things back to front either.

Edited by jbif on 09/10/2009 at 00:50

What phone should I choose? - Nsar
That's odd because I posted at 22.56. There isn't another posting in this thread even close to that time.

This posting was in reply to RT's not jbif's and yet it has appeared below jbif's!

I don't think anyone's seriously losing sleep over this, but it is annoying and makes some threads seem disjointed and had I not edited my posting above it would have appeared very crass adjacent to the posting above it.

Edited by Nsar on 10/10/2009 at 00:02

What phone should I choose? - rtj70
jbif and you replied to my post. His was yesterday. Therefore in time order his is above yours. Both are replies to the thread and appear where they should. You have tried clicking to see the threaded view haven't you? All should be clearer if you viewed this threaded now.
What phone should I choose? - Nsar
>>You have tried clicking to see the threaded view haven't you?<<
I'd respectfully suggest that if the solution to having a logical flow of postings ie the reply appears under the posting being replied to, that should be the default, not one that users have to opt to use.
What phone should I choose? - ifithelps
... don't think anyone's seriously losing sleep over this, but it is annoying....

Agreed, and the random nature makes it even more so.

To me, if I click 'reply to this message' then that's where the message should go, without fail.

Sometimes it does, sometimes it goes a couple down the thread, and sometimes it goes at the end.

A classic example of WYSIWYDG - what you see is what you don't get.

I'm grateful to the mods and others for trying to explain about trees, branches, flat and threaded view.

But there should be a simple method of plonking a new post where you want it, yet there isn't.

What phone should I choose? - rtj70
If there is more than one reply to a message - how can they all end up just under the post!?!?!? Only one can directly follow the post can't it. And the list of replies is then shown in time/date order. Simple really.

What amounts to the "random" position is when you reply to a message and there is a long thread of replies to another reply. Due to yours being later than the other one then it appears lower down - and it is not random.

Focus' description explains how it works.
What phone should I choose? - Nsar
>>how can they all end up just under the post!?!?!?<<

One post, two replies. The latter one goes under the original posting on the basis that this is new information.

Or you could change the text to read "reply to this message (sort of, but you might have to ferret about a bit to connect what you're reading to the author's true meaning" :)
What phone should I choose? - rtj70
But if someone has replied to the first reply... and then to the reply to the reply etc. The second post has to be lower down.

The simple way around this is to quote part of the message you are replying to. This ensure the context is understood.

How the forum works is not going to change. A lot of others are simply flat with all replies going to the end.
What phone should I choose? - Nsar
>>The second post has to be lower down.<< The logical solution then would be for two replies to a posting to be placed in time order under the original posting.

That simply doesn't happen.

>>How the forum works is not going to change<< It is the right of the owner of this site to adopt this policy. It is a shame though that a forum which rubs along pretty well because of a genial, collaborative spirit engendered by the owner, the mods AND the users in equal measure feels unable to aknowledge even minor frustrations amongst its users.

What phone should I choose? - rtj70
I agree it can be frustrating nsar. But this is how it works.

The way the forum works does let us have threads like IHAQ though - a flat forum would not.
What phone should I choose? - Nsar
OK....I give in, I'll come quietly :)

What phone should I choose? - ifithelps
...How the forum works is not going to change...I agree it can be frustrating nsar. But this is how it works...

Which is a polite way of saying: ''If you don't like it, lump it.''

At least we all know where we stand, even if none us really know where our posts are going. :)
What phone should I choose? - maz64
even if none us really know where our posts are going. :)

Speak for yourself! :-)
What phone should I choose? - ifithelps
even if none us really know where our posts are going. :)

Speak for yourself! :-)

Ah, fair point, I should have excluded you tree fellers, or however many of you there are, who understand how this works.

I see jbif's now brought nests into the equation, so we've now got trees, branches and nests.

All we need is a couple of overhead power lines and we'll have a full forest.
What phone should I choose? - maz64
Ah fair point I should have excluded you tree fellers or however many of you
there are who understand how this works.

To be honest I'm hardly ever bothered where the post appears because I just quote a bit of what I'm replying to.
What phone should I choose? - jbif
At least we all know where we stand, even if none us really know where our posts are going. :) >>

At least I know where I stand, even if some of the threaded-view challenged backroomers cannot work out why their posts are going where they are correctly going!

What phone should I choose? - Nsar
I take pleasure in noting that jbif replied at 12.29 to a posting at 12.28, yet his reply appears below one posted at 12.33!

What phone should I choose? - old crocks
It's all clear to me. Look at the threaded view. The 12.29 is a reply to the 12.14 not the 12.28 !
What phone should I choose? - rtj70
So this should be above my last post below at 14:07/14:08.

And the mods have no say in how the forum works - that's down to Khoo Systems who developed the software.
What phone should I choose? - rtj70
Because the structure behind the postings is not flat - it's hierarchical. I give in explaining this. The flat view is a flattened representation of the threaded view....
What phone should I choose? - jbif
It is the right of the owner of this site to adopt this policy. It is a shame though that a forum which rubs along pretty well because of a genial, collaborative spirit engendered by the owner, the mods AND the users in equal measure feels unable to aknowledge even minor frustrations amongst its users. >>

I find the threaded view shows the placing of replies clearly enough, and I can see that the flat view can be confusing, and it is bound to so in a flat view.
Some boards do allow a "nested" view to be obvious in the manner that I think Nsar and others are asking for, e.g. see
If you look at comment no. 3 there by Harveyeight [October 7th, 2009 @ 7:13 pm], you can see nested boxes separating out the various responses, and responses to the responses to that comment.

That sort of presentation would be "nice to have", but I expect the cost of changing the format may be prohibitive for the benefit to be gained.

What phone should I choose? - rtj70
I thought it was mini USB as it is so prevalent now, i.e. the same cable would charge my TomTom, phone, etc. I am pretty sure the new Nokia N97 Mini has a mini USB connector for sync and charge.

Anyway, had a look at the T-Mobile website and there's not a lot of choice is there for a basic phone. Maybe you can get some credit instead?

A way of getting cheap mobiles that are already unlocked is Carphone Warehouse (not 3G phones) as they only carry phones that can be used on all networks (so unlocked). You do have to buy a PAYG SIM though.
What phone should I choose? - Dynamic Dave
It's probably survived for so long as it's almost always in a £2.99 leather case.
What phone should I choose? - Pugugly
Blackberry now lives in an Otterbox case - looks awful but is pretty robust.
What phone should I choose? - PhilDS
If you are taking the phones abroad and using a sim card from that country then I do not believe you need to get your phones unlocked. It's worth checking on a mobile phone forum.

The alternative could be to buy a very cheap PAYG phone and take that abroad e.g. Carphone have a Nokia 1112 - which is very basic - for £4.95!
What phone should I choose? - Rattle
I have the N85 and that uses a mini USB charger :)
What phone should I choose? - rtj70
But I think the poster is right and they are moving to micro USB.... :-( I have so many Mini USB cables and quite a few devices that use these.
What phone should I choose? - Rattle
Actually thinking about it I am not sure if its micro or mini USB. Its not the same as the mini USB you get on a digital camera, its probably a micro USB one. Seen it on other things too so I am sure its not a Nokia standard.
What phone should I choose? - Pugugly
The Motorola I had has the same charger socket as my current Blackberry
What phone should I choose? - rtj70
If you cannot plug in the USB cable for a camera or scanner or ... its micro USB then ;-)
What phone should I choose? - Rattle
Just checked the Nokia specs and it is the Microusb one :). I never seen the printer cables as mini USB before, always known as USB A and USB B.

I think this charging idea is great though it will make the entire thing standard and hopefully much easier to charge phones when in public. I got caught out in London when I had left my sat nav at home, ended up using my phone as a sat nav which drained the battery.
What phone should I choose? - rtj70
I never seen the printer cables as mini USB before, always known as USB A and USB B.

Who mentioned printers? I said scanner I think. My Canon scanner uses mini USB for data and power.

Back to the question asked about phones....
What phone should I choose? - SpamCan61 {P}
I assume Micro rather than Mini was chosen due to the smaller size placing less constraints on phone stlying, in the same way as some (most?) Nokias have the smaller co-ax charging socket these days. Certainly I've got far more USB A to Mini leads knocking around at home than Micro.
What phone should I choose? - Manatee
It would help if people replied to the right post, instead of just tacking things on to the bottom of a thread every time.

At least we don't have the problem I have on another forum, where we get email notice of replies. The email usually goes to the wrong person.
Cats detest? - bintang
What odour, not offensive to humans and in a form that will not stain carpets? I want to stop cat claw damage. I was told TCP solution but it only works for a short while. Animal repellent is quite useless and electronic devices are excruciating to some human ears.
Cats detest? - bathtub tom
I want to stop cat claw damage

Where, to what and indoors or out?
Cats detest? - FotheringtonThomas
Hm, outdoor carpets! Perhaps shooing the thing away , providing an alternative, covering the carpet for a while, superglue, shot-gun.
Cats detest? - Stuartli
Why not provide a claw sharpening piece of wood or similar in the house for the cat and encourage it to use it?

Cats are easily trained (all the ones I've had over the years, for instance, have come when whistled as well as recognising their name) and are creatures of routine by nature, so would soon adapt to a scratching post.
Cats detest? - pda
From a well trained cat lover ( the cats not me!).

Provide a cat scratching post with toys on
first, then get an empty washing up liquid bottle, well washed out and fill it with water.
Now, every time the cat looks like scratching the carpet squirt it and soak it as much as possible. Cats hate getting wet and if they associate that with a certain behaviour it will stop doing it.
At least when you're looking!
BTW, you do know that dogs have masters and cats have slaves, don't you?

Cats detest? - bintang
The cat in question prefers the hall carpet to his scratching post. It his way off asking to open a door. I will try squritng him, thanks.
Cats detest? - TheOilBurner
Advice on scratching posts: get the biggest one you can find.

I tried my two cats on multiple scratching posts (as you normally see on sale) with no luck. Until one day I found this huge one. With the carpets getting mauled daily, I decided to give it a go.

The base is 20"x20", the post itself is 27" tall and 10" in diameter. Yes, it's a biggie!

Both my cats really love it. I believe they like this one because the large base and thick post makes it very stable. Stable scratch posts are well loved scratch posts, from what I've seen.

I believe they hate smaller posts with small bases because they feel like it'll tip on them once they really start digging in.

We don't really have room for such a large scratch post, but it's so good it has to stay! My feline overlords insist on it...
Cats detest? - TheOilBurner
Oh yes, and also ensure that the scratching post is somewhere prominent. As you might expect with cats, they don't show any interest if you tuck it away somewhere convenient for you...

As I type, one of my two is now savaging the post with something of a frenzy!
Cats detest? - Stuartli
>>..get the biggest one you can find.>>

I built one myself and saved around £35 to £40 at least on a shop version. Very simple to do.

Such a post is important in the early days as cats shouldn't be let out until at least three months old.

Mind you my last two cats (both sadly killed on the roads) very soon scaled the neighbour's giant Leylandii trees, make their way from one tree to another and then across and around the top most areas of our conifers at the bottom of the garden.
Cats detest? - TheOilBurner
Are you sure you didn't buy a pair of large squirrels by mistake? ;)
Cats detest? - Altea Ego
Are you sure you didn't buy a pair of large squirrels by mistake? ;)

both are vermin
Cats detest? - Stuartli
Are you sure you didn't buy a pair of large squirrels by mistake? ;)>>

In fact they were acquired individually just over two years apart - sadly the first was killed at 22 months and the second at eight months.

It was remarkable to observe each learning about the world from around eight weeks old onwards; the similarity in the way they developed during their early months, including the tree climbing, was fascinating.
Cats detest? - SpamCan61 {P}
It was remarkable to observe each learning about the world from around eight weeks old
onwards; the similarity in the way they developed during their early months including the tree
climbing was fascinating.

Yes, interesting creatures cats, our late lamented Devon Rex had a very well developed hunting instinct, despite the fact his antecedants for at least two generations were never allowed out of the house.
Cats detest? - FotheringtonThomas
You could try fitting it with little woolly bootees, blue perhaps.
Cats detest? - rtj70
Our cat sometimes gets ready to scratch wallpaper and then looks in your direction. She seems to be saying "I'll really do this if you don't do what I want"! Often she wants food.

We certainly feel subservient to our cat at times!
Cats detest? - bathtub tom
We found proprietary repellent worked fine on carpets and soft furnishings, as long as it's regularly refreshed.
Kindle or Sony electronic book readers ? - Pugugly
Anyone used either of the above - if so what are your experiences, what is the availability of books for them in the uK ?

Edited by Pugugly on 09/10/2009 at 19:17

Kindle or Sony electronic book readers ? - Stuartli
By one of those coincidences, the Daily Mail has a review of some today, including the two you mention:


Edited by Stuartli on 09/10/2009 at 19:22

Kindle or Sony electronic book readers ? - rtj70
PU, the Kindle comes out in the UK (via Amazon.com not Amazon.co.uk) in a few weeks. So you cannot use them in the UK yet. It seems they have sorted the availability of the Amazon "Whispernet" network for updating/downloading although magazines and newspapers will not be available in the UK.

In the USA, there is a Kindle application for the iPhone/iPod touch - wonder if that will be available here later this month.
Kindle or Sony electronic book readers ? - Altea Ego
I hate EBRs with a passion. None of them approach the ease of use (review, skip back, skip forward, bookmark, instant "on") as a bound book A book does not need recharging either,

EBRs should be banned. The could cause the death of your local library, and bookshops.

(however they are good for reading in bed at night with the wife asleep next to you)
Kindle or Sony electronic book readers ? - rtj70
My wife works in a library so we do not want the demise of that.... it's more computers and other things these days too.

Soon our local library will only issue books via self service using RFID tags on books!

I'm not sure I like the idea of using an e-Book reader and the international Kindle is about $279! Although you don't have to pay for the 3G connection.

Currently trying to read a book before it goes back to the library on request. And it's the sort of book type I am not so keen on - hardback. Paperback is easier to read in bed :-)